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Meet the family : Comments

By Stuart Horrex, published 1/9/2016

I, like my fiancé, am an Australian citizen, so the natural question is, why should we be forced to leave our own country to get married?

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Not poker machines. I would never marry a poker machine
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 1 September 2016 12:01:19 PM
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People who love and are committed to each other should be free to marry!

We remain one of the few advanced "enlightened" countries where this is not legally permitted! Catholic Ireland overwhelmingly voted in favor. And one of the most conservative countries, the USA got over themselves and just got it done. Ditto England, Canada and our cousins across the ditch New Zealand!

We are held hostage by a tiny vocal minority with both influence and power! Intrangesent recalcitrants with delusions of grandeur, stand in the way of progressive progress?

And can be guaranteed to try every dirty mean minded trick to deny the expressed will of the people?

This is where the gay community need to become activists inside their own forewarned group of family and friends, to get them to ignore the outrageous stone age activation allegations and abuse from the troglytes, who believe that your sexual bias is something you chose!

That's why we need to emulate Ireland's example of family and friends activism.

Speaking as a proud parent, I would never deny any of my kids their right to happiness on the basis of a proven wrong belief!

To that end and sad commentary, we need a binding plebiscite and tolerate all of the reviling rubbish and hateful homophobia from mostly, the still in the closet quarter? And water off a duck's back, however hurtful!

If a plebiscite is somehow prevented or postponed? Those archaic anachronisms responsible, will be severely punished at the next poll that really counts? Even where they have an 11th hour change of heart or conversion months out from the next election?

The very successful Irish model relied on just folks getting a yes commitment from family or friends! And based on the simple proposition, would you really actually act to prevent my happiness? A must do by every gay person!

Remember it's not compulsory nor contagious! Nor will any celebrant be obliged to act against his or her conscience!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 1 September 2016 12:44:07 PM
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Let's just have it all done with and get on with continually saying "Sorry" for something done centuries ago. Will people in 2116 be saying "Sorry" or will we have moved on...probably not I suspect.

Monty Python had it sussed.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 1 September 2016 1:46:33 PM
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Stuart you sound like you've had a pretty tough time of it, over the years with your homosexuality. Initially being forced to conceal it, for fear of being physically assaulted, ridiculed, even being vocationally discriminated against because of it ? And now you've finally come through all of that emotional persecution, and you still feel you've been marginalised, over this same sex marriage issue. Because of the apparent vacillation over any agreement between our two main Political Parties, whether to have a plebiscite or a parliamentary political vote.

If you were to travel abroad to marry, upon your return it would not carry the weight of law back here ? My only thoughts Stuart, you 'WILL' ultimately be permitted to marry your long term 'same sex' partner, the only question is when, and how that 'permission' will occur? Decided by a plebiscite, or by a parliamentary vote ! The only question as I indicated above, is when ! Like most things worthwhile Stuart, patience. An enormous amount of patience.

In conclusion though I have absolutely no truck with male homosexual behaviour, I have even less for anything approaching persecution of homosexuals or sodomy, provided it's practiced in private, and those who engage in that behaviour do not attempt to coerce, compel or intimidate others in engaging in such activity, against their will.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 1 September 2016 2:06:06 PM
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Alan B.:

They are free to marry just not have a marriage licence from the government - there is a difference.

If we change our legislation just because other countries have it does not say much for our critical faculties as a country. We would just be sheep.

"We are held hostage by a tiny vocal minority with both influence and power! Intrangesent recalcitrants with delusions of grandeur, stand in the way of progressive progress?"

If you have a problem with who has the power then you had your chance to do something about it at the last election so quit your childish whinging.

"This is where the gay community need to become activists inside their own forewarned group of family and friends, to get them to ignore the outrageous stone age activation allegations and abuse from the troglytes"

Why do you feel the need to tell them what they should do? That is very patronising. Don't you think they are capable of working it out for themselves?

"Speaking as a proud parent, I would never deny any of my kids their right to happiness on the basis of a proven wrong belief!"

Their happiness is not really in your hands either way. How would you stop them even if you wanted to?

"Those archaic anachronisms responsible, will be severely punished at the next poll that really counts?"

You think same-sex marriage is the only issue people care about when they vote?

"The very successful Irish model relied on just folks getting a yes commitment from family or friends! And based on the simple proposition, would you really actually act to prevent my happiness? A must do by every gay person!"

What value is there in getting your family and friends to agree with you? They might be emotionally dependent on you and will do whatever you ask. Why not focus on logical arguments and then you will know that SSM has been accepted for the right reasons?
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 1 September 2016 2:26:57 PM
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The author and those of like mind should never have to leave the country in order to get married. A lack of decisive leadership in our elected members of parliament is too blame for not treating these people as human beings with all the rights and privileges attached to those who are of not of like mind for same sex relations leading to marriage.

It's a power and control thing, those who oppose same sex marriage are only trying to control the lives of other individual consenting adults who have a preference for same sex relations.

And to those so called "christians" who love to cherry pick passages from the bible to justify their stance about marriage being between a man and a woman, it doesn't! it does not anywhere clearly state that it is ONLY between a man and a woman. Don't believe me? feel free to prove me wrong on this one.
Posted by Rojama, Thursday, 1 September 2016 2:29:41 PM
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