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The grim future awaiting our boys : Comments
By Peter West, published 31/10/2017Do a search on 'boys' education' and look at the astounding number of articles determined not to help boys to learn.
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The future for everyone is grim, not just for boys. It is all part of the decline of the West, which some people living today will see first hand.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 8:45:57 AM
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Peter you gave the answer yourself, with out even noticing, when you wrote, " When I taught in South Coast schools, many a kid sneered at teachers, saying "I'm going to get twice what you get when I join the steelworks"." This is the story of our loss of industry.
As in the UK before us, with union activity, wages for low/unskilled workers were continually forced up in car & other heavy manufacturing to unstainable levels. Car making became a loss industry in Oz, without huge subsidies from the taxpayer. Years ago a bloke I knew, working at the New Castle steel mills was complaining of boredom. He only actually got to do any real work, as distinct from watching work, about once a week, such was the overmanning, with those overpaid workers. We know what happened to that steel mill. Another mate, in 1973 told me he had just lost his job. Not that day, but within a few years. He was a radio operator on coastal shipping, & the day the one when unions won the 6 months on 6 months off award conditions. He knew then that no company would replace ships as they wore out. The business of shipping had just become unviable on the Australian coast. It is our own bullet in our foot, & our working men have got just what they worked for so hard, but could not see coming. Of course they have been very thoroughly assisted by woman's libbers, who now might just be starting to see what they have done to themselves with their anti men programs. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 10:05:49 AM
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Testosterone levels in the male of our species, is reducing at one percent PA. IE; twenty percent in the past twenty years.
One theory is obesity. Boys are turning into girls, while they stuff their fat faces with hamburgers, and increasingly hide normal male traits behind Mummy. No job means no money, which puts boys in a negatively protected home environment, longer than in the past. The increasing acceptance of homosexuality, projected as alternate life choice, through the education “process”, ensures femininity trends, and a rise in effeminate males in society. If you wish to save your male offspring, kick them out of the house at fifteen, to fend for themselves! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 12:10:55 PM
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Seems like a well written essay to me and it does not necessarily blame anyone or political party for the situation described.
Re the demise of the car industry wasnt this the result of decisions made by the champions of unlimited "free" enterprise and competition, namely Abbott and Hockey et al. And aren't they the champions of "opening up" every aspect of Australia industry to the "discipline" of unlimited world-wide market competition - wasnt this the intention of the now defunct Trans Pacific "Partnership" Agreement, which would have given overseas business interests more legal "rights" and powers than local businesses and especially Australia governments and both the federal, state and local government levels. And aren't they the champions of casualizing the entire work force too. And aren't they the principal drivers of the forces that have demeaned both public schools and the now very difficult (and increasingly so) efforts of teachers in public schools in their attempts to educate their students. Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 12:22:10 PM
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It's not just boys facing a future on the scrapheap of a post industrial life, but significant number of women as well, as automation replaces all sorts of occupations.
But back to boys and meat pies, football and Holden cars? The new words are, wind, solar, hydro power and golden coal And repeat until the cows come home! None of which seems capable of supporting heavy industry any time soon or affordable! There is however a solution and a renaissance of heavy industry, even if heavily automated? And that is with safe, clean and very affordable, peaceful purpose only, nuclear power! And here I'm talking about successfully trialled, walk away safe, molten salt thorium nuclear energy! Taswegian is likely to join this debate with his preference for a light water reactor? Even though such monstrosities are monstrously expensive, need a huge 9 inch thick single piece containment vessel, free of weld seams. And an equally expensive building designed exclusively to contain the nuclear contamination to that site if and or when the containment vessel ruptures, allowing all manner of pernicious problems to present! Moreover, thorium is around three or four times more abundant than uranium, needs no enrichment and is fertile not fissile and therefore cannot be compressed to create a thermonuclear explosion! A 350 MW Light water reactor need 2251 tons of fuel as rare and expensive as platinum for the life of the plant. Furthermore, such fuel must first undergo expensive enrichment and fabrication. And needs to be moved every eighteen months. Then replaced every four and a half years. Conversely a walk away safe molten salt thorium reactor. like say the molten salt 350 MW FUJI would burn just a single ton of vastly less expensive fuel for its entire operational life! T.B.C. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 31 October 2017 1:05:09 PM
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Professor Hargreaves is on the public record saying that the price for thorium produced energy is 1.98 cents P.K.H, as the median! Quote unquote.
Imagine what industries we could resuscitate even now, with energy so cheap and could even be made much much cheaper! If we built them as waste burners, very safely burning other folks nuclear waste and being paid annual billions for providing such service? All while becoming the world's leading producer of alpha particle Bismuth 213? And reaping the whirlwind of a vastly expanded medical tourist trade? Plus exponentially expanding economic opportunities! Steel/aluminium smelting/car manufacture etc/etc? One ton of abundant thorium fuel for an entire operational life, means 200 times more energy than an equivalent uranium burning light water reactor, and 2,000 thousand times less waste! TWO THOUSAND TIMES LESS! Which as alluded to previously, eminently suitable as long life space batteries! What was that about a new aeronautic industry? More Jaw flapping, by the coal fired, jaw flappers? Finally, I simply cannot overemphasise, the inherent safety of walk away, built in passive safety of molten salt, nuclear technology! The time for talk/prevarication is over, least we are not only beaten to the punch, but knocked silly and out cold on our collective ass? By Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil and many others even much smaller and significantly less well resourced, nations than we!? Hard to believe what disbelief as ingrained culture, is capable of achieving, isn't it? e.g. a 6,000 year old flat earth in the centre of a universe that revolved around us? Today, has morphed into a coal fired and coal dependant economy regardless, come what may!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 31 October 2017 1:43:03 PM
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Of course we can be confident that State and national governments understand all these problems and are making decisions in the best interests of our population.
Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 3:17:57 PM
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the hatred for fathers has been increasing for decades. Just look at the family court decisions. Femisism/marxism is one sick disease. Problem is the dumbed down elites are to blind to see it. Kind of like the blindness shown to the numerous white farmers murdered by blacks in South Africa.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 3:50:50 PM
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Hard to get much out of ABC TV these days except attention for the usual tragic cases. Males don't rate a mention except as problems
Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 31 October 2017 6:19:52 PM
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As usual the professional victims posting here, who believe that it's all about them! Miss the most important point! Simply because, deleted expletives of the first water, don't wan't or are entirely incapable of having an intelligent debate! But hit the automatic abuse botton as their CONDITIONED response!
And don't process single scaric of a grain of understanding, what the real problem is! i.e,It's the economy stupid! But like all circular thinkers are trapped inside a very limited circle of ideas or issues that dominate their thinking! Father hate is risible nonsense, unless the bar steward is an out and out bar steward! Completely incapable of empathising with other more normal human beings! And as always, are incapable of seeing their faults, the real cause of most of their relationship problems! And are incapable or unwilling to moderate their blame anyone else behaviour! And because there's a flow of addictive hormones each time they lose it! They can lose it at the drop of a hat on the flimsiest of risible reasons! However, if we do want a future for our boys and our girls? And the only real issue worth debating! Then we need to understand, that future relies absolutely and exclusively on truly affordable energy! End of story! And none of the current choices are not only just not viable! Nor even close to the ball park, but down the highway in the next suburb! And then only because grimly determined leaders, like the resident Scientologists, have the tin ears plugged with sealing wax and ear plugs, surely!? Other wise we'd already have, walk way safe, molten salt thorium based energy! And energy actually cheap enough, to give our kids, boys and girls a fair dinkum future, with some genuine prospects! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 1 November 2017 9:44:27 AM
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There have been stories obtained by Freedom of Information that show that governments are cutting back TAFE funding, even in the midst of a boom in construction.
Are we going to get our skilled labour from Nepal? or China? India? Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 12:28:56 PM
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No Daffy, they simply pulled the plug on another $300 million subsidy wanted by the car companies to keep the doors open. This equated to another $100,000 PA per employ, & was just too much to justify, when unemployment benefits were about $18,000 a year.
The rest of Oz had become a bit sick of seeing hundreds of millions bleed from us to keep a few South Australians, & Victorians over paid by a factor of 3. As with the UK car industry before us, & with the help of some UK union leaders who migrated here, our unions destroyed their own industries. When you add the ratbag greens, we are still at it. With the longest coastline, & the largest fishing zone in the world, stupid regulations make us a seafood importer. With all we have left to offer being a little agriculture & mining, unions & Greens are working assiduously to destroy them too. It won't be a surprise to many of us, when we no longer have the foreign exchange to pay for the imports we no longer produce here. At least it will be a new industry for the bush aboriginals, teaching idiot whites how to strip the bark of a gum tree to make a bark humpy. Well it will be if the greenies will let us have such luxuries. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 12:30:23 PM
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A little mandatory national service will take Australia a long way....and I don't mean a lottery for opportunistic wars.... and those that don't do national service can't go into politics.
Posted by ilmessaggio, Wednesday, 1 November 2017 7:27:02 PM
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Let's face it WE stuffed it up. WE allowed the unions to keep pushing for more pay, slowly making us too expensive to export. We have allowed and facilitated our own demise. As long as we hold to the 'she'll be right mate' attitude we will not turn this around. I am one who 'lived to work', not 'worked to live'. Well, how ya livin now? People are like children. At voting time they all flock to the mongrels who make promises they never intended to keep. How stupid, naive, greedy and selfish are Australians? There are NO work ethics. I would like people to learn reason and common sense. If we did this from the start we might be more like Germany and Japan. After all this is 'the lucky country' isn't it? Still feeling lucky? This country has to go through some 'real' pain before it can become viable again. Firstly house prices have to fall between 30 and 50%. Wages also have to do the same. ALL commodities, energy, water etc; also cut, and should go back into public ownership. Some women, such as mothers of young children, vacate their jobs allowing for men with families to find full time employment. The world will not implode if a few 'carrier seeking' women stopped work. In fact I've had it up to here and back again with women being elevated to and beyond stations they should not be, all because of some guilt trip promoted by women. Well enough. If your not equal or better than a male candidate then 'on ya bike'. Another of our stupid practices is the politically correct crap of 'we don't have enough women in the workplace, compared to men'. How stupid and nonsensical is that. The only things we export now are things with no value added, (with no labour content) like, minerals, (just dig it up and ship it out), gas, live animal trade and basically things with minimal or no labour involved. In conclusion. 'Grow up Australia' you've lost the plot and refuse to admit you are wrong.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 November 2017 5:47:38 AM
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News today: Thousands of jobs lost in NAB bank. While they announce a fat profit. There go more jobs for men and women!
Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 2 November 2017 11:21:24 AM
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When equality comes at no cost, respect is non existent
With no respect there is no order and with no order you have social anarchy with indolence as it's cornerstone. Australia's only hope is that the cultures residing within are able to maintain their residual family and social respect and are able to convey the necessity for it's ongoing presence and practice. That's the theoretical...the reality is that things will get worse. Amusement was once seen as a it's considered mandatory with work being seen as punishment for the inability to choose otherwise Posted by ilmessaggio, Thursday, 2 November 2017 11:32:06 AM
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Adani mine may be financed by the Chinese, with proviso- the jobs will go to Chinese.
We may as well call ourselves South China these days Posted by Waverley, Friday, 3 November 2017 11:39:13 AM
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I am of two minds about China buying and staffing the Adani mine. The negative is obvious, but look a little deeper. If China does not establish it's own support infrastructure then we are still in with a chance, as they will need many forms of assistance and supply chains to keep a mine operating. It's a thought. It's not something Aussies want to face or discuss, but over the next few years we are going to watch our economy drop to levels not seen for decades. This is the beginning of the Asian era. We will come down a few notches and Asia will climb up a few. It is the process which will see Asia rise to first World status and we by comparison will slide somewhat. I have over the years tried to explain how the labour party (AKA the communists) have tried to sabotage Australia, especially obvious during the war, when the 'wharfies' held our supply ships from getting to our soldiers. How many of your relatives died because of these scumbags? I have argued that the labour members should all be stoned or shot for causing the death of our forefathers. And yet the brainless morons, (the people) still vote for them. Look it up. Remember you did this.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 November 2017 5:06:44 PM
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Well I hope you are all learning to speak Mandarin. You and your kids will need it.
We now have 7 Chinese airlines bringing visitors and investors to Australia. Australians will have no hope. Let's see what human rights the Chinese arrivals will allow to survive. Posted by Waverley, Saturday, 4 November 2017 8:43:32 AM
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As men will need parasites like females not much longer (except by the hour) it will be real fun listening to the squeals. Artificial wombs mean avoiding all of the hysteria of the estrogen mafia.
Posted by McCackie, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 5:02:31 PM
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Some women are nice, I think...........................A bit harsh to condemn the whole race of them?
Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 7:06:19 PM
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McCackie, I might not totally get what you are aiming for but I applaud your intent. My bitch is that for quite some years the women movement has been a bad distraction for the human race. I do not subscribe to a culture where the dominant species is promoted as an equal to the opposite (or lesser) gender. The 'soft cocks' of the world have destroyed or allowed the destruction of the societal structure which has stood since creation. In every other form of animal interaction the male is the alpha species and that is the way it is. It is pathetic for society to have allowed some pushy, big mouth, arrogant maggots to have forced these changes against all that is natural. May I remind, we are animals too. Human animals!
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 7:27:02 PM
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//In every other form of animal interaction the male is the alpha species and that is the way it is.//
Not quite, Captain Misogyny. Sexual dimorphism goes the other way in a lot of species... it just depends on what's selectively advantageous. You should look up anglerfish reproduction some time. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 7:38:45 PM
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Tony, where are you from? If I wanted a biology lesson I would have looked it up myself. My point is very clear, the male is the dominant or the alpha of our species. The End. If you disagree with this then; If you are a male, I have already categorised you. If you are a female, I don't care. Weak men have allowed this to happen. What grim future awaits our boys if the 'soft cocks' have given away their positions in life, such as jobs. When next I come across a sexually demorphed person I will consider your comments, until then, your comments are moot. BTW, my title is Captain Correct. Not politically correct.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 7 November 2017 11:35:52 PM
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I thought this article was about the economic future for Aussie males- or lack of it!
WTF as the kids say... Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 9 November 2017 11:51:36 AM
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Waverley, it is. We are discussing the various reasons why we believe there is a grim future awaiting our boys. We know there are many reasons for this but, to keep it simple and pick on the obvious things that affect jobs of the future, we choose topics that are here and now. I have given my thoughts on the topic and if anyone cared our boys would not have a problem when they eventually apply for a job in the future.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 9 November 2017 4:21:09 PM