The Forum > Article Comments > Why has the state government ignored key recommendation from own DV taskforce? > Comments
Why has the state government ignored key recommendation from own DV taskforce? : Comments
By Cassandra Pullos, published 17/2/2017Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's reported remarks urging parties demanding new measures for DV offenders to first discuss the issue, seems to ignore her Government's own DV taskforce recommendations of 2015.
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That should be, 'The very FIRST consideration and line of enquiry is...'
Posted by leoj, Friday, 3 March 2017 4:35:41 PM
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You keep pushing this ridiculous scenario that one in three intimate partners are DV perpetrators. And I have spent several comments arguing that this is simply not true! Statistically, about 5% of men or less are DV perpetrators. And an infinitesimal number of DV perpetrators are women. For the sake of argument, if the one-in-three premise were true, you might, just MIGHT have a case. But it's not true, so you have no case. Other OLO commenters who have accused me many times of man-hating, simply because I'm a feminist, take note. I am defending men here, because in this instance, they deserve defending Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 4 March 2017 4:42:08 AM
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'The DV industry sucks a lot of dollars from government and there are those who jealously guard their slice of the cake and look forward to long careers, courtesy of gender politics.' The allocation is $118 million over the four years 2014 to 2018 out of an annual budget of $37 billion. OMG! Let's declare the country bankrupt! Now! Why don't you get off your high horse? Women are dying. A lot more women and children are living in terror. This is because the government does not see their plight as worthy of funding. They have other spending priorities - as do you. This is not about 'gender politics'. It's about saving lives and giving DV victims the right of protection. Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 4 March 2017 5:16:50 AM
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Thank you, Killarney.
Best wishes, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 4 March 2017 10:14:03 AM
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It is about politics. Otherwise you wouldn't be obliged to 'defend' men. Whereas you should really be criticising the government supported interests that rely on that sloppy research for funding. The violence affecting women is horrendous. So too is the violence affecting children (neglect too) and men. Queensland When Labor's Annastacia Palaszczuk assumed the reins of government in Queensland, her odd first priority was to overturn the successful VLAD anti-bikie law. Around the same time as she and her government were neutering the VLAD law and calling off police, a bikie who was notorious for violence and was one of the offenders in a brawl in a public restaurant on the Gold Coast, received a slap on the wrist from the Southport court for his part in it. Not long later, the same lawless brute killed his partner in public by bashing her to death with the lid of a telecom post after running her off the road. Whereupon Premier Palasczcuk and Yvette D'Ath herAttorney-General and Minister for Justice and coconspirator in shelving the anti-bikie laws, immediately rushed to make the public announcement that the cold-blooded murder was in fact 'domestic violence' and she and Yvette would be proposing tougher DV initiatives. DV? Or was that what the police were saying that the VLAD was aimed at preventing? Palasczcuk and D'Ath are still receiving trenchant criticism from the police, business and the public for being soft on bikies. This thread asks why the Qld Labor government of Ms Palasczcuk hasn't lived up to that tougher DV promise. Of course it is all about politics. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 4 March 2017 12:39:50 PM
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“You keep pushing this ridiculous scenario that one in three intimate partners are DV perpetrators.” The one in three was a mantra used by many groups trying to raise ‘awareness’ of DV. They said that one in three women will at some time be victims of domestic violence. Unless most of these women have hundreds of partners it stands to reason that one in three men are perpetrators. How often they perpetrate and how violent they are is conveniently ignored. The figures are deliberately misleading. If you have not heard the “one in three” mantra then you simply are not listening. It doesn’t matter whether or not they are telling the truth. What really matters is that this kind of mud-slinging sticks and the effect it has on men is very negative. All men are suspect or at least 33% of them are. This is simply dishonest and counter-productive towards any solution to the problem. Why are women exaggerating this scenario? What are they really so angry about? They should own their own disenchantment with their own Cinderella fantasy and stop beating up on men for what is not their fault. It is not the fault of men that women buy into the romanticisation of domestic relationships. Yes women die and get injured but they are not the only ones who die. People die from cancer and road accidents and heart disease and the support for domestic violence should be in proportion to the numbers affected by it. More people die from rock-fishing. Exaggerating the numbers or the effects out of proportion is dishonest and manipulative. Women do it because they are disillusioned with romance and not because they care about the victims of violence. Perhaps you don’t do any of these things but there are many who do, like the author of this article. Its time women started to reign in those who exaggerate this issue and to force them to deal with the facts and not their hurt feelings in regard to their fantasy. Posted by phanto, Saturday, 4 March 2017 3:27:16 PM