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Terrorism: asking the awkward question : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 21/6/2017

Perhaps we should ask a higher order question? 'Why do they hate us?'

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That should be sheik in the post above.
Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:08:10 PM
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Is mise,

Anybody who stands in front of a group and preaches religion is a priest.

You may call them an Iman or a Mullah or whatever, it is simply the Same horse,
with a different name.

I understood that when I used the word priest, that I was correct in writing that.
Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:16:05 PM
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Paul B you say
<Withholding aid from starving women and children who just happen to be muslim, is no different to Nazis withholding aid from jews because they're jewish! However, the best way to alter behavior has been and remains example.>

I take your point and it is a sad situation, but why do they overpopulate and never seem to make any changes or progress in these countries. After decades of foreign aid.
We have our own people to provide for, our own mothers our own,hospitals, our own children. Every grandma and grandma in this country is hundreds of dollars below the poverty line because of the sparse payment they get.

We have our own sick and dying we have to support with services. Dental care is too expensive here and people go without the treatment they need.

The old people fought wars and laboured all their lives paying taxes to this country,and are still paying taxes with the Gst.
We have many homeless here. There are not enough hospitals.
We are tired of this seemingly bottomless pit of people from the overpopulated
seven billion people in the world continuously needing billion dollar handouts.

Why don't the obscenely rich Saudi Arabians shell out the money for a change.
After all they own banks the capitalist system.
Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 23 June 2017 10:40:25 PM
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Sam Harris covers part of the story at

Also worth remembering that it's not just us. The overwhelming majority of Islamist killings are of other muslims. A lot of terrorist attacks happen in countries where the wests involvement is minimal.

Western mishandling of interventions has contributed to it but we are not the real game of the extremists. Muslims who don't tow the line are the first target.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 26 June 2017 7:34:48 PM
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Don't you love these western liberals who are the battered wives of Islam? Endlessly blaming themselves for the actions of their violent and crazy husbands? "It's all my fault, I should not have made him angry."

Islamic terrorism started 1400 years ago, Keith, when Mohammad started his military campaigns to rule the world. The Koran even instructs Muslims to be prepared to fight those infidels "whom Allah knowest, but you knowest not." Here you have a religion which states quite openly, in black and white, it's intention to use terrorism and violence to rule the world. And Keith claims that it is the West just making the Muslims angry.

Hey, Keith! These guys go ballistic over a pattern on Nike sports shoes which could be construed as the Arabic script for "Allah." They are just like the Greens, they need to feel outraged over something, and anything will do. No wonder the Muslims and Greens support each other, they have the same always outraged mindset.

If the KKK and the Nazi Party had written manifestoes clearly stating their intention to make everybody on earth join them, or they would behead, mutilate, terrorise, and humiliate non KKK or non Nazis, would you be crying that the violence committed in the name of the KKK or the Nazi Party was all their victims fault?

The western world, Keith, provided the human race with the blueprint for the ascent of the entire human race. We lead the world in the arts, medicine, technological progress, individual freedom, economic prosperity, and life expectancy. The west has the most tolerant culture on the planet, even to the extent of importing those who openly declare their intent to destroy it. The Islamic civilisation is the most dysfunctional on the planet, and the more Muslim a country is, the more of a craphole it is.

Stop whining about how the Muslims are the victims of the west. Muslim are the authors of their own misfortune, and we intelligent people in the west are getting utterly fed up of them and their terrorist religion, and Muslim apologists like you.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 26 June 2017 8:56:46 PM
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Islam is able to make war on the West because the West has routinely made war on those very regimes that know how to confront Islam in their own territories. Mossadegh in Iran, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Assad in Syria, Gaddafi in Libya. Iran is an interesting case - the West (mainly the British) imposed a brutal dictatorship in Iran which led to so much popular hatred that it opened the door to the Ayatollah Khomeini who had been sitting in Europe waiting his chance to move in, exploit it and suppress it once established in the saddle.

The most powerful weapon Islam's march has in the west is appeasers at all levels and especially in government. Dhimmis, the Moslems cynically call them.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 27 June 2017 3:30:29 PM
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