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The Forum > Article Comments > Peace loving Australian Muslims deserve a ‘fair go’! > Comments

Peace loving Australian Muslims deserve a ‘fair go’! : Comments

By Aqeel Choudhry, published 24/12/2015

The peaceful, loyal and law-abiding Australian Muslims deserve a 'fair go'. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a perfect example as victim of this over generalisation.

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"Gee Is Mise, your 'Muslim friends' but be very good friends indeed to admit to you that they have no choice but to follow Muslim extremists! Surely you should report them to the relevant authorities if that is the case?

I know several Muslim families, and none have ever said anything like that to me or our other friends"

It's a matter of trust.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 1 January 2016 8:53:26 PM
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A matter of trust aye Is Mise?
So they must trust that you won't report them to the relevant authorities then.
You mustn't be a very good Australian citizen then?

Others here think that any Muslims emigrating here should leave their religion behind.
You surely can't be serious?
Isn't that denying them the freedom of religious beliefs that we extend to everyone else?
That would be a form of racism...again.
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 1 January 2016 11:32:22 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

It isn't a matter of trust but one of logic.
You need to give the matter some more thought.

On the Waleed Aly article for example, you ask
"which of our other criminals justify their
actions by recourse to a religious book?"

Well you can't blame the actions of any
misguided or troubled individual on an entire
religious or minority group.

There's many criminals who "heard voices" or
claimed to be "guided by God" in their actions.
But then I'm sure you must know that.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 January 2016 12:11:09 AM
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Indeed Foxy.
How often do we hear the excuse from a murderer, and often a serial killer, that 'God made me do it.' ? Certainly, it can be any God (Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Jesus, Jehovah, etc) at all that can be in this madman's mind as he/she kills someone.

Years ago, people would have said they were saints or prophets who could 'hear' the words of their Gods. These days, we call them criminally insane and lock them up for years with other like-minded individuals.
Terrorists who kill in the name of their God are criminally more and no less.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 2 January 2016 12:54:23 AM
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Dear Suse,

Even the French President after the Paris debacle
stated that the lunatics who committed the crimes
in Paris had nothing to do with the religion of
Islam. They were fanatics.

Unfortunately some people have their own rationalisations
and prefer to blame religion. These people are more
interested in condemnation and punishment than in
any explanations. Explanations to them seem tantamount to
sympathizing and excusing.

They are reluctant to modify their judgements.
No matter how much logic or facts are presented.
The result is usually a complete breakdown in

See you on another discussion.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 January 2016 1:23:10 AM
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Suze, denying one of their religious freedom in order to protect the wellbeing of a peace loving nation, like Australia, could hardly be classed as racism.

As for you and foxy trying to compare a lunatic citing gods intervention and a Muslim terrorist, you are simply trying once again to water down terrorism. Let me remind you that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result. These Muslims fled their country that in their own words had been ruined by Islam, yet brought the same religion with them.

In fact, bringing something to a country (Islamic beliefs) knowing that it may cause mass harm could be classed as criminal. Its most certainly disrespectful to the home folk.

Of cause if we were to go to their country and practice Christianity we would be shot. But that's not a problem in your eyes. go figure!
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 2 January 2016 6:20:15 AM
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