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Closing in: Tony Abbott and the electoral letter of suicide : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 17/8/2015'Choppergate' assumed plague like proportions, even finding voices of condemnation within the shock jock fraternity. The conservative clan were in revolt. The prime minister had gone too far.
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Let's make this a one term Liberal government, so they relearn that they are supposed to be Liberals not conservatives. Get rid of Abott and bring on Turnbull.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:51:45 AM
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Bishop, Bishop, Bishop! What about Burke, Burk, Burke, or Hockey, Hockey, Hockey, or any of the rotten rorters; they are all at it because they have seen to it that it is legal.
Sure, Bishop did a good job in one go; but Burke snipped MORE in one go. Why do Left-wing twits like this one use it against their enemies only when it is just as rife among their allies! It's endemic throughout the system, and certainly will not bring a government down no matter how much this bigot tries. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:57:05 AM
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And don't forget that Bishop is the only one who has paid for her crassness. Burke the Smirk is still drawing front bench wages, and hypocritic Hockey still thinks the rest of have too much. It was probably him who has had Centrelink dragging in Age Pensioners in to make sure that their miserable nest eggs couldn't be used as an excuse to rip their pensions off them. Yes. Age Pensioners are now called for review. It's sooooo easy to slip up to riches on the pension and take money off politicians for their junkets.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 10:20:38 AM
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The coalition can still turn these numbers around; and as simple as replacing Mr Abbott with the labor leader out polling, Mr turnbull?
And in turn returning the liberal philosophy of genuine liberalism, that reflects and represents, current community standards/expectations! Patently what is/has been going on, ain't it? We've got rid of (Captain's pick) (You vill leaf hunder 94a) Mrs Bishop? And didn't she look pleased, as the new speaker was sworn in? Will she still get the quarter of a million (set for life)as her annual pension "entitlement" if she leaves now? Or has she lost that as well? And the reason for her current (dancing in the aisles) ebullient mood? Time for Captain Abbott to call it a day and join her? The only way to put the completely distracting "non issues" to bed in a timely manner; and just FINALLY get on with good truly representative government? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 17 August 2015 12:20:23 PM
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Well Rhosty... Firstly, there is nothing new about politicians and their rorts. The beat-up over Bronyn Bishop badly back-fired, as the reality of truth unravelled, tarring all politicians with the one brush! Love-all on that one!
Secondly, Abbott is seen in the public eye as strong and loyal to a fault, and it is the fault that is criticised. That is a standard far in excess to anybody gathered under the Labor banner. Thirdly, Abbott, true to his word and co-jointly decisive with the talented Scott Morrison, stopped the illegal boat entries promptly! Fourthly, Abbott, almost single-handedly, put the screech of brakes to the psychotic advance of homosexuals and their Gay Marriage madness, with its insane intent to wreck a social standing of thousands of years. I think Abbott is actually a breath of fresh air! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 August 2015 1:22:05 PM
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Lick that fresh air laced with crap up while the goings good for you as it will soon be a thing relegated to memory.
Abbott is religion driven, something he said would never happen. Parliament has the power to handle the SSM solution as far as abbott is concerned. I have the idea the populous is ready to give the SSM the go ahead as other countries have done. The beat up over bishop got the desired result, and now we have a corrupt judge being paid millions to run a pr programmed Royal Commission. The boats have not stopped but they are stopping. That royal commission will really be worth listening to won't it. That debacle must be into the Billions over the last 2 years. Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:01:58 PM
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Frankly, I don't think that we will be seeing conservative governments anywhere in the Western World in the future because of the gimme gimme attitude of voters. Cameron in the U.K is pretty wet; the U.S hasn't got great choice in Repulican candidates and they have been stupified by Obama, and Europe is far left and going further.
Apart from the Nationals (maybe) the Coalition is small 'l' liberal, the PM demonstrating he is interested only in keeping his job - he has no real convictions at all. The Left is already running things with lies and vicious campaigns is parliament that would see them jailed if they did it outside. More people than not prefer a man unders suspicion (for matters not proven of course) but still under suspicion on top of all his other blunders, as PM over the incumbent who has nothing hanging over his head. On top of this, is the amnaesia after only two years, that protects from from the horror of the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years. And those Lefties who would never vote for the Coalition anyway, are calling for the Arch-Leftist, Malcolm Turnbull, who might as well be in the Labor Party. In fact, let's replace Bozo Bill with Malcolm. I think conservativisim in politics is finished because voters have become so unrealistically dependent on hand outs for themselves and everything and everyone else. Voters have become childishly sentimental about costly causes and cultural relativism. Voters think a small minority of sexual unfortunates have to be supported by the rest of us, and part of that support has to incur the scrapping traditions of ages. Oh, and the media and activist judiciary are shockingly partisan. So Lefties, you don't have a lot to worry about. It has already been said that voters will support only those politicians who will give, and continue giving them things. That's not conservatism. That's chaos and debt. That's socialist Labor. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:12:18 PM
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All AU wants is their govt; to be fair. And that means big business paying the appropriate tax.
So what has Abbott's solution been, you now what it has been. Abbott wanted his own brand of socialism, correct, yes it is. Abbott has only got Abbott to blame, true again. Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:23:25 PM
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You need to take a trip to Turkey to cure yourself of homosexual tendencies! Hold your hand over your back side, I think you may have confused it with your mouth! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:26:48 PM
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Words of wisdom from the lone diver.
All AU wants of this govt; is they allow a conscience vote on SSM. Todays poll tells you AU is ready to give it a go. Abbott can not bring himself to allow democracy to take place, all he wants is to buy time till after another election. Well after the election Abbott won't have to worry about it will he. Conservatism is long dead. Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:37:30 PM
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That's a wish doog...that's a wish!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 August 2015 3:20:27 PM
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Did you exhort Labor to tax the multinationals? They had a couple of terms to do it. The coalition has had only two years, most of which has been spent cleaning up Labor's massive mess. Dastyari's bluster is pure electioning. But I don't think either side has the guts to take on the multinationals. Big Joe will not even comment on the subject (he'd rather get extra from pensioners), and Labor can blather about anything in opposition becase they don't have to actually do anything. They just use an opportunity to lambast the government, which both sides do, and most poeple, realising this, don't take any notice. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 3:32:12 PM
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Well Abbott thought he could tax the workers didn't he, but as we no it failed and since then he has done nothing, that shows there was no plan B.
Labour have openly said what is the right way to go. Business only knows to well also. Abbott has cleaned up nothing, we are still waiting for the 150 $ from the Carbon tax that the ACCC says it can not find. And Hockey has no comment. So you are pushing a very heavy barrow, arn't you. Abbott was gearing up for an election, but his wisdom has failed since coming back from holiday. There is still a good chance Abbott will be deposed before long, his authority has had a massive hit, don't you think Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 3:46:43 PM
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Does anyone in their wildest dreams think Abbott ,Turnbull or the Greens will reduce the debt and turn this country around? They are all owned by banking cartels.
Hawke and Keating sold out long ago an Howard just consolidated our demise. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 17 August 2015 8:44:17 PM
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No matter who gets in power, they won't stop this. MSM telling the truth for a change.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:13:41 PM
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Binoy Kampfmark is a politically partisan public servant who does not like Tony Abbot or Bill Shorten, but pitches for the Greens. He is using his position in the public service to publically advance the interests of the public service by supporting "causes" which he knows will expand the public service. As such, he has a conflict of interest and should resign.
The idea that foreigners should immigrate to Australia and then get highly paid jobs where their primary occupation is to wag their sneery fingers at Australians and tell us what we are doing wrong, is offensive to me. If you don't like Australians, Binoy, why don't you join those multicultural societies you love and champion so much and join them in their home countries? Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq need good critics like you. But no, one thing the anti racists want to do is to live with the whites and then they can get high paying jobs criticising them. They can stick up for the ethnic minorities who are so racist that they too want to live with the whites too, because their own societies are no longer fit to live in. The problem is, Binoy, that the more you dilute the white society you crave to live in, but which you resent and despise because it shows your own people to be incompetent, the more you will create the very society which you fled from. And you must have a bit of the Greek in you if you can't figure out that growing public services is a recipe for bankruptcy. Multiculturalism failed everywhere it was tried, Binoy. Assimilate into white western Australian society, stop criticising everything we do, or we will never accept you as one of us. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 4:39:05 AM
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LEGO the Chinese have been here since the gold rush days. White Western society led by the Royals and Rothschilds have plundered this planet with debt created from nothing. Now they are coming after you and want it all.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 6:36:55 AM
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I am not one to assail individuals because rarely are they the problem, rather the circumstances that prevail and steer them are the problem. However, Prime Minister Abbott does not comprehend an understanding of economic equality, racial equality, and he is not led by a vision that there is no greater legacy than to have improved the lot of others to the point of changing lives, saving lives. The Australian body politic is one corralled in a narrow corridor of discourse - one government after another is responsible for this perpetuation and of the throttling the hopes and aspirations of a body politic of humanity however it has never been more pronounced and worn with onus heart on sleeve as in recent times.
Gerry Georgatos Posted by Gerry Georgatos, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 9:40:52 AM
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I am not pushing the Coalition "barrow"; I dislike them only slighly less than I dislike Labor. And, Tony Abbott is a wimp. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't jump on the current government for not taxing multinationals after 2 years, when Labor did b.a in 2 terms. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 11:12:12 AM
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There is little doubt Tony Abbott has lost his way, from the chopper gate to gay marriage debate, he has failed to show strong leadership. How disappointing considering the alternative.
Perhaps it may be wise to go to an election and let labor back in to Finnish the job Rudd and Gillard tried so hard to do, that being sending us to rock bottom. By doing this we would be faced with serious choices, from the quantizing of welfare, to a more effective tax system because as it stands we don't stand a chance in hell of getting anywhere the way we are going as this man won't even out the likes of gay marriage to bed, or stamp his authority as leader on the matter, a matter than involves less than 1% of the population. So let's bring it on, call an election, return labor to power, so we can find rock gotten then start to put some ball buster decisions in place that will focus on the issues that really matter and leave the likes of gay marriage for countries that accept such practices. No amount of debate on gay marriage is going to fix the looming problems we face, so I say the sooner we let labor finish the job, the better. Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 2:18:34 PM
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The Government has been quoting Mr Burnside in its defense of the integrity of Justice Heydon, who has come under fire for planning to give a speech at a Liberal Party fundraiser.
But Mr Burnside told AM that he maintained Justice Heydon should step aside and the Government was "grasping at straws". In Question Time on Monday, Prime Minister Tony Abbott took to quoting Mr Burnside as he sought to defend the integrity of Justice Heydon. "As was pointed out by someone who is no great friend of this Government, Julian Burnside QC, Dyson Heydon is a man of honour ... Dyson Heydon is a man of honour," Mr Abbott said. Mr Burnside said he believed Justice Heydon was an honurable man but that the Government had quoted him out of context. Dyson Heydon was on the selection committee that awarded Prime Minister Tony Abbott his Rhodes Scholarship in the 1980s, documents have revealed. No better than Abbott is Rechtub living in the past, maybe it helps to console the sole. You have only Abbott to blame for his backward ways of prioritising his agenda. 100 billion in 2 years says it all. An election run on lies and fraud Posted by doog, Wednesday, 19 August 2015 8:49:20 AM
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The Senate has again rejected a bill for greater oversight of unions, setting up a double dissolution trigger for the Federal Government.
In a late-night vote, the legislation was defeated 34 votes to 33. The Coalition wanted to set up a Registered Organisations Commission to regulate unions, a move Labor has been fighting. If passed, the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill would have imposed the same disclosure and transparency obligations on union officials as company directors. Abbott stacking the deck again for his own benefit which only cost 88 million $ Posted by doog, Wednesday, 19 August 2015 8:52:31 AM
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Binoy there is nothing like believing your own wishful thinking, then prattling on as if it is fact, to make a fool of people.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 19 August 2015 12:52:36 PM
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Doog, why do you think the robotic crane was invented, because it became too hard to employ people.
Keep pushing for more and more and see where you end up. Ford Holden and Toyota have had enough, who's next? Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 20 August 2015 7:03:25 PM