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The Forum > Article Comments > Closing in: Tony Abbott and the electoral letter of suicide > Comments

Closing in: Tony Abbott and the electoral letter of suicide : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 17/8/2015

'Choppergate' assumed plague like proportions, even finding voices of condemnation within the shock jock fraternity. The conservative clan were in revolt. The prime minister had gone too far.

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Well Abbott thought he could tax the workers didn't he, but as we no it failed and since then he has done nothing, that shows there was no plan B.
Labour have openly said what is the right way to go. Business only knows to well also.

Abbott has cleaned up nothing, we are still waiting for the 150 $ from the Carbon tax that the ACCC says it can not find. And Hockey has no comment.

So you are pushing a very heavy barrow, arn't you.
Abbott was gearing up for an election, but his wisdom has failed since coming back from holiday.

There is still a good chance Abbott will be deposed before long, his authority has had a massive hit, don't you think
Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 3:46:43 PM
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Does anyone in their wildest dreams think Abbott ,Turnbull or the Greens will reduce the debt and turn this country around? They are all owned by banking cartels.

Hawke and Keating sold out long ago an Howard just consolidated our demise.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 17 August 2015 8:44:17 PM
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No matter who gets in power, they won't stop this. MSM telling the truth for a change.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:13:41 PM
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Binoy Kampfmark is a politically partisan public servant who does not like Tony Abbot or Bill Shorten, but pitches for the Greens. He is using his position in the public service to publically advance the interests of the public service by supporting "causes" which he knows will expand the public service. As such, he has a conflict of interest and should resign.

The idea that foreigners should immigrate to Australia and then get highly paid jobs where their primary occupation is to wag their sneery fingers at Australians and tell us what we are doing wrong, is offensive to me. If you don't like Australians, Binoy, why don't you join those multicultural societies you love and champion so much and join them in their home countries? Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq need good critics like you.

But no, one thing the anti racists want to do is to live with the whites and then they can get high paying jobs criticising them. They can stick up for the ethnic minorities who are so racist that they too want to live with the whites too, because their own societies are no longer fit to live in.

The problem is, Binoy, that the more you dilute the white society you crave to live in, but which you resent and despise because it shows your own people to be incompetent, the more you will create the very society which you fled from. And you must have a bit of the Greek in you if you can't figure out that growing public services is a recipe for bankruptcy. Multiculturalism failed everywhere it was tried, Binoy. Assimilate into white western Australian society, stop criticising everything we do, or we will never accept you as one of us.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 4:39:05 AM
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LEGO the Chinese have been here since the gold rush days. White Western society led by the Royals and Rothschilds have plundered this planet with debt created from nothing. Now they are coming after you and want it all.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 6:36:55 AM
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I am not one to assail individuals because rarely are they the problem, rather the circumstances that prevail and steer them are the problem. However, Prime Minister Abbott does not comprehend an understanding of economic equality, racial equality, and he is not led by a vision that there is no greater legacy than to have improved the lot of others to the point of changing lives, saving lives. The Australian body politic is one corralled in a narrow corridor of discourse - one government after another is responsible for this perpetuation and of the throttling the hopes and aspirations of a body politic of humanity however it has never been more pronounced and worn with onus heart on sleeve as in recent times.

Gerry Georgatos
Posted by Gerry Georgatos, Tuesday, 18 August 2015 9:40:52 AM
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