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An America after Trump : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 17/1/2017We may conclude that this is the final verdict on the American Experiment; that the philosophies that founded the nation have come home to roost.
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And enough Americans knew that. So she's not.
As someone who tipped a Trump victory from March last year, I'm very pleased that he has been elected. He has also picked a solid cabinet and from what we've seen of his personal staff, they all seem very competent.
Which flies in the face of the would-be totalitarian Left who caused violence during the presidential race, who caused violence and destruction of property after the election - did someone mention narcissists? - and who are promising more such destruction and obstruction for the inauguration. Their obsession with the "popular" vote seems to be part of a mass psychosis, probably a result of very poor education, since the US Constitution provides no prize whatsoever for winning most votes, just most Electoral College votes in most states. I hope that if such obstruction and destruction begins on Saturday, our time, they are met with the full force of the law, pour encourager les autres.
Let us be clear: criticism of Trump, particularly from the likes of Peter Sellick and others who have never met him, never will, but feel self-important because of their facile moral posturing, contributes nothing to the betterment of humanity.
They are, for the most part, the same people who went for the "Hope and Change" scam that delivered the worst president in US history, the bloke who gave Iran access to nuclear weapons, who sold out Israel at the UN, the bloke who almost doubled US national debt during his presidency, the bloke who kow-towed to the Saudi King, who lied about his knowledge of Clinton's unsecured emails, the man who lied about the scope and cost of Obamacare and whose only real achievement in eight years was to watch live TV while Navy seals killed Osama bin Laden.
Donald Trump would have to be a really, really poor president to match that.