The Forum > Article Comments > How far would you really go for the Syrians? > Comments
How far would you really go for the Syrians? : Comments
By Marieke Jacobs, published 21/12/2016The harsh reality is that millions of Syrians simply won't be able to live in Syria in the foreseeable future. Which means they will have to live elsewhere.
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"How far would you really go for the Syrians" ? I wouldn't cross the road. And, I'm glad to see that the West has kept its nose out of out of the horrible place.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 8:55:34 AM
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Climate change Was a 'trigger' for the Syrian civil war?? Now I really am confused. I think that I am with ttbn on this one.
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 9:10:04 AM
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"We must make the atrocities stop" = "somebody should do something".
Ms Jacobs says: "At present, our collective moral imperative seems fixated on stopping the bloodshed in Aleppo, evacuating woman [sic] and children to safe places, and providing aid packages to meet the immediate needs of Syrian people." Good idea. "These demands are unquestionably necessary and speak to the moral framework of modern society. Yet they are focussed on providing short-term solutions to the atrocities of modern warfare, while avoiding broader (and perhaps more uncomfortable) questions around the future of the Syrian people." There's only one "moral framework"and one "society" and it's uniform in every way and has a set of agreed ethical standards and moral principles? Uh, no; but without reading further, we know where this is going: another demand for massive immigration and a new ghetto of another taxpayer-supported underclass to curdle and fester with resentment and hostility towards the host country. Yes, here it is: "...millions of people won't be able to live in Syria for the foreseeable future. Which means they will have to live elsewhere. In other countries. In our countries." I don't know how many countries Ms Jacobs owns, but she's slipped from identifying one society to "our countries", which, I'm guessing, she will expect to pay the costs. She says "the United States, Bosnia, Germany, France - are doing the exact opposite and calling for tougher immigration laws." Gee, I wonder why they'd do that? Is there a common thread in their thinking, do you reckon? Recent bad experiences, maybe? She says, "our compassion for the Syrian people is limited to their basic human rights... But do we care enough to offer them a chance at resettlement in nations - our nations - that aren't afflicted by genocide, war and terror?" Umm, "basic human rights" yes, the rest, no. Note Ms Jacobs defines no limits to this potential burden. She wants us to see "Syrians as global Muslim citizens." Fine. And the Muslim nations which have done little to nothing to support refugees from Muslim conflicts can step up and do their share. Posted by calwest, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 9:17:02 AM
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I've been supporting the legitimate government of Syria since day one.
Aleppo is now liberated and the people are dancing in the streets. If people had've supported Assad from the beginning instead of listening to corporate media BS; and if the West wasn't arming the terrorists itself, then the war wouldn't have lasted 6 months. If Assad falls the place would be turned over to jihadi's just like in Libya. Don't waste your time worrying about all those dead kids, as sad as it is. With the US and the UK arming groups for its own objectives, there will be plenty more dead and maimed women and kids yet to happen that you should be more concerned with. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 9:47:21 AM
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'And to acknowledge the role of climate change (a global phenomena disproportionally driven by rich western nations), in helping trigger the war in the first place.'
It is Christmas not 1 April. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 10:23:08 AM
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Depends! It's a vexed question. Given my druthers I'd stop the war; and the killing and dying! As would any other halfway decent human being.
And given the means I'd rebuild their broken homes, mend their broken bodies, bury their dead, light their homes and turn their homeland into a garden of eden! Only one power can mend their broken spirits! The power of love! But that is noticeable by its complete absence in the corridors of power! That's how far I'd want to go! But, I don't have the power nor the means! Only God can make a tree and defeat the power of evil, that now controls so much of our world. As does cruel words. Decisive resolute unflinching Leadership could have ended this conflict years ago! Leadership Like that on display during the Cuban Missile Crisis! Sadly, those that might have helped, wouldn't! Now there's SFA to save! And given it's just as easy to say a kind word as a cruel one. I'd like a few of the key players to try something different, even if new and novel? Given, what is being done or agreed to now isn't working! It's Christmas! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 December 2016 10:58:57 AM
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Whether a country is heaven or hell largely depends on the mental attitude of the population. Syria, & most of the rest of the middle east is how it is, because of, not in spite of the people who inhabit the place.
The very last thing anyone should consider is letting any of these people into their country. The best thing anyone could do for the planet & themselves would be to donate a dozen short range nuclear armed cruise missiles to each side, & get it finished. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 11:14:59 AM
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The link between climate change contributing to the Syrian War has been documented in various respected publications
Posted by perespective123, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 11:29:56 AM
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Oh, please. Give us a break. Your "various respected publications" list is National Geographic? The publishing company which has pushed the global warming hoax through its magazines and television channels, no doubt to increase readers and viewers? In fact, every assertion about the effects of climate change in that article is qualified by "may". And when we look at the actual assertions in the article you link, we find speculative statements about a drought "worsened by a warming climate" (how much worse?) and that "changes in climate may affect human conflict" (or maybe not) according to an academic who has "studied the role of climate change in violence" but did not participate in the new study. He's from UCal at Berkely. Berkely! The study authors "acknowledge that many factors led to Syria's uprising, including corrupt leadership, inequality, massive population growth, and the government's inability to curb human suffering." So why would National Geographic lead with the highly dubious claim about climate change, when any or all of the factors above were obviously far more influential? Must be another TV special coming up. Next you'll be quoting Tim Flannery. Posted by calwest, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 12:54:03 PM
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How far would I go to help the Syrians?
As far as the TV and radio to turn off the evening news, and the dozens of daily news updates, so that I don't have to listen to lies about Syria. As far as walking past the newspaper sections in supermarkets, so that I don't have to read lies about Syria (or waste my $2). The author obviously doesn't want to go to the trouble of stepping outside her little information bubble and learn some REAL facts about Syria instead of regurgitating MSM propaganda. That's going WAY too far. Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 6:34:06 PM
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I have become more affirmed in my belief that we should abandon the
Middle East to its own devices. We, the western non moslem countries, have intervened numerous time to try to bring some order to the area. It was done to suit our interests as well for humanitarian reasons. The Yazadis and the victims of ISIS in recent times brought us in. All those lives and resources were spent for no result. People often charge that it is all about oil. Well no matter what we do the Middle East will always beg to sell us oil. They cannot survive without the sales of oil. They will never stop the war between themselves as they both wish to conquer Rome and do not want to share the spoils. Currently the Sunnis appear to be the keenest to invade Europe. We really have nothing to gain by getting involved in further conflict in the area. Just let them get on with it as there is simply nothing we can do about it. Currently the war between Shia (Iran, Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah) and Sunni (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Eremites) is well under way and the war in Yemen and Syria is just in the warm up phase. There are signs that an invasion of Bahrain and the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia by Iran is on the cards and a wrong word somewhere could start it. While they fight among themselves they will use up the manpower and wealth they might otherwise apply against the west. The only time we might have to act is if Pakistan deploys a nuclear weapon into the Middle East. All in all our best course is to let them get on with it. It is inevitable. contd Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 25 December 2016 9:22:45 PM
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They are genitically bound to their tribes and together with their
religion it has resulted in the Middle East mess that no one except those who live there can resolve. They have chosen to structure their society the way it is and they will resist to the death to keep it that way. Unless they finally get the message that they must have an enlightenment and reformation experience of their own then there is nothing the rest of the world can do for them. Genetically we must keep them in their own territory and not introduce their damaged genome into our countries. A first step is to convince them that Allah was wrong when he said it was OK to marry their cousins, so it became normal practise so as to keep the land and wealth in the family. The Immans would be horrified. It is tough medicine but no one else has come up with any other solution than war war war. Unfortunately that makes them happy as their religion tells them that war is the way that Rome will be overcome and submit to Islam. Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 25 December 2016 9:34:03 PM
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Its not really rocket science. Allow the Christians to go to Christian countries and send the muslims to Islamic countries. The dogmas of idiotic secularist and their hatred of Christ has almost destroyed Europe.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 25 December 2016 9:46:59 PM
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Aristotle once said that "any virtue taken to extremes becomes a vice." Empathy is definitely a human virtue. But considering it a moral absolute that must be applied without reservation in every case without considering the consequences to yourself and your own people, is sheer stupidity.
Marieke Jacobs thinks that Syria is now uninhabitable as so therefore, every Syrian should come to "our" countries and live with us. If that were to happen, Marieke, then our new Syrian neighbours would simply change battlefields and make out own countries their new war zones. You have to look at the reason for the war and figure out who deserves our protection, and who does not. I am all in favour of allowing every Christian of good character in the Middle east to flee that God forsaken place and come home to Christendom. But once the Muslims succeed in ethnically cleansing the Christians from 'Muslim'' lands as they already have the Jews, then I would most definitely refuse entry to any Muslim at all. Because if you import Muslims, you are importing the very people who are going to ethnically cleanse you and your family within your own countries. Unless you live in a bubble, you might note that this is already happening in Europe, suburb by suburb. Islam is the problem, Marieke. Specifically, those numerous passages in the Koran and the Hadiths that expressly instruct Muslims to spread Islam by terror and take over the world. You have a Jewish name Marieke, and your attitude equates with demanding that the world be empathetic to Nazis, and that "we" should show out moral superiority, our tolerance and our virtue by importing Nazis, Shining Path, the Taliban, or the Khmer Rouge into our society. That is the height of stupidity. What's more Marieke, most people can now see that. Thirty years of European stupidity and apathy is turning Europe into a war zone. Paratroopers are patrolling shopping malls. The police are patrolling with sub-machine guns and armoured cars. The RAAF is dropping bombs on "Australians". And you want to accelerate that? Are you mad? Posted by LEGO, Monday, 26 December 2016 6:20:33 AM
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Don't want any of these mad people here. Let them sort it out there else we be accused of:-
- depopulating Syria so Jews / Crusaders / Real Estate Agents can take over. - cultural genocide for removing their children and edumukating them. - racism (not sure how but it's been a reliable stick to beat whites). - ad nauseam. Posted by McCackie, Friday, 30 December 2016 7:15:24 AM