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Thoughts on the plebiscite : Comments

By Michael Thompson, published 24/8/2016

Opposition to a plebiscite basically assumes that the public will vote against gay marriage, so a plebiscite shouldn't be held because the public have no rights in this matter.

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Posted by runner, Saturday, 27 August 2016 11:10:57 AM

" ... Not only full of arrogance but more than happy to misrepresent Scripture eh AJ? Why am I not surprised. No problem for AJ with no moral basis to draw from to misrepresent the bible. ... "

AJ, I reckon you are so close now to being pronounced a Heretic. That's great work. A few more reasonable interpretations and that may just tip *Runner* over the edge.

Still, this place would be far less colourful without *Runner* and I have lost count of the times that some of his responses have left me in stitches.


I recall having a kretek and a yarn with the local Prayer Master some years ago in staunchly conservative Islamic East Jawa. He's passed on now. But I asked him, referring to scripture from the Al'Quoran, "Thinking about Nabi Isa (JC) and the other Prophets, is it true in Islam that they are all equal and to be equally respected?"

And he replied, "Yes, it is true, but you must undertand, that Nabi Mohammed was the one brought the Al'Quoran, and that is how we connect to this day, and that is why we love him the most."
Posted by DreamOn, Saturday, 27 August 2016 1:43:48 PM
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Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 27 August 2016 2:06:59 PM
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You missed my meaning.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 27 August 2016 2:07:26 PM
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I'm sorry for this disjointed single word...'well' that's been (correctly) attributed to my epithet - I keep receiving a message - 'Server has Failed' ? Anyway I'll have another go;

I see DREAMON you're gleefully hoping to see RUNNER 'tipped over the edge'; The edge of what precisely ? Is it your intention, in collaboration with A.J PHILIPS, to devalue RUNNER'S opinion ? Adopting this supercilious and condescending posture of complete superiority, even some sort of eminence over everyone, who would dare have the temerity to disagree with ?

I suspect even A J Philips, labouring as it were, with the unified weight of all his diplomas, indubitably would never wish to 'tip' anyone over any edge, figuratively or in reality !

There are many things that I've disagreed with, that RUNNER has espoused over the many years he's contributed (magnificently), to this FORUM, nevertheless he has an opinion to which he's entitled, right or wrong, and some posturer like you, has no fundamental right to use derision or worse utter sarcasm to demolish his views by encouraging A J Philips to 'tip him over the edge' ! I wouldn't know the bloke if I fell over him, neither would you, but to employ language of a kind that may well 'tip' someone over the edge is neither clever nor educated.

Believe me 'sonny boy', over my time in the job I've attended the Glebe Coroner's Court sufficiently enough to realise it requires almost nothing to 'tip' some people over that allegorical edge', so wake up to yourself, pull your silly head in, and think before you open your big trap in future, perhaps you may do some poor soul a favour ?
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 27 August 2016 3:03:44 PM
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Tipped over the edge into pronouncing *AJ* a Heretic. <snicker, snicker> For I believe it wouldn't surprise *Runner* to know that I was baptised in an (arguably) Heretical Church.

I don't think that *Runner* ought to have interpreted any maliciousness on my part, as I also spoke fondly of him. But, there's only one way to be sure and that's to have *Runner* tell us himself. If he felt I was being gleefully nasty then I shall apologise, unreservedly. The gleeful part is true enough. <snicker, snicker>

If not, it may be that you are a bit highly strung and thus you did not appraise my post in its entirety and have rather over reacted to just part of it. You make it sound like I have a depraved criminal intent to see him mentally scarred.

No, it would not please me to mentally scar him. .. I would tease him, stir him, seek to illicit some colourful responses from him, quicken him, broaden him, give him a bit of "tickle" deep down .. yes, but scar no. *Runner* as said provides me with much mirth.
Posted by DreamOn, Saturday, 27 August 2016 4:01:15 PM
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A J Philips:

Your reply to Is Mise shows how truly obsessed you are. The fact that you have gone to all that trouble to look up bible references just for the sake of making a sarcastic put down of a person who did nothing more than offer an opinion says so much about you as a person.

This is never about same-sex marriage for you. No one would go to the lengths that you do to drag up references. You try and tell us that you are concerned about the truth and that you are fighting for same-sex marriage and equality but same-sex marriage is not worth doing what you do. Even the most ardent advocates are not as obsessed as you are.

You are not fighting for equality - you are fighting against people. You are not trying to win a debate but to hurt people. If the opinion polls are so correct then it is hardly worth the bother to argue in favour of same-sex marriage. You would not need to hurt people when there is hardly any reason to bother arguing with them.

You like to think that you are educating people and that your references are somehow a service to mankind. Same-sex marriage is not an academic debate. It is about relationships, homosexuality and attraction to others. These are things of the heart and there are no courses in that. Most people bring their life experience to the debate on same-sex marriage but you bring a wad of books and try and bully people into making it all about things you know about but which are basically irrelevant to the issue.
Posted by phanto, Saturday, 27 August 2016 4:25:37 PM
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