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Reflecting on the Cologne attacks one month on : Comments

By Petra Bueskens, published 2/2/2016

Feminists are in a conundrum with the Cologne attacks: speak out and align with racism or be silent and align with complicity.

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Surely one has to pursue the truth, no matter what ? And certainly when so many women have been assaulted and violated ?

What the hell's the matter with us that we're too gutless to can't stand up for the truth any more ?

IF some bunch of yobs on a train assaulted a group of Muslim women, wouldn't we stand up for those women ?

More difficult for many people to make a judgement on, I'm sure, is the hypothetical scenario of Muslim men assaulting Muslim women on a train - would we say, 'Well, it's their culture (and all cultures are equal) so we shouldn't interfere', or would we say 'Piss off, you mongrel bastards, leave them alone.' ?

Oh, such moral dilemmas for the thoughtful classes, our rightful moral beacons. Gutless wonders.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 9:19:38 AM
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Joe, you of all people should know that truth is always an inconvenience when it comes to the moral posturing of socialists.
Look at the attempt to rewrite indigenous history. Any facts that don't fit the narrative are blithely ignored and any attempt to point out facts or data simply results being labelled racist.
What is happening in Europe is simply a reflection of a culture that is incompatible with western values but hey, let's not allow truth to confuse the issues.
Posted by Big Nana, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 9:33:56 AM
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I don't know how many times I need to repeat it, but we must have better border controls! And by border controls, I mean space age lie detector technology that can be deployed covertly.

The men who engaged in the reported heinous activity in Cologne, come from a culture where these things are not only permissible but encouraged?

And unfortunately haven't been able to leave it behind and adapt to a new culture where such activity is completely verboten!

Perhaps, given our beliefs, we still need to provide sanctuary for these animals, but not the freedom of our city streets!

If they disapprove of our freedoms, culturally acceptable bikinis etc, well how about we provide a free one way trip to a place where they and their stone age customs/belief system are still acceptable?

Even so, until we actually and truly know via an "assisted" in depth interview, what the "REAL" attitudes and beliefs of each of these folk are, they should remain behind razor wire. And in some notable cases, that "interview" and subsequent internment could be made retrospective? Until they can be safely repatriated.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but space age lie detector equipment and racial profiling would enable a roundup of the perps and their secret admirers.

In medieval culture, some believe if thy hand offends thee, cut it off.

For mine and here, that's a complete frontal lobotomy, plus castration that turns these monsters into seville robots and still able to do the most menial jobs.

We could follow that where necessary, with radical shock therapy to burn out all the memories along with the culturally acceptable brainwashing (learned at their mother's knee as little children) that made them monsters.

Monsters are made, not born that way!

There's simply no way to share our space and culture/freedoms with folk with such an extreme culture/ideology! If they can't completely denounce it and leave it behind? Send them back to it!

Perhaps there's room in economy, for the hidebound feminazis who advocated our current too tolerant by half, attitudes and responses?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 9:48:48 AM
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Secularism, Feminism and Islam are very closely aligned hence the reluctance to criticise barbaric acts. They are all death cults that have a hatred of truth which came through Christ. In the case of Islamic rapist/molesters feminist are dumb enough to ask how this could happen.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 10:05:26 AM
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Yes indeed, it is the dreaded feminists fault that all these disgusting men sexually assaulted and robbed all those women in Cologne because it is they who allowed the dreaded Muslims into Europe. In fact, it is they who encourage racism.

Not only that, it is the dreaded feminists fault that the media apparently didn't report on the crimes in a timely manner. Apparently, these feminists, who appear to rule all governments, and the world really, don't care at all about all these poor women who were victims of assault because they were perpetrated by Muslim dark-skinned men rather than their hated white men.

Was that a pig I just saw flying by the window?
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 10:09:49 AM
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"It is now confirmed that these men were 'almost exclusively' of Middle-Eastern and North-African descent and included asylum seekers"

Damn, those Germans need to learn from multicultural Oz under the Labor's International Socialist administrations of Rudd, Galah'd and her treacherous Greens sidekicks, "Quick, grant them all citizenship tout suite and that way all of the offenders are reported as 'German men' and 'home grown rapists'". Good for the feminists and good for the leftists, so go for it Angela! (sic)

Whoops, the cat is already out of the bag.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 2 February 2016 10:13:38 AM
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