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The Forum > Article Comments > Neutralising Pauline Hanson > Comments

Neutralising Pauline Hanson : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 21/11/2016

A McKinsey & Co report released called 'Why diversity matters' revealed that companies with diverse workforces are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors.

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Ms Tranter is typical of a certain, age, education level, employment
group. I even have one in my family.
They are frankly ding-a-lings !

They do not seem to be able to comprehend why people are concerned
about moslem immigration. They do read and watch TV you know !
They see what has happened to France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway & UK.
They simply do not want it here !
Get it ? It really is as simple as that !

They do not want to be oppressed by Islam.
Make no mistake that is the purpose of the 1400 year war.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 21 November 2016 4:36:51 PM
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So You want to neutralize Pauline Hanson… well that’s been tried and she is back 20 years later and the problems she is addressing are still largely the same. That is because people like YOU… never learn.
For starters the ALP attacked Hanson in an attempt to tarnish Howard and the Liberal Party. She was after all once a Liberal Candidate. Abbott and the Australians for Honest Politics bankrupted her party through financing legal actions against her. The reality had nothing to do. The democrats even though having policy compatibilities worked against PHON because they saw it as a Political threat. The Greens? Well The Greens have always been off with the fairies.
Hanson is not and never has been a racist… just poorly articulate. PHON started off as a traditional Labor offshoot policy-wise. The hypocrisy of Labor at the time was totally irrational. As for your empty and incorrect claims re diversity… in the world’s largest study on diversity, Putnum has shown that it leads to increased social disharmony. As for the workplace, let me tell you I almost lost a foot due to diversity and multiculturalism which in itself is a flawed settlement policy that has never worked properly or to our advantage, it has been propped up by billions of wasted taxpayer dollars.
YOU have no clue about Hanson or her party, you ignore the fact that many members have ethic heritages. Hanson said: I don’t care where people come from as long as when they are here they are Australian. Howard said: "We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come"
Perhaps you suffer from cultural cringe and can explain why the promotion of assimilation, nationalism, loyalty and pride in being an Australian…is a bad thing?
As for banking on fluffy terms like “more likely” please… I’m more likely to throw up than laugh at your prognostications… but then again, maybe not.
Posted by T800, Monday, 5 December 2016 1:17:57 PM
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