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Thoughts on the plebiscite : Comments
By Michael Thompson, published 24/8/2016Opposition to a plebiscite basically assumes that the public will vote against gay marriage, so a plebiscite shouldn't be held because the public have no rights in this matter.
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Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 27 August 2016 6:39:07 PM
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Phanto seems to have become quite rabid in the aftermath of all of her clap trap being dismissed by reason.
Phanto, if you have something of merit to contribute, then some people at least will applaud it as such. If on the contrary you continue to spout inane drivel ad nauseum then you may expect people to throw eggs. You lost the debate convincingly and now you want to appeal the decision on the grounds that AJ was allegedly mean and that most people don't care anyway. I don't see that AJ is anyway consistently aggressive. I think you fail to understand most of what is being said and that thereafter you are a poor loser. If you want to have a faith which has rules that's fine. But don't be wanting to inflict your narrow little conceptions and your little rules of morality on everyone else. You won't be thanked for it and are likely to be ridiculed, and deservedly so. Posted by DreamOn, Saturday, 27 August 2016 6:45:14 PM
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You missed my meaning.// It's not actually a cardinal sin to say what you mean and mean what you say. I enjoy a good metaphor as much as the next man, but if the meaning gets lost in the metaphor then the metaphor should be dropped in favour of the meaning. //that RUNNER has espoused over the many years he's contributed (magnificently), to this FORUM// You appear to be mistaking 'magnificently' for 'prolifically'. //would you agree, sexual intercourse between two males is completely unnatural// No, I wouldn't. //it's sodomy// Well, is suppose that's one way to put it. But dreadfully tinny, old chap. I prefer the term buggery. It's got a nice woody quality, buggery. Gooorrrrn. Intercourse. Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 27 August 2016 9:09:45 PM
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o sung wu,
Thanks for getting back on topic. I must say, though, your questions are very loaded. <<…would you agree, sexual intercourse between two males is completely unnatural, it's sodomy.>> Firstly, not all gay males practice anal sex, so if that’s the standard by which you judge what is natural, then gay men who don’t practice anal sex are natural and so are lesbians. Moreover, by that logic, heterosexuality is not normal when the individual practices, or has practiced, anal sex. Secondly, as I said to Jayb, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that homosexuality is a perfectly natural evolved trait ( Finally, this argument is the Appeal to Nature fallacy ( <<Would it bother you whether a child of yours (if male) engaged in homosexual behaviour ?>> Not so long as they were of age and took the proper precautions. I’d really prefer they were serious about the person. I would probably even try to talk them out of it if they were still youngish, but the same would go for any form of sex - daughters included. <<Could you perhaps imagine for a moment, whether you could possibly contain your inner rage if you found a recalcitrant young son of yours wilfully engaged in the unlawful act pederasty ?>> I’d be furious, but the same would go for my under-aged daughter and an older man (or woman). The genders are irrelevant. Statutory rape is the issue there. The same goes of the rest of your post. Such crimes and dysfunctions are not unique to homosexuality, nor are they naturally or necessarily the end result of it. As for the more legal, flamboyant homosexual subculture (most of which consists of people in their twenties) wouldn’t you think that having marriage as an option would help to settle these people down? There’s certainly evidence that the increased levels of smoking, drinking, and drug taking among the homosexual population would reduce if they were treated with less discrimination. For the above reasons and many more, marriage equality is win-win. Directly or indirectly, we all stand to benefit to some degree. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 27 August 2016 9:33:59 PM
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I must apologise for my delay in responding to your most recent thread. On the extremely rare occasion I would wish to be favoured as an 'academic' it would be one involved in the Computer Science disciplines I believe. This jolly computer of mine has been misbehaving quite badly to the point it was soon to be consigned to the nearest bloody window ! I'm not speaking of lesbians or the 'few' (much older) homosexual men who never commit the abominable act of sodomy. I was referring entirely to those who're sodomites. As a copper I cannot tell you the number of incidents I've attended involving violence and trouble, in or around homosexual men - and a few lesbian women. I can't quote statistics, I can only speak in terms of empirical evidence, that I and many of my former colleagues have encountered over time. For reasons that are totally beyond me these sodomites seem to find or attract trouble without any apparent effort whatsoever. In parks at night, loitering in or near public toilets, trawling through certain entertainment precincts, seeking out like minded individuals, even while travelling on trains within the suburban network. While it's true, some sodomites never involve themselves in traditional trouble spots; I know of a couple of parliamentarians who are gay, and are most discreet when searching for others of a similar persuasion, even asking advice from one of my old (straight) bosses ! Particular on how to avoid the dreaded,'The Bash a Poofter Gang' and their territory. Surely A J P you would 'never wish' nor condone any son of yours, to pursue a homosexual lifestyle, whether or not they 'loved' their partner, and he was an exemplary person ? Everything around homosexual behaviour (sodomy) spells trouble for most of those under 25 years. Very few go on to lead deep fulfilling lives, despite their claims. Why ? It's against the laws of nature ! As is anal sex unnatural, with heterosexual couples ? It's simply unnatural. Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 29 August 2016 3:16:44 PM
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Posted by runner, Saturday, 27 August 2016 5:27:24 PM
" ... As for tipping me over the edge I actually find that a little amusing. I would have severe character defects to allow someone as Christophobic to go anywhere near close to having that kind of power. ... " Really? But if not a pronouncement of "Heretic" we do have the "Christophobic" label. " ... AJ hides behind a false cloak of intellectualism but really is one of the most irrational posters on the forum. ... " Perhaps you can provide us with an example of that *Runner?* " ... I think it was Phanto who said this was not about marriage for aj. He knows he is totally bereft of any moral base to draw from and hence deliberately misrepresents Christs teachings. ... " Oh come now, he made an eloquent response asserting that his moral basis may not come from the Bible, but ... " ... People who reject Christ's teachings have far more credibility than sly hateful people who actually know the truth and yet deliberately misrepresent it. ... " Ooo! That sounds like the hiss of "Apostate" under your breath *Runner* HaHaHa Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 29 August 2016 4:29:32 PM
Or would you be prepared to depart from the conventional approach and pursue a more enlightened, modernistic direction, and simply wish them all the happiness and luck you can muster. Telling them to seek their own emotional fulfillment from anywhere and with whom, they can find a suitable attachment ?
Could you perhaps imagine for a moment, whether you could possibly contain your inner rage if you found a recalcitrant young son of yours wilfully engaged in the unlawful act pederasty ? AJP I understand you're from Queensland ? There's a place in East Sydney, opposite St Vincents Hospital, called the 'Wall' (part of the old Darlinghurst Gaol), it's here where many young boys, ply their trade trawling for marauding pedophiles, earning up to $180 - $220 for 20 to 40 minutes riding around, in these pedophiles nice shiny luxury cars.
Unfortunately I've been intimately engaged in working this area, and it's not pretty, nor could I express the absolute revulsion I've felt, each and every time we've been tasked with interdicting offences hereabouts. AJP if ever one needed to witness the damage occasioned by males engaged in the act of sodomy, one need go no further, than the infamous 'Wall'. Albeit, many are still youths as young as 11 upwards to 17 years and beyond, but they mature with lightening speed. It's little wonder many go on to lead a life, literally in the shadows of normality - space and time expressly limit much of what it is that I can say. But much of this curse starts with mere experimentation and on it goes, without any parental interference whatsoever.
Obviously, not all homosexuals emerge from this awful type of environment. Many come upon it, quite naturally.