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User Details : DTM

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Comment History

» 12/12/2018 2:30:35 PM According to Wikipedia The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) guarantees m.....
» 19/11/2018 12:47:52 PM Part (3a) THIS LEADS TO THE FOLLOWING They are not happy in Gaza. They are not happy in.....
» 19/11/2018 12:45:30 PM Part 2(a) Coexistence of Buddhists with Hindus = No problem. ...Hindus with Christians = N.....
» 19/11/2018 12:41:33 PM Maybe ScoMo knows the following facts ... Some facts to search for the causes of our prob.....
» 22/09/2018 10:31:53 PM Writing from Germany. You might ask yourself: Who is delivering you the mainstream media.....
» 17/09/2018 3:51:30 PM Regarding copyright laws, I have to obey the German laws since I am (still) in Germany, an.....
» 17/09/2018 12:43:19 AM The problem is neither solved nor can it be solved. In regards to the suspicious AFD part.....
» 30/06/2017 8:56:26 PM You asked at the beginning: "Why do Manchester, Paris and London get targeted by Isl.....
» 12/01/2017 7:33:18 AM "Thanks for your posts, we need direct information from Europe as I feel much news is.....
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