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The Forum > Article Comments > How far would you really go for the Syrians? > Comments

How far would you really go for the Syrians? : Comments

By Marieke Jacobs, published 21/12/2016

The harsh reality is that millions of Syrians simply won't be able to live in Syria in the foreseeable future. Which means they will have to live elsewhere.

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Its not really rocket science. Allow the Christians to go to Christian countries and send the muslims to Islamic countries. The dogmas of idiotic secularist and their hatred of Christ has almost destroyed Europe.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 25 December 2016 9:46:59 PM
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Aristotle once said that "any virtue taken to extremes becomes a vice." Empathy is definitely a human virtue. But considering it a moral absolute that must be applied without reservation in every case without considering the consequences to yourself and your own people, is sheer stupidity.

Marieke Jacobs thinks that Syria is now uninhabitable as so therefore, every Syrian should come to "our" countries and live with us. If that were to happen, Marieke, then our new Syrian neighbours would simply change battlefields and make out own countries their new war zones. You have to look at the reason for the war and figure out who deserves our protection, and who does not.

I am all in favour of allowing every Christian of good character in the Middle east to flee that God forsaken place and come home to Christendom. But once the Muslims succeed in ethnically cleansing the Christians from 'Muslim'' lands as they already have the Jews, then I would most definitely refuse entry to any Muslim at all. Because if you import Muslims, you are importing the very people who are going to ethnically cleanse you and your family within your own countries. Unless you live in a bubble, you might note that this is already happening in Europe, suburb by suburb.

Islam is the problem, Marieke. Specifically, those numerous passages in the Koran and the Hadiths that expressly instruct Muslims to spread Islam by terror and take over the world. You have a Jewish name Marieke, and your attitude equates with demanding that the world be empathetic to Nazis, and that "we" should show out moral superiority, our tolerance and our virtue by importing Nazis, Shining Path, the Taliban, or the Khmer Rouge into our society. That is the height of stupidity.

What's more Marieke, most people can now see that. Thirty years of European stupidity and apathy is turning Europe into a war zone. Paratroopers are patrolling shopping malls. The police are patrolling with sub-machine guns and armoured cars. The RAAF is dropping bombs on "Australians". And you want to accelerate that? Are you mad?
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 26 December 2016 6:20:33 AM
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Don't want any of these mad people here. Let them sort it out there else we be accused of:-
- depopulating Syria so Jews / Crusaders / Real Estate Agents can take over.
- cultural genocide for removing their children and edumukating them.
- racism (not sure how but it's been a reliable stick to beat whites).
- ad nauseam.
Posted by McCackie, Friday, 30 December 2016 7:15:24 AM
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