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The Forum > Article Comments > Maori ritual and Christian indoctrination in New Zealand > Comments

Maori ritual and Christian indoctrination in New Zealand : Comments

By Ngaire McCarthy, published 19/10/2015

To take the mind of a child and teach them about religion as if it were an established fact, is tantamount to child abuse and the state should not be encouraging it.

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Hi Iamacentristmoderatewanker,

Democracy 'set in stone' ? I'm not sure what you mean. When was it set in stone ? When has it ever worked perfectly, yet ? I'll stick to what I wrote:

'No system is perfect, and no system ever will be, nothing is or will be. Democracy is always going to be a work-in-progress, and it will depend on us, the populace, to try to keep it working as well as possible.

'Everything else is either rubbish or, yet again, (in the spirit of the perfect being the enemy of the good) a striving for some Utopia, which inevitably leads to fascism of one sort or another.'

Genuine democracy needs constant work, with the participation of as many of the populace as possible. I'd better repeat that: with the participation of as many of the populace as possible. So much for your strange notions of 'elite'.

I have to agree with Churchill that it's a miserable system, but better than any other yet devised. But you may know better, so like Barnsfather, I'd advise you that

"Well, If you knows of the better 'ole, go to it."

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 22 October 2015 7:31:31 AM
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Yuyutsu, the British Empire is the kindest, gentlest colonizer in world history. All former British African colonies want them to come back since the Chinese took over.

Loudmouth, i hear where you are coming from but you are misinterpreting history. Democracy is NOT "a work in progress". Like the laws of the Universe & Physics. The Democratic ground rules never change. Constant work refers to the people doing their job of being involved, NOT changing the ground rules & then wondering why the system does not work any more.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Saturday, 24 October 2015 7:16:51 PM
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Dear Imacentristmoderate,

<<All former British African colonies want them to come back since the Chinese took over.>>

A colony (or a former colony) has no wants - only individuals do.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 25 October 2015 8:15:56 AM
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