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Thoughts on the plebiscite : Comments

By Michael Thompson, published 24/8/2016

Opposition to a plebiscite basically assumes that the public will vote against gay marriage, so a plebiscite shouldn't be held because the public have no rights in this matter.

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o sung wu,

<<Homosexual behaviour, notwithstanding how you cut it, is basically sodomy, and those who practice it, are sodomites !>>

So what about lesbians? What about gay male couples who don’t practice anal sex (yes, they exist)? And why state that those who practice sodomy are sodomites? Isn’t that second part redundant? Or did you just add that last bit to express your contempt for gay people?

<<When I first joined the job back in mid 1960's, Long Bay had an entire wing dedicated to housing these sodomites, and they were officially described as 'non associates'.>>

Yes, people were very ignorant back then, weren’t they? There’s two islands in Moreton Bay here that they used to keep lepers on too.

<<That said, I don't believe anyone whatever it is they practice in the privacy of their bedroom should suffer any overt discrimination.>>

Just a little bit of discrimination then, eh? How do you determine what is and is not an acceptable level of discrimination?

<<But it would now seem they're no longer content having their sexual practices deemed lawful and 'natural', they want the whole nine yards, proper marriage, with all the vows and other 'stuff' that comes with the union of an adult man and an adult woman.>>

Is there a reason they should not?

<<Why not go the whole hog eh ? Lets lock up all the 'straight' people out there, and legislate to make natural sexual intercourse, between a man and a woman, a crime !>>

A non sequitur slippery slope. Two fallacies rolled in one. Now that takes some flawed thinking!

<<... do I have an aversion to homosexual behaviour ? Absolutely !>>

Interesting. So how do you justify this aversion? Or is it a purely irrational, emotional reaction?
Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 24 August 2016 5:55:22 PM
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Well, a referendum unlike a plebiscite, can't be ignored revised or rejected by the usual suspects; and is what the Irish settled for along with family and friends activism! Which is all that's needed to finally resolve this matter for once and for all!

Albeit, there are a few family members who ferociously hang on to an expressed belief, as if their life or sanity rested on it; that their ostracised estranged rallies "chose" their sexual bias!

[Probably round the same time as they themselves consiously "chose" to be straight hetrosexuals or chose a holden over a ford!? Hmm, decisions, decisions, ah the quandry!]

That said, acceptance of the biological realities, would not show them in a good light, but rather in very realistic comparison to the also homophobic and inhumane, gay persecuting Nazis!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 24 August 2016 6:04:46 PM
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Alan B thank you for proving my point. I do not know what the British have done to you mate but it is really festering isn't it.
You answer my call on you being racist by more racism, really?
I am sure if you went to Britain it would certainly widen your horizons young Alan and maybe you might even learn something.
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 24 August 2016 7:38:25 PM
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Here we are folks A.J. PHILIPS our resident Criminologist, academic, and general know-all ! How's your 'chuckling' detective friend ? I thought you'd given our humble Forum a miss for something far more cerebral and without the existence of any of us ordinary pragmatists. And yes, you did win the prize for the most boring and banal of all those who seek to disabuse us on how talented and intelligent they are ? Have you given Stephen HAWKING the benefit of your wise counsel yet ? No doubt he's waiting by the phone.

AJP I really don't know why you even bother to question me ? You know I'm not very smart,left school in 1955 aged fifteen, with only a humble Intermediate Certificate ? Besides, I've told you so many times, I just don't like you, never have and never will, so why bother ? I've deferred to your opinion on everything you've stated on crime, criminals, and the police force. So what more can I say ? You're like a small annoying little dog for ever tugging at the cuff of my strides, simply annoying. So why don't you go and find another poor bugger to bore senseless, and give me a break, after all I'm closer to 80 than 70, so just go away and leave me alone, OK.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 24 August 2016 9:29:59 PM
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AJ Philips,

The plebicite "will give bigots and hate preachers a podium".

This is just an assumption on your part; although you will probably continue your bigoted hate preaching right up to the plebicite and beyond. Your "increased mental problems for gay people" is also an assumption. "Increased" mental problems suggests that you think that homosexuals already have mental problems, and you could be right. Perhaps the whole thing is a mental problem.

I'm not going to continue arguing with you. You clearly reject a democratic means of dealing with the situation, preferring that everybody should bow down to politicians pandering to a very small minority, and ignoring the opinions of anyone who doesn't hold you views. Turnbull, for all his failts, has said that there will be a plebicite, and that's that. Good luck with your unrealistic attitudes. Just don't expect me to indulge you any longer. If you don't like my opinions, stiff cheese.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 August 2016 9:40:05 PM
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My partner teaches music 2 at a select Sydney school, to the lower end age group 16 to17yo. (Year 11 NSW).

During the afternoon, her students were requested to volunteer to play music for a group of homosexual students at a gathering on campus.
Surprisingly, the entire group stubbornly refused to volunteer.

Normally this group of very talented students, are eager to play at any venue when requested.

Effectively, their refusal was a snub. These students certainly do not remotely fit your survey profile. Not one of the group were supportive of the gay community on campus
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 24 August 2016 10:02:21 PM
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