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Islamism, atheism, and the 'Voldemort' effect : Comments

By Brian Morris, published 1/12/2015

The Muslim majority (who are 'non-observant') are integral in the entire complex process of dissuading young minds from the allure of IS and martyrdom.

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That link I gave explains why there is so much failure to call a spade a spade;
The weak kneed responses are to be expected and are a result of history.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 2 December 2015 7:55:14 AM
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Outrider, absolutely correct, the religion of hate must be resisted.

Loudmouth, "true Christianity and Friends of the Truth, reflecting terms used in the New Testament by members of the early Christian church"

"In the past, Quakers were known for their use of thou as an ordinary pronoun, refusal to participate in war, plain dress, refusal to swear oaths, opposition to slavery. Described as "natural capitalists" by the BBC, some Quakers founded non bank financial institutions, like Friends Provident; manufacturing companies including Clarks and the big three British confectionary makers Cadbury, Rowntree and Fry's; and philanthropic efforts, including abolition of slavery, prison reform, and social justice projects"

The truth is often ugly, awkward & inconvenient. 1, NO christian in world history ever killed anybody in anything other than self defence. 2, those brain washed disciples of the religion of hate knew, that when they shot innocent civilians that the authorities would be called, send the SWAT & SAS teams to kill them. they were misguided but in their own sick way they were brave.

JBowyer, time for tough love, they can stay in islamic paradise.

ttbn, too true, radicals behead you, moderates move into your house after you are dead.

Rhosty, islam = devil worship, it is that simple. Muhammad is a disciple of Lucifer.

Ponder, there are both negative & positive religions. islam & left wing religion are both negative religions.

kactuz, have you read "United in Hate"? the answer is simple stop importing them & deport the muslims already here. STOP VOTING LIBERAL, LABOR, NATIONAL OR GREEN. support the ALA.

Bazz, correct here is Bill's official YouTube channel & link to the original videos.

LEGO, correct, have you read "United in Hate"?

Luciferase, now there is an interesting name? deporting them is a positive solution. perhaps you would like to live in China, North Korea, Cuba or HELL?

Bazz, he won't, he is a brain washed, loyal member of the radical, extreme, left wing religious cult.

kactuz, our politicians aren't brainless or spineless but corrupt, they have sold you & your grand children out. join the ALA, ASAP.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Wednesday, 2 December 2015 8:26:28 AM
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Luciferase, I have had a rethink on the DNA.
I originally meant it as a simile, but as we have only just started to
learn about DNA and the brain, maybe there is some coding in there
that holds historical if not hysterical data.
It might be 100 years too soon to write that off.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 2 December 2015 12:54:00 PM
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You said - “We have to appeal in a very public way to Islamic youth, some the progeny of generations of Australian Muslims, and directly to their sense of belonging.

Whilst it is not easy right now for youth across the cultures in Australia, the particular lot of minorities should be to addressed with empathy. They have to know they are part of us, and I haven't seen anything government is doing to address them directly on that front, at any level”.

So a further $45M (of taxpayers’ money) recently given by the Government (to agencies) to address “youth radicalisation” isn’t enough – or nothing?

You said - We have to believe that the vast majority of Australian Muslims are not extreme in their views, as is the case with Christians. We must let Muslim youth know they are a valuable and wanted part of us.

With respect, it’s not the Christians engaging in terrorist activities. Christians are not running around with guns yelling out Allahu etc then try to take out as many “innocent victims” as they can.

All youth is important to Aussies, you need to ask – why are they being “radicalised”, who are the Imams filling their brains with hate for all Western Cultures.

Australia comprises many various religions and cultures, we all have lived in peace for many generations. We have never – in the past – had to spend many millions of dollars in “un-radicalising” our youth.

So in your opinion what’s changed?
Posted by SAINTS, Monday, 7 December 2015 8:19:35 AM
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Sorry, SAINTS, just coming back to OLO after torrid times.

What has changed, you asked. The technology to communicate ideology in ways youth are receptive to and the professionalism of salesmanship and marketing of the ideology. The receptiveness of youth has to be addressed as well as the modes of marketing employed by IS.

Let's see where money goes, if we get to know at all, and measure its effect upon the attitude of Muslim youth.

The primary problem is ideology and radicalization of youth, not killing off IS militarily, which is eminently achievable.

The direct appeal to youth as I advocate, and money spent directly at programs for them, and towards a globally funded cyber attack on IS, is where the focus should be. Muslim parents will appreciate the appeal and the programs and get actively onside and vigilant.

Regarding radical imams, winning over the Muslim community is key to rooting them out and interring them for the duration of the "conflict". That duration should not only include the military defeat of ISIS, but a fixed period of time after a period of peace from ISIS terrorist incidents transpires in the world. While interred, these imams should be reprogrammed, humanely.

You can't kill an idea, only limit its communication and effect.
Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 10 December 2015 10:42:03 AM
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Tony Abbott hit the nail on the head.
Islam needs a reconstruction. At present in the mosque the youth are
told that the Kuran says not to have infidels as friends, and not to
mix with them.

This is not something "we" can do anything about, it has to come from
within Islam and therefore requires a rewriting of the Koran.
However to do so is punishable by death.
That appears to be a genuine threat.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 10 December 2015 12:41:31 PM
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