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Thoughts on the plebiscite : Comments

By Michael Thompson, published 24/8/2016

Opposition to a plebiscite basically assumes that the public will vote against gay marriage, so a plebiscite shouldn't be held because the public have no rights in this matter.

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"Proponents of same-sex marriage haven’t won in the arena of ideas—they have won through manipulation and intimidation. Those who oppose them must speak up"

'I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage'
by Doug Mainwaring

"I’m Gay, And I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

The big secret in the LGBT community is that there are a significant number of gays and lesbians who oppose same-sex marriage, and an even larger number who are ambivalent. You don’t hear us speak out because gay rights activists (most of whom are straight) have a history of viciously stamping out any trace of individualism within the gay community. I asked to publish this article under a pseudonym, not because I fear harassment from Christian conservatives, but because I know this article will make me a target of the Gaystapo."
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 25 August 2016 10:23:15 AM
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The cost objection of some people to the plebicite is just a blind used by anti-democrats who want Big Brother to tell us what to do. These Marxists don't have anything to say about the constant waste of money indulged in by politicians in other areas, nor the hundred million dollars per day going down the toilet in interest payments. Not to mention the absurd waste of our money on the Olympic Games. And, who is responsible for the expected expense of the plebicite? The activist homosexual community and the people using them (the anti-democrats and Marxists) to bring about a socialist tyranny, that's who. What will they want next? Probably an elaborate exhibition of the Governor General doing a Caligua in Kings Cross, marrying a horse! Anything to turn Australia into a freak show. This insidious nonense is more about power and bringing our society down than it is about people of the same sex playing silly games.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 August 2016 11:30:04 AM
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what I want to know is when have the leftist ever been concerned about spending tax payer money. They were silent in the 7 years of economic vandalism and now pretend they are concerned about the cost of a plebiscite. THe billions wasted on the abc propaganda machine can give up some of aunties crumbs. No one would be worse off.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 25 August 2016 11:37:25 AM
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AJP to OSW: Of course you don’t. When someone exposes our beliefs as baseless and fundamentally flawed,

Errrr.... when did you do that? People, even you, are entitled to dislike someone for their own reasons. Personally, I don’t particularly like “Funny Peculiar People” either.

AJP: So I take it from your personal attacks that you have no rational basis for any of the offensive opinions that you expressed earlier?

I could never see why some other persons opinion would be “Offensive” you. Have you ever thought that your opinion is just as “Offensive” to them.

AJP: I provided you with a link to the research demonstrating that one. Proper referenced stuff too. Not just the stuff you read in unreliable physical books.

Of course you can. These books/references are written by people that are Gay & are supporting their chosen lifestyle.

When it comes to Mental Illness.

No in order to reproduce the World is mostly made up of Male & Female according to X & Y Chromosomes & the whole idea of Sex is to reproduce. Any variation from the norm in the way Genes are made up leads to illness. Therefore If it’s the Gene thing that the GLTB’s are saying make Homosexuality normal then there is a problem. They have recognised that something has gone wrong with the Gay Persons Genes. Therefore they have a type of illness. If it’s not the reason then being Gay is a “Chosen Lifestyle” & there definitely is something interfering with that persons Brains wiring, therefore they are Mentally Ill.

But, having said that Man has also included Entertainment & Control into the Equation. I think Control would have come first, as in One Bull & his Herd of Cows. Sex as Entertainment would have come much later in History. Most GLTB’s fall mostly into the Entertainment end of the Spectrum.

But that is “My” opinion for what it’s worth & it’s just a valid as your AJP.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 25 August 2016 11:44:01 AM
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I believe that one of the sad truths is that the politicians find it simpler and more efficient to harness people, and thus their political support, by simply neglecting them and not bothering to educate them.

How many here fail the first rule of logic in that you truly do not even want to learn?

And thus their is a schism, between the Intelligentsia on the one hand, and the unsophisticated mob who demand their whim by majority on the other.

In that regard some of you should be grateful that AJ cares to share his expertise and Christian rules prevailing, the Higher must serve the Lower and thus we should all welcome those more knowledgeable and "Absorb what is useful" (sic Bruce Lee.)

And rest assured, there are those even among the troll population who seek knowledge. But the manner in which they prefer to uptake knowledge has to be on their terms, else futility may result.

Thus we enter a world where it is not merely enough to be knowledgeable, but in order to be a skilled educator one must also be a skilled communicator, who can empathise with the elements within the audience, understand how they are able to reckon and then dish it up in a form and at a rate that is digestible to them. .. Easier said than done in some cases wouldn't you say?


I think they should hold off until the plebiscite can be done at a fraction of the cost by way of a cost and time effective digital mechanism. And I think the question should be broader, such as, "Shall we put an end to negative discrimination, across the board?"

With all of the money and resource put into digital security, the incident during the census makes the guvment look weak. Now, they need to do something strong like roll out digital democracy in a big way and defend it.
Posted by DreamOn, Thursday, 25 August 2016 1:09:44 PM
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Knowledge is not wisdom. What we need in the same-sex marriage debate is wisdom. Wisdom can come from any quarter. The most unlearned person can offer something to the debate and it can be quite profound and cut to the heart of the issue.

Wisdom comes from the ability to reflect on life experience. It takes in information from a wide variety of sources and applies that information to the problem at hand. A wise person takes in not just what is found in books but also what is found in their own hearts and those of their brothers and sisters. A wise person respects that experience and listens to it with an open mind. A wise person does not deride or belittle or patronise or talk down to or lecture others. Nor do they flout their credentials like some kind of intellectual bully. Wise people are searching for truth and not for self aggrandisement.

Everyone on this forum should be treated with respect and listened to with attention because you just never know who is going to come up with something wise to add to the mix. You can have all the degrees in the world but still have nothing worthwhile to say.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 25 August 2016 1:55:42 PM
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