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The Forum > Article Comments > Children are never too young to learn about rainbow sex > Comments

Children are never too young to learn about rainbow sex : Comments

By Lyle Shelton, published 9/5/2016

An avalanche of homosexual and transgender material is flooding into the curriculum from high school to pre-school – all without parents' knowledge.

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Blog comments are no place to get your facts. Jay has vested interest in slander and BS.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 12:20:17 PM
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Dear Phanto,

Thank you for you post. I am impressed!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 12:32:29 PM
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Yes, Bazz. I mentioned that earlier.

But it’s not the leaders in the trans-sex movement. It’s biologists.

There’s even a community in the Dominican Republic where a lot of males start out as females and don’t grow their man bits until they hit puberty.

Biological sex is far more of a spectrum than was once assumed.

But I suppose we’re free to waste tax-payers’ money on pointless inquires simply because so many uneducated buffoons out there don’t like what they’re hearing.
Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 12:35:27 PM
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A J Phillips, I read those links with interest.
What they point up is a genetic "defect" made worse by small village
inbreeding ie not a big enough population pool.
Or a chaotic random accident.
Those are generally sporadically aborted.
It is a bit like a baby with six toes or fingers.
It is just that a defect.
What is being proposed by the crazies is that with brainwashing or
just choice people can switch one way or the other.

Don't confuse the two scenarios.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 1:35:25 PM
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the only thing AJ seems educated in is to twist science to support his perverted views. Thats the kind of education our kids don't need. Hollywood fills their heads with enough perversion without the likes of 'educated' AJ twisting science in order to promote idiotic ideology. Leave the kids alone.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 1:48:45 PM
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It's interesting that you say this, Bazz

<<What is being proposed by the crazies is that with brainwashing or just choice people can switch one way or the other.>>

Because in my earlier comment, I noted that Lyle was conflating biological sex with gender, and I think that’s what you’re doing now too. Either that, or you have unwittingly switched topics.

I have yet to see any evidence that anyone is suggesting to children that they can just switch their gender if that’s what they want to do. Whatever suits the mood at the time.

What is actually being said (in terms simple enough for younger people to understand), is that not everyone is physically born with the same biological sex as they are mentally, and that if a child realises this already, or if they end up realising this at some point in the future, then that’s alright. It’s creating an environment for transsexual children (and they often realise at a very young age) that makes them feel more accepted not so fearful of any possible rejection by society in the future, which usually results in all sorts of anxiety and depressive issues later on in life.

There are many explanations as to why this sometimes happens, in case you’re wondering:

Unfortunately, conservatives are misrepresenting what is being said and done to make out as though children are being told (or even encouraged) to just be whatever they want to be. Mix and match. Whatever takes their fancy at the time.

I don’t think any one of us, when we were in school, would have become confused about who we were, or would have wanted to change our gender if the Safe Schools program was in the schools we attended as kids. It’s just fear-mongering.

But it does make me wonder about those who are so concerned about children becoming confused. Could they have maybe benefitted from such a program in their school, given that they apparently think it’s so easy to become confused about one’s own identity?

Now there’s a thought!

Hi runner.
Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 10 May 2016 2:12:45 PM
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