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The Forum > Article Comments > Could Australia’s gay marriage debate be the next revolt against the establishment? > Comments

Could Australia’s gay marriage debate be the next revolt against the establishment? : Comments

By Lyle Shelton, published 21/11/2016

Blowing up the plebiscite was never about protecting vulnerable gays from Christian hate merchants, it was about making sure the issue did not find its way into the hands of ordinary people who might not do as they are told.

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Phanto, mountains of reasons have been explored for the origins and growth of the the social phenomenon of marriage. Whole libraries could be filled with them. Not being a historian or sociologist or having to explain the reasons why marriage is embedded in the custom of billions of people and why I am one of that vast number who go along with it, I can only suggest you look for your own explanations if it matters to you. Like the rest of those billions I have chosen to go with the flow. I don't begrudge that decision being legally available to people whose personal partnership decisions are based on different sexual criteria from my own. I do not wish to choose in a plebiscite what arbitrary criteria are to go on being imposed on other people. Do you?
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 30 November 2016 10:51:49 PM
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Why do they need to be legally married?

I begrudge government involvement in marriage since there is no need for it to happen. I begrudge my government wasting its time.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 1 December 2016 11:13:08 AM
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AJ Phillips, sure the examples posted are 'bigoted' as are most other self interest groups and the dogma that goes with it. What I object to (in the words of Dennis) See:

is the labelling by those who express an opinion different to yours as "bigoted".

Celebrate what unites us...not what divides.

What no comment about the Soros, MSM, academia reference...? AJ, I'm shattered... and here I was thinking you had an enquiring mind with a balanced view on things.

No AJ, I don't accept that I have to, or am about to have to submit to an illegal act in participating in an event foisted upon me by someone else's agenda. That is not democracy.

AJ, I brought up 2 sons by myself after their mother left. 19 yrs as a single Dad without any partners (LGBTI or otherwise). In that period I didn't feel the need to 'out' or 'go queer' because my partner had slept with someone else. Nor did I march in the street and demand a plebiscite. If in life you find a mate (S-S or otherwise) to raise a child(ren) with ...awesome ! I believe it is a 2 person endeavour even to this day.

I did however find lots of resistance to the fact I had been awarded custody and control of my children from the Feminazis and their ilk, so please spare me the lecture.

BTW, during my days in the ADF, 'LGBT' was an acronym for: "Laser Guided Bomb Technology, LGBTI ...same but the 'I' signifies "Indicated".

Whilst I may not agree with your point of view, I have however worn a uniform to fight for your right to express that point of view and all the other freedoms that were once protected by the common law rights and implied rights under our constitution. Today however, due to the influence of so many self interests, lobbies and such, we have lost that sense of duty with many of the rights. But for some it seems we're obliged to 'vote' on something we are either morally, spiritually or philosophically opposed to.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 1 December 2016 1:11:06 PM
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AJ Phillips wrote:

"Let's hope Australia can learn some lessons from America's dwindling democracy and save what little we have left before we get to that extent. The fall of the Howard Government was a good start, although they were well on their way to stuffing things up with some of the the anti-terror laws. Thank goodness we don't have an electronic voting system – yet."
Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 12 December 2007 7:29:08 PM

All good and well though AJ to express an opinion, but in light of your stance on the plebiscite, the rationale don't hold water here.

The War On Everything was just the precursor, democracy (if you can call an outpost of the British Empire such) - as it was up until 1942, then thank goodness we don't have the US Constitution as well. Since WW2 though, we have in all but actual government been the 51st state of America.

You can help stop democracy dwindling in Australia by letting people exercise their free will and not force them to vote on something you espouse...just sayin' !
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 1 December 2016 1:33:20 PM
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I’m sure some people do that, Albie Manton.

<<What I object to … is the labelling by those who express an opinion different to yours as "bigoted".>>

I don’t, however, and I even said, “yes, ‘bigot’ is a fair and apt term until someone can come up with a rational argument against same-sex marriage”, to highlight the fact.

You see, whether or not one is bigoted has nothing to do with whether they agree with me or not, but whether or not they can rationally justify their stance, and an opposition to same-sex marriage cannot be rationally justified. Unless, of course, you have something new for me that I haven’t heard before?

<<What no comment about the Soros, MSM, academia reference...?>>

No. What about it?

<<… I don't accept that I have to … submit to an illegal act in participating in an event foisted upon me by someone else's agenda. That is not democracy.>>

No, it certainly doesn’t sound like democracy to me either. What illegal act are we talking about, by the way?

<<… I didn't feel the need to 'out' or 'go queer' because my partner had slept with someone else.>>

I’m sure you didn’t. I can’t imagine many would. What a bizarre thing to say.

<<Nor did I march in the street and demand a plebiscite.>>

Of course not. Why would you?

<<I did however find lots of resistance to the fact I had been awarded custody and control of my children from the Feminazis and their ilk, so please spare me the lecture.>>

I’m glad it all seems to have worked out for you. I’m not sure what lecture I need to spare you of though. There were problems with a quote you appeared to agree with and I pointed them out. That’s all.

<<… in light of your stance on the plebiscite, the rationale don't hold water here.>>

That was something I said nine years ago. What relevance does it have to this issue?

By the way, voting in a plebiscite is not compulsory. No one is forcing anyone to vote on anything.
Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 1 December 2016 1:58:55 PM
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Same-sex marriage is illogical because:
Our bodies are made (or have evolved if you prefer) for heterosexual sex so anything else is not logical.
One of the reasons for marriage throughout history is procreation between the couple which can't happen with SSM and that is not due to some illness or mutation, so it is not logical.
These are statements of fact, and so I believe is this one - it is a violation of God's created order, they are not bigotry. SSM is illogical therefore there is no case for it and it should be rejected as it has been throughout the rest of history, it is SSM supporters who need to make a case and they have not, indeed cannot.
Posted by maricus, Friday, 2 December 2016 8:43:46 AM
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