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Meet the family : Comments

By Stuart Horrex, published 1/9/2016

I, like my fiancé, am an Australian citizen, so the natural question is, why should we be forced to leave our own country to get married?

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Hey interactive,
An era where children are now owned by the state and parents are mere wards.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 2 September 2016 8:27:54 AM
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"what will be the damage to a NORMAL society, by granting the concession"

A couple of points.
- What's the definition of a "NORMAL society" in regard to marriage. Arranged by parents? Till death do us part? Add on the questions but the modern western fall in love and marry story is not normal in terms of human history and does not appear to have been a resounding success in terms of stability, happiness, social impact etc.
- Why the assumption that damage is the only factor to be considered? What if there are benefits. From my perspective the less social pressure on same sex attracted people to form marriage like relationships with people of the opposite sex the better for society. How much harm has been done throughout history to both same sex attracted people and those they have married by social pressure that have sought to pressure same sex attracted people to behave "normally".

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 2 September 2016 8:44:17 AM
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Alan B
"pedophilia, criminals who in my view should be taken out and shot?"

Meaning what? Consensual sex under the age of 18?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 2 September 2016 11:27:07 AM
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Armchair Critic

Just a gentle reminder if I may.

You should be more careful with use of the word "parent".

Under the Canadian system, you would have to use the term "legal parent", as the word "parent" infers "natural parent", which should not be used anymore. not to use words such as "wife", "husband", "mother" or "father" etc, as those words are of course discriminatory.

Children should be trained or heavily disciplined not to say words such as "mummy" or "daddy", even if it feels natural for a child to do so.

However, feel free to use words such as "gay", "straight", "queer", etc, as those words are commonly used by homosexuals to refer to other people, and you can make frequent use of the word "boy", such as in "boy butter".

Also...always regard homosexuals in a positive way, with no criticism whatsoever, and always regard homosexuals as being oppressed and victimised.

For example, you might see a group of homosexuals pretending they are Roman soldiers.

Do not think of the murders, persecution and slavery carried out by Roman soldiers, but instead think of homosexuals as being victimized and abused in our current society.

So just some gentle reminders to be more careful with your language and your thoughts.
Posted by interactive, Friday, 2 September 2016 1:36:35 PM
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Well RObert...
A normal society by definition, is a society which is based on what the majority in that society consider as normal, (as opposed to deviant). Homosexuality is a deviant from the vast majority of society members, therefore not normal and does not thus fit the detination of normal!
(It is considered to be an abnormal union, when two people of the same sex wish to engage, through marriage medium, which is currently entirely inside the confines of the normal heterosexual union)!

And there is the problem. What is normal, in relation to the "Everyman" view of homosexuals, is the concessions already made towards homosexuals by a lenient society, which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity or gender bias.
Those many concessions are mere human rights which should ensure the safety and peace of all members of society, regardless.

Unfortunately, the path towards overturning convention in this way, is becoming littered with the debry of free speech, and the loss of freedoms once assumed to be afforded to children.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 2 September 2016 5:04:13 PM
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" Unfortunately, the path towards overturning convention in this way, is becoming littered with the debry of free speech, and the loss of freedoms" - agreed on that point but I'm also of the view that part of th4e reason for the loss of those freedoms is the routine use by some of freedom without care or responsibility.

There are those on both sides who use whatever means they can to shut down the freedoms of those they disagree with.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 3 September 2016 10:37:06 AM
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