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Terrorism: asking the awkward question : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 21/6/2017

Perhaps we should ask a higher order question? 'Why do they hate us?'

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This moaning and groaning about why Muslims hate us is wearing very thin; they hate us because the Koran tells them to. The Koran makes no bones about where infidels stand in the pecking order, but Western politicians choose to ignore the fact that the intent is is to conquer all infidels. Politicians and people keep saying 'why oh why' are very stupid, ignorant people.

Suter's “long war” did NOT start in “1979”; it stared 1400 hundred years ago, and has never stopped. It will not stop until the West puts a stop to it, and Islam ceases to exist.

Harping on what a has-been, long-gone politician – Bush – said and did, contributes nothing to the permanent solution to the disease of Islam that must occur ASAP.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 9:15:00 AM
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IMO the correct answers to life's problems come from asking the correct question.
IE: precedence says, since the west finally admitted defeat in the Vietnam war, and outcomes improved remarkably for all parties involved following the defeat, why not repeat the success story in the ME?
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:08:56 AM
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you are right ttbn.To fail to mention Mohammed or the Koran shows this Dr really has no clue. It appears his ignorance towards Amercia also suites his failed narrative. Of course America has been a special nation just like Israel. Of course like most of the West regressives have slowly turned the once great nation into a sodom and gomorrah. And of course the early settlers of America sought God's blessing and got it. The weak willed immoral regressives sought sexual perversion and immorality and are now reaping the fruit.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:30:58 AM
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They have explicitly told us why they hate us and why they fight us:

Page 31: "We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices. It is for this reason that we were commanded to openly declare our hatred for you and our enmity towards you."

The kind of apologetic this article engages in is just making the problem worse. It's deliberate obscurantism that suppresses non-violent means to mitigate this problem, leaving only violence and vigilantism in the future.
Posted by SilverInCanberra, Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:45:04 AM
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Islamic terrorism, is not Islam, but a perversion of the religion of peace, and like all such perversions, need scapegoats to focus vision away from their own inherently evil psychobabble, merely masquerading as a authentic religion!

Thus we have religion of the insane, ritualistic mass murder, mandated beheadings, satanic crucifixions, proscribed rape, with the most evil and sick, the practise of burying the living!

If we thought the Nazis were inherently evil and they were, with their religious perversion dredged from antiquity and Valhala?

They look like boy scouts in comparison to the intense evil now at large, selectively pursuing various communities (weak points) for special treatment, so as to further divide/weaken resolve!

A truly united Christian world can never be defeated!

So the first task is to scapegoat, then weaken already divided resolve! Our response needs to be, completely united quadrupled effort!

Which has to start with heart and minds. When the Christian Master said turn the other cheek? He didn't advise endless repetition!

Even so, things yet to be tried are a fair dinkum attack/war on poverty wherever we find it. That in so many cases is as simple as rolling out cheap affordable power, none cheaper, cleaner, than walk-away safe, molten salt, thorium power!

Which ought then be coupled in part to space age desalination that puts megalitres of affordable potable water almost anywhere, including some of the harshest regions of the Sahara/Somalia/sub Saharan Africa etc/etc, as a matter of course!

As we do that, end poverty and want! As we do that create lifelong friends/blood brothers who defend us and our rights, more strenuously than their own! And give absolute lie to the most absurd propaganda of the most intense evil ever to roam this planet!

We seem to have little trouble finding zillions for bombs/bullets, but scratch for the few, by comparison, cents we would need to contribute, as say, a tiny Tobin's tax to just get this done! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 June 2017 11:42:45 AM
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While we are not directly responsible for outcomes in the Islamic ruled Gaza Strip! We could if allowed by Israel do something about their horrendous situation!

Here is a tiny Islamic enclave with the eyes of the world on it! As raw putrefying sewerage pours untreated into the ocean!

And something as a major source of their problems could be turned into an endless source of virtually free power for the hospitals schools and most other social amenity!

We could build ready to use complete systems which they could first bury then connect.

Locally invented two tank digester systems could be built here then shipped there in stock standard shipping containers, buried/installed connected to their sewerage system, then use to treat and sanitise raw sewerage.

The copious methane created used to run the also buried diesel/donated ceramic fuel cell power plants. routinely bombed by a callous indifferent (copos) Israel! Some of the surplus energy could be used to power donated space age desalination, to supplement potable/sterile water supplies for use in already overcrowded hospitals and schools?

[Even the intensely evil Nazis/SS storm troopers, didn't deliberately bomb hospitals?]

The byproducts include, nutrient loaded sanitized recyclable water and carbon rich soil improver, all of which if intelligently used could support self sufficient food production! And as the eyes of the Islamic world, watch and take notice.

And given no harm could ever ensue, why not?

We could send all our foreign aid as this type of shipped as ready to install public amenity, rather than cash donations that seem to be fired back as bombs, bullets and RPGs?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him and his family for life. Quote, unquote.

Is there a better way? there just has to be!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 June 2017 12:15:44 PM
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