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Political correctness: the demise of debate : Comments

By Louis O'Neill, published 19/8/2016

As a result my adversaries are more than ready to deviate from the laws of discourse, veering off into ad hominem, red herring or appeal to emotion fallacies.

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The key here is...
Hold the mirror up to your own face. i find people are very good at seeing fault in others but not themselves.
In a democrazy everyone can and should have their own opinion.
Political correctness is not new it has been around since man first started talking.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 19 August 2016 9:37:26 AM
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Well said. Cobber the Hound's comments are highly amusing, given his attitudes and comments to people he doesn't agree with.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 19 August 2016 11:10:38 AM
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I couldn't agree more with the author.
Cobber the hound says "In a democracy everyone can and should have their own opinion".
I suspect the author very much agrees with this statement too. What he rails against is the belief held mainly by left progressives that not only are their opinions the only ones that are valid, but that alternative opinions should not be allowed to be aired.
Take for example the proposed plebiscite on gay marriage. The left do not want it because they fear that people who disagree with gay marriage might voice their opinions and someone may be offended.

Likewise a recent cartoon by Bill Leak commenting on the northern territory child detention scandal was shouted down as racist. In reality it was making an important point about parental responsibility and its relationship to juvenile criminality. A point that the rest of the media had failed to make in their condemnation of the government and corrections system. If Bill Leak was wrong then why not engage in debate and refute the point he was making? Rather than just call him names.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Friday, 19 August 2016 11:42:51 AM
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If there's any red herrings in play here they originate in the abysmal advocacy of the Author along with the appalling historical revision?

And without quoting chapter and verse, applies to much of the document and patently disingenuous claims?

Highlighted at the start by the glaring example of a wages gap myth! There is no such myth, but a very real wages gap and manifest misogyny!

I could go on, but patently this dinosaur doesn't want a debate, just servile servitude on the part of the feminist movement and anybody else confounded by his conjecture and confected conspiracy theories?

Trump would just love you mate and any other fellow traveler, able to take comfort in the fact, they're always right!?

Q: How can you tell when a decidedly demented dribbling dinosaur is on the level?
A: When he dribbles equally from both sides of the mouth.

Deep, deep down he's probably a nice enough bloke? The deeper the better.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 19 August 2016 12:06:30 PM
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Yes, PC has been around forever - it usually has meant the viewpoints of those in power. After all, cultures usually reflect the views, perhaps tarted up and tacit, of those in power, usually the men. So culture has usually been an instrument for male domination, nothing neutral about it.

You suggest: "In a democracy everyone can and should have their own opinion". Would you broaden that to include people's right to EXPRESS their opinions ? I would. Even idiotic opinions need to be aired, so that everybody else can ridicule them. Both - expressing, and ridiculing opinions - are vital for a robust democracy.

After all, as Karl Popper says, the growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement.

And it's spelt: democracy. There's rough attempts at democracy, and there's totalitarianism, and not much in between. But if you know of a better hole, go to it.

As for Bill Leak's courageous and anti-racist cartoon (since the truth must be, by definition, anti-racist), it was a breath of fresh air to get beyond the fogs of racist 'correctness', where nobody ruffles anybody's feathers by mentioning violence and abuse - and which thereby covers up not just abuse and violence but actual death.

I was looking back at research I did on mortality at an Aboriginal mission and was appalled to notice that over a century, 1860-1960, nearly half of all people dying were under the age of five. Nearly 30 % were of babies under one. 12 % more died between the ages of 5 and 20. Three-quarters died before they reached forty. Because women had plenty of kids, the total numbers held up, but at what human cost ?

And I wouldn't be surprised if mortality patterns today in remote 'communities' - apart from the great numbers of babies saved by modern medical and nursing care - now display a huge bulge in the middle years, say from five to thirty, that most people don't reach forty and that a very high proportion of those deaths were violent.

Thanks, Bill.



Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 19 August 2016 12:14:42 PM
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And don't worry what we reactionary, middle-aged, men, of the OLO punter-rotty say, Louisa.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 19 August 2016 12:14:44 PM
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