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Terrorism: asking the awkward question : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 21/6/2017Perhaps we should ask a higher order question? 'Why do they hate us?'
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 9:15:00 AM
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IMO the correct answers to life's problems come from asking the correct question.
IE: precedence says, since the west finally admitted defeat in the Vietnam war, and outcomes improved remarkably for all parties involved following the defeat, why not repeat the success story in the ME? Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:08:56 AM
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you are right ttbn.To fail to mention Mohammed or the Koran shows this Dr really has no clue. It appears his ignorance towards Amercia also suites his failed narrative. Of course America has been a special nation just like Israel. Of course like most of the West regressives have slowly turned the once great nation into a sodom and gomorrah. And of course the early settlers of America sought God's blessing and got it. The weak willed immoral regressives sought sexual perversion and immorality and are now reaping the fruit.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:30:58 AM
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They have explicitly told us why they hate us and why they fight us: Page 31: "We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices. It is for this reason that we were commanded to openly declare our hatred for you and our enmity towards you." The kind of apologetic this article engages in is just making the problem worse. It's deliberate obscurantism that suppresses non-violent means to mitigate this problem, leaving only violence and vigilantism in the future. Posted by SilverInCanberra, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:45:04 AM
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Islamic terrorism, is not Islam, but a perversion of the religion of peace, and like all such perversions, need scapegoats to focus vision away from their own inherently evil psychobabble, merely masquerading as a authentic religion!
Thus we have religion of the insane, ritualistic mass murder, mandated beheadings, satanic crucifixions, proscribed rape, with the most evil and sick, the practise of burying the living! If we thought the Nazis were inherently evil and they were, with their religious perversion dredged from antiquity and Valhala? They look like boy scouts in comparison to the intense evil now at large, selectively pursuing various communities (weak points) for special treatment, so as to further divide/weaken resolve! A truly united Christian world can never be defeated! So the first task is to scapegoat, then weaken already divided resolve! Our response needs to be, completely united quadrupled effort! Which has to start with heart and minds. When the Christian Master said turn the other cheek? He didn't advise endless repetition! Even so, things yet to be tried are a fair dinkum attack/war on poverty wherever we find it. That in so many cases is as simple as rolling out cheap affordable power, none cheaper, cleaner, than walk-away safe, molten salt, thorium power! Which ought then be coupled in part to space age desalination that puts megalitres of affordable potable water almost anywhere, including some of the harshest regions of the Sahara/Somalia/sub Saharan Africa etc/etc, as a matter of course! As we do that, end poverty and want! As we do that create lifelong friends/blood brothers who defend us and our rights, more strenuously than their own! And give absolute lie to the most absurd propaganda of the most intense evil ever to roam this planet! We seem to have little trouble finding zillions for bombs/bullets, but scratch for the few, by comparison, cents we would need to contribute, as say, a tiny Tobin's tax to just get this done! TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 June 2017 11:42:45 AM
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While we are not directly responsible for outcomes in the Islamic ruled Gaza Strip! We could if allowed by Israel do something about their horrendous situation!
Here is a tiny Islamic enclave with the eyes of the world on it! As raw putrefying sewerage pours untreated into the ocean! And something as a major source of their problems could be turned into an endless source of virtually free power for the hospitals schools and most other social amenity! We could build ready to use complete systems which they could first bury then connect. Locally invented two tank digester systems could be built here then shipped there in stock standard shipping containers, buried/installed connected to their sewerage system, then use to treat and sanitise raw sewerage. The copious methane created used to run the also buried diesel/donated ceramic fuel cell power plants. routinely bombed by a callous indifferent (copos) Israel! Some of the surplus energy could be used to power donated space age desalination, to supplement potable/sterile water supplies for use in already overcrowded hospitals and schools? [Even the intensely evil Nazis/SS storm troopers, didn't deliberately bomb hospitals?] The byproducts include, nutrient loaded sanitized recyclable water and carbon rich soil improver, all of which if intelligently used could support self sufficient food production! And as the eyes of the Islamic world, watch and take notice. And given no harm could ever ensue, why not? We could send all our foreign aid as this type of shipped as ready to install public amenity, rather than cash donations that seem to be fired back as bombs, bullets and RPGs? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him and his family for life. Quote, unquote. Is there a better way? there just has to be! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 June 2017 12:15:44 PM
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The author asks.."Why do Manchester, Paris and London get targeted by Islamist terrorists and not, say, Zurich, Oslo or Warsaw?" and then proceeds to not offer an answer.
Let me try to help. In Poland (Warsaw) the Muslim population is 0.1% of the total. And almost all of these are Tartars who've been there for many generations. There is essentially no jihadist sentiment in Poland. In Switzerland (Zurich) the Muslim population is higher at about 8% but almost all of these are from non-jihadist regions like Yugoslavia. In Norway (Oslo) the muslim population is around 5%. Although there have been no successful terror attacks as yet, this is more to do with the success (luck?) of the Norwegian counter-terror efforts than for a lack of trying. In the end, the level of jihadist terror in any particular location bears a direct relationship to numbers of Muslims with jihadist backgrounds in that location. Places like Poland, which, remember, has been up to its arm-pits in supporting the war on terror, understand that Muslim immigration results in Muslim terror and have assiduously refused to allow such immigration despite the best efforts of the EU which continues to press them to allow such immigration. Asking why they hate us is the wrong question. Asking why we allow those who hate us to live among us is more pertinent. We made a dreadful error when we started to allow and encourage Middle-eastern immigration to our shores. But we, unlike much of Europe, still have the opportunity to fix, or at least minimise, that error. We need to stop all M-E Muslim immigration now ( if not earlier ;) ) and then start the work of snuffing out all jihadist sentiments within our midst. It'll only take a generation or three to rectify the past immigration errors. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 1:49:22 PM
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The real 'religious war' of our times is between capitalism and socialism. Time and again, the West has actively recruited Islamic fundamentalists to overthrow socialist-based, secular governments in the Islamic majority countries of the ME and northern Africa. It also sided with the Islamist Bosnians to destroy Yugoslavia, the last remaining socialist nation in Europe.
The real 'religious threat' was that these countries were actively non-aligned to the Western capitalist system. The Islamic countries that have remained closely aligned to Western capitalism and have kept their populations safely out of socialism's clutches have remained unscathed by Western intervention. All this Islamic terrorism in Western countries has proved extremely helpful in keeping Western populations sufficiently terrorised and distracted to prevent any kind of socialist challenge to capitalist hegemony. Interesting that, the more Western populations are challenging rising inequality, the more the 'Islamic' terrorist attacks increase. Conspiracy theory 101. diver dan '... precedence says, since the west finally admitted defeat in the Vietnam war, and outcomes improved remarkably for all parties involved following the defeat, why not repeat the success story in the ME?' This is true. Although I have always rejected the prevailing belief that the US (west) 'lost' in Vietnam. It merely withdrew from its military involvement in Vietnam, but only after all its political objectives had been achieved. Along with the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s and the 1966 Suharto coup in Indonesia, all socialist threat had been removed from the national independence movements of SE Asia. Although Vietnam won its military war, it remained a pariah state economically until it finally succumbed to the capitalist religion in order to survive. Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 5:46:34 PM
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Well Kilarney if Islam can achieve stopping the killing of millions of unborn and prevent the grooming of kids from ' safe' schools programs its hard to argue that it is a worse ideology than socialism. Both are death cults and as bad as each other.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 5:59:09 PM
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Why do Muslims hate us.?
Is there anyone in the world they don't hate? The Western freedoms also threaten the power of the Imans, to keep control of their people. They live a pretty high life off the donations of their followers. At the recent Ramadan down south the Iman had a huge fist full of money given to him by the faithful. If their followers begin to question the power of the Muslim priests by being exposed to ideas coming through on mobile phones etc. their lucrative lifestyles will be over. It's the same reason the Jews demanded the Romans execute Jesus when they were asked to choose. Jesus threatened their power when he critised and tipped over the money tables in the church. The Muslim priests cunningly turn the hate towards the Americans to deflect dissent from their followers Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 7:33:09 PM
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Alan B
I don't see why we should spend money helping out countries that seem incapable of helping themselves. I watched starving children in Africa on Tv decades ago, and we poured tons of money into these countries in foreign aid. How come nothing has changed. Also the Palestinias,Isis and the Taliban use Hospitals and schools to fire rockets. Even the nazis respected that space and didn't use hospitals and sick people as shields Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 7:49:10 PM
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"The Muslim priests cunningly turn the hate towards the Americans to deflect dissent from their followers" Just a small point, Muslims don't have priests, in fact, they have no clergy at all. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 8:38:15 PM
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'Well Kilarney if Islam can achieve stopping the killing of millions of unborn and prevent the grooming of kids from ' safe' schools programs its hard to argue that it is a worse ideology than socialism. Both are death cults and as bad as each other.' Well ... killing of the unborn is not just a Muslim issue. Reproductive rights cross all religions and administrations, both secular and non-secular. I don't know what you mean about grooming kids from safe schools programs. I assume you mean radicalising children of Islamic immigrants to commit acts of terrorism on the populations of countries that have benevolently given them asylum after destroying their countries. Perhaps if we stopped destroying their countries, their radicalisation might run out of steam. As for socialism being a death cult. Yes, socialism continually immolates itself on the altar of capitalism. You have to wonder why it continues to bother. But it keeps growing out of its own ashes. It refuses to die. Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 9:48:35 PM
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ISIS is actually a rising tide against Capitalist elitism. It has great benefits to be gained by workers in the West. It's aim is simple and brilliant, to destabilise Western economies, and is doing a great job!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 9:55:27 PM
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: Withholding aid from starving women and children who just happen to be muslim, is no different to Nazis withholding aid from jews because they're jewish! However, the best way to alter behavior has been and remains example. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 22 June 2017 8:34:26 AM
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diver dan
'ISIS is actually a rising tide against Capitalist elitism. It has great benefits to be gained by workers in the West. It's aim is simple and brilliant, to destabilise Western economies, and is doing a great job!' Whoa! Them's fighting words. I don't think that ISIS could give fig about Western capital elitism. In fact, they are working hand in glove with Western capital elites to enforce complete Islamic control over Islamic peasants, just as Western elites are committed to maintaining complete control over Western peasants. Workers in the West would be better served by continuing to challenge a Western foreign policy that is dedicated to overthrowing secular ME regimes that pursue socialist agendas. Posted by Killarney, Friday, 23 June 2017 4:49:33 AM
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' Withholding aid from starving women and children who just happen to be muslim, is no different to Nazis withholding aid from jews because they're jewish!'
true to a degree AlanB however Jewish parents in general have always loved their kids while a percentage of muslims are happy to use their own kids as human shields. Quite barbaric really however no more than slaughtering unborn kids in the womb as is the dogma of secularism/feminism. Posted by runner, Friday, 23 June 2017 3:53:33 PM
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Diver dan
<ISIS is actually a rising tide against Capitalist elitism. It has great benefits to be gained by workers in the West. It's aim is simple and brilliant, to destabilise Western economies, and is doing a great job> Isis will ethnically cleanse every western worker that isn't a Muslim, that includes aborigines,Chinese, whites,and African Muslims also. Although they may use the African Muslims to help them in their fight, Given the fact they can't even tolerate different middle eastern Muslim factions, they certainly won't let African Muslims live once they have used them in their fight. The only people who will benefit from Isis running the show are the Isis Hierachy. They will live like kings like the Saudi Arabian shrieks do. What makes you think the muslim leaders can run a country. The countries they have run for centuries are a mess. They overpopulated and then use up all the resources they have. Result, poverty. Too many mouths to feed. They have had the Ottomon Empire and every chance to be as far advanced as Europe and Western countries are. They stopped progressing centuries ago, because the first thing Isis will do will be to shut down any kind of science or advances that might cause the people to question what Isis wants them to believe. Rich advanced countries under their control will once again stagnate and become badly run misery holes, especially for the women and children. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:03:54 PM
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That should be sheik in the post above.
Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:08:10 PM
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Is mise,
Anybody who stands in front of a group and preaches religion is a priest. You may call them an Iman or a Mullah or whatever, it is simply the Same horse, with a different name. I understood that when I used the word priest, that I was correct in writing that. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:16:05 PM
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Paul B you say
<Withholding aid from starving women and children who just happen to be muslim, is no different to Nazis withholding aid from jews because they're jewish! However, the best way to alter behavior has been and remains example.> I take your point and it is a sad situation, but why do they overpopulate and never seem to make any changes or progress in these countries. After decades of foreign aid. We have our own people to provide for, our own mothers our own,hospitals, our own children. Every grandma and grandma in this country is hundreds of dollars below the poverty line because of the sparse payment they get. We have our own sick and dying we have to support with services. Dental care is too expensive here and people go without the treatment they need. The old people fought wars and laboured all their lives paying taxes to this country,and are still paying taxes with the Gst. We have many homeless here. There are not enough hospitals. We are tired of this seemingly bottomless pit of people from the overpopulated seven billion people in the world continuously needing billion dollar handouts. Why don't the obscenely rich Saudi Arabians shell out the money for a change. After all they own banks the capitalist system. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:40:25 PM
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Sam Harris covers part of the story at
Also worth remembering that it's not just us. The overwhelming majority of Islamist killings are of other muslims. A lot of terrorist attacks happen in countries where the wests involvement is minimal. Western mishandling of interventions has contributed to it but we are not the real game of the extremists. Muslims who don't tow the line are the first target. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 26 June 2017 7:34:48 PM
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Don't you love these western liberals who are the battered wives of Islam? Endlessly blaming themselves for the actions of their violent and crazy husbands? "It's all my fault, I should not have made him angry."
Islamic terrorism started 1400 years ago, Keith, when Mohammad started his military campaigns to rule the world. The Koran even instructs Muslims to be prepared to fight those infidels "whom Allah knowest, but you knowest not." Here you have a religion which states quite openly, in black and white, it's intention to use terrorism and violence to rule the world. And Keith claims that it is the West just making the Muslims angry. Hey, Keith! These guys go ballistic over a pattern on Nike sports shoes which could be construed as the Arabic script for "Allah." They are just like the Greens, they need to feel outraged over something, and anything will do. No wonder the Muslims and Greens support each other, they have the same always outraged mindset. If the KKK and the Nazi Party had written manifestoes clearly stating their intention to make everybody on earth join them, or they would behead, mutilate, terrorise, and humiliate non KKK or non Nazis, would you be crying that the violence committed in the name of the KKK or the Nazi Party was all their victims fault? The western world, Keith, provided the human race with the blueprint for the ascent of the entire human race. We lead the world in the arts, medicine, technological progress, individual freedom, economic prosperity, and life expectancy. The west has the most tolerant culture on the planet, even to the extent of importing those who openly declare their intent to destroy it. The Islamic civilisation is the most dysfunctional on the planet, and the more Muslim a country is, the more of a craphole it is. Stop whining about how the Muslims are the victims of the west. Muslim are the authors of their own misfortune, and we intelligent people in the west are getting utterly fed up of them and their terrorist religion, and Muslim apologists like you. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 26 June 2017 8:56:46 PM
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Islam is able to make war on the West because the West has routinely made war on those very regimes that know how to confront Islam in their own territories. Mossadegh in Iran, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Assad in Syria, Gaddafi in Libya. Iran is an interesting case - the West (mainly the British) imposed a brutal dictatorship in Iran which led to so much popular hatred that it opened the door to the Ayatollah Khomeini who had been sitting in Europe waiting his chance to move in, exploit it and suppress it once established in the saddle.
The most powerful weapon Islam's march has in the west is appeasers at all levels and especially in government. Dhimmis, the Moslems cynically call them. Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 27 June 2017 3:30:29 PM
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What complete and utter baloney, Emperor Julian. Your post is a complete contradiction.
First you claim that "the west" opposed those Muslim dictators who "knew how to confront Islam in their own territories", then attack "the west" for supporting the Shah of Iran, who was fighting against Islamic religious fundamentalism in Iran. The Shah often said that he wanted to turn his country into a European one, you know, the sort of place that every Muslim is now trying to barge into. This meant confronting the Ayatollah's, Mullah, and Imams, who wanted Iran to remain a backward Muslim country forever, because it suited them. And it suited nobody else but them. Unless you include those ignorant people who think that supporting the world's foremost terrorist religion will get them a ticket to eternal life. The real villains here are the Islamic clergy, not the Shah or the "west." Naturally, just as in the rest of the world today, the "progressive" Left backed the Mullahs and Ayatollahs, because they hated the idea of individual freedom as much as the Mullahs. Unsurprisingly to intelligent people, (which does not include you) the Muslim clergy turned on the "progressive" Left as soon as the Shah was deposed, and they were in control. Thousands of Leftists were rounded up and shot by firing squads. Some of these executions of Lefties were carried out on Khomeini's rooftop, and he used to like going upstairs to watch them. Today, you Lefties are just as stupid, stabbing your own civilisation in the back while egging on your civilisation's (and your own mob's) mortal enemies. Britain, the USA, and the USSR, occupied Iran during WW2 because the Shah's father wanted Iran to join Nazi Germany. Same with the regime in Iraq, which invited Luftwaffe bombers into Iraq to bomb the Suez canal. You could say that "the west" interfered in these countries for it's own interests. But do you think that non interference in backward countries like Iran and Iraq, that were run by Arab and Persian Nazi sympathetic dictators, was preferable to losing the war to Hitler? Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 4:07:58 AM
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The murderous regime of the British, CIA and Israeli-installed Shah of Persia's torture apparatus Savak, and how its hatred by the public led to the accession of the current Moslem dictatorship, is described in detail at
It's not the only time British and American colonialist adventures (with Deppity Dawg helping from Canberra) have led to the brakes coming off the march of Islam. cf. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 3:11:31 PM
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Jesus, EJ, talking history with you, is like talking economics to Sarah Hanson-Young or Lee Rhiannon. You have a simplistic ideological position that you think explains everything, and which through it's sheer (supposed) moral virtues over rides self evident reality or even logic.
Here is Iran history 101 for the ignorant like yourself. Iran was politically divided into three factions. There was the Soviet leaning Communists, the religious fundamentalists, and the Shah, who wanted Iran to become a successful, western style country. Communists regimes throughout the world are noted for having exactly the same brutal secret police setups as the Shah. Islamic societies do exactly the same. The only question that is relevant is which regime is better for any country? It sure was not the Communists. Communism failed everywhere it was tried. The only Communist countries left on this planet are Cuba and North Korea. If you think that these are workers paradises then you must be nuts. Islam is a bigger failure than even Communism. The more Islamic a society is, the more of a craphole it is. Scratch Islam if you are looking for economic success and personnel freedom. The only economic system you have left for backward and socially divided countries is a western orientated, largely free enterprise "right wing" regime which at least is capable of political reform. Examples would be South Korea and The Philippines, which were once brutal dictatorships but which through "people's power" evolved into reasonably stable and prosperous democracies. Get it through your head that of the three brutal and murderous factions who could have ruled Iran, the Shah just happened to be the best option. The only role that "the west' has in the rise of Islam, is that it provides Islamic religious nutcases of the benefits of secular democracy as opposed to an idiotic Sharia theocracy. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 June 2017 3:34:57 AM
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Lego writes of Persia: The Shah just happened to be the best option.
That's the option, as I pointed out in my post of 28 June 2017 3:11:31 PM, that led directly to today's Moslem theocracy. None of Lego's typically (for him) spluttering ad hominem spray gainsaid it, or that the Shah was imposed by foreign colonialists. Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:11:34 PM
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Gee EJ. You actually managed to write two (unsupported by reasoned argument) sentences this time, to supposedly justify your peculiar worldview. Do you really think that that will impress any impartial reader who is looking for the truth?
I know why you write nothing but sneery one, two and three liners. You have never been interested in history, and you simply parrot whatever nonsense your peer group leaders have invented to justify their failed ideology. But I was heartened when you wrote that the USA and Europe were "colonising" Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. I hope that you are right. Because it means that the people of those dysfunctional, Muslim crapholes will finally get responsible secular government, the rule of law, gender equality, tolerance for homosexuality, religious freedom, and a functioning economy. The people from these countries will no longer have to leave these crapholes and come to western countries to live a decent life. But I am sure that you are wrong. Muslims may covet the prosperity and freedoms of the West, but they will never submit to infidel European rule. They are intensely nationalistic people, and they would fight us as patriots. Of course, you would have to condemn them for not submitting to white rule, because lefties like yourself consider nationalism is be utterly reprehensible. And not submitting to responsible white rule would also be racist, and racism is leftism's Cardinal Sin. But on second thought, I may be wrong. It is only white nationalism which is utterly reprehensible, in any other people it is a virtue. And it is only white racism which is completely, utterly, and totally wrong, in any other people it can be simply overlooked through double think Posted by LEGO, Friday, 30 June 2017 5:04:14 AM
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You asked at the beginning:
"Why do Manchester, Paris and London get targeted by Islamist terrorists and not, say, Zurich, Oslo or Warsaw? " Same question was asked by the Jüdische Rundschau, a German language monthly magazine, Jewish Magazine: Why is there no terror in Poland, Hungary or Japan? If you read German: Otherwise translated by Google: I can only hope that many Australians and New Zealanders read that article to confirm that they are on the right way with closed borders. A German politician has said clearly what would happen, one year ago, and now we see here, he was right: Germany will be a different country. Now, in 2017, Germany is a different country. His speech is only short and has English subtitles: Posted by DTM, Friday, 30 June 2017 8:56:26 PM
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Lego has a track record that stands out like a sore thumb, characterised by his ad hominem sprays designed (quite ineffectively) to bully those who dispute what he does and is.
Here are the two interrelated basic Lego features (Source: just read his commentaries) 1. assigning “national” status to an ethnic ancestry spread over many nationalities round the globe – first and foremost Jews (yes he's an open Zionist), more generally “whites” (as well as a Zionist he is an epigone of the likes of Rudyard Kipling). 2. dividing humanity, on the above ground, into born overlords and born untermenschen (that is - racism). This sums up Lego and his ilk without having to wallow in fine detail or launch into a wordy essay Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 1 July 2017 12:06:55 PM
Suter's “long war” did NOT start in “1979”; it stared 1400 hundred years ago, and has never stopped. It will not stop until the West puts a stop to it, and Islam ceases to exist.
Harping on what a has-been, long-gone politician – Bush – said and did, contributes nothing to the permanent solution to the disease of Islam that must occur ASAP.