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The eleventh video : Comments

By Babette Francis, published 10/12/2015

All Australians, even those yet to be born, have a right to state protection of their human rights.

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HEAR, HEAR, Happy Christmas & hopefully a healthier more prosperous New Year to all.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Thursday, 10 December 2015 7:40:01 AM
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What about the rights of all other animal species with whom we share this planet?
What about the rights of the Environment, that which keeps us alive?
Surely this is far more important than so called and overrated human rights.
The arrogance of humanity is incredible.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 10 December 2015 7:42:03 AM
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"The eleventh video released by the Centre for Medical Progress"

It's the eleventh video of lies, even with the very heavy editing it is plan to see to anyone other then foaming at the mouth anti-choiceer's.
Using body parts is a very important part of medical research. The author is one of the crowd that would have us living like they did when the bronze age culture she admires so much was the height of technically innovation.

You know that time were infant morality was very very high, when prayer was a substitute for good medical practice.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 10 December 2015 9:25:36 AM
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I think that medical experiments were part of the Third Reich and a pretty gruesome part. I am not sure if anyone was hanged over them but he should have been. This shows how easily a civilisation can drift into barbarism of the worst kind. Education, technology and prosperity are no guarantees against this.
Posted by Gadfly42, Thursday, 10 December 2015 9:39:06 AM
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Post 4 goes to Godwin's law.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 10 December 2015 12:48:08 PM
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"even with the very heavy editing".

The Centre for Medical Progress take the precaution of releasing the unedited footage along with its edited release to demonstrate that the editing doesn't in anyway alter the impact of the events filmed but just removes periods where little or nothing happens. Even so, there are those who assert that the editing alters the intent of what was said. They:
1. Are just regurgitating talking points from Planned Parenthood and/or
2. Haven't bothered to view the raw footing and/or
3 Are dishonest.

Planned Parenthood aren't upset with these videos because they reveal illegal activity. They know that under the current regime approved illegal activity won't be pursued.
What they are concerned about is that the videos reveal the gruesome nature of abortion, particularly post 20 week abortion.
Pro-abortionists have laboured (!) long and hard to present abortion as this inconsequential medical procedure which has minimal effects on the woman and no effects on a life-form that is little more than a clump of cells.

What these videos reveal is spines being broken, in-vitro dismemberment occurring, hearts being kept as trophies, functioning (at some level) brains being sucked out. They also reveal the utter callousness of those involved who see nothing wrong with these acts, joke about it and, even worse, seek to profit from it.

I'm unsure of the correct moral stance on abortion but accept that pre-20 week abortion is probably necessary and should be legal. But after that, the right to choose is no longer the mother's sole prerogative and ought to be illegal save for very stringently administered circumstances.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 10 December 2015 2:00:29 PM
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