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Reclaiming 'multicultural' Australia : Comments

By Alice Aslan, published 27/7/2015

The lack of an intelligent and compassionate national conversation about Muslims and Islam by the politicians and in the media has fueled Islamophobia and anti-Islamic movements like Reclaim Australia.

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It is good to see that increasing numbers of posters are advocating the ceasing of muslim immigration, be it as refugees or regular immigrants.

For many years now Islam has shown it is not compatable with western society.

Islam is an ideology that does not fit into our cultural ways and it was a mistake to allow their entry.

It is no coincidence that the 20 plus prisoners now serving time for terrorist acts are all muslim as are those for the gang rapes in Sydney. With 20% of muslims having extreme views, it is only a matter of time for us to encounter more terrorist acts.

That is how our welcoming generosity will be repaid.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 28 July 2015 5:09:59 PM
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Dear Banjo,

What do any of us really know about the religion
of Islam?( Or for that matter ANY religion really).
Pre-judging entire groups of people on the behaviour
of extremists and fundamentalists somehow does not
seem right. It excludes individual differences.
Not everyone practices their religion in exactly the
same way or does the same things.

For many people Islamic fundamentalism conjures up
images of women behind veils, of adulterers being stoned,
of thieves having their hands cut off, of public floggings
and executions and beheadings, and, in extreme cases, of
martyrdom in holy wars, of political fanaticism exemplified
in air-craft hijackings and terrorist bombings. The Muslims
that I encounter every day - would find that sort of behaviour
just as alien as I do.

This picture is rather distorted, as it is based on what is
newsworthy rather than what is typical. When has the media
presented anything positive about Muslims or the positive
aspects that the Islamic Communities are trying to
achieve both in this country and globally. The Islamic
Communities are speaking out - but no-one is listening.

Of course fanatics and extremists do bad things - and all
religions have them - but we should
remember that ISIS is a terrorist and brutal organisation -
and is not supported by the majority of Muslims in this
country. A small group of misguided people who have gone to
fight overseas should not make the rest of the communities in
this country suspect - especially when most Muslims - are doing everything they can to co-operate with the authorities.

I am a Catholic, but I would hate to be blamed for the behaviour
of priests who sexually abuse children.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 29 July 2015 11:14:16 AM
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Arnold Zable, Writer, novelist and Human Rights
Activist tells us that

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne -
which opened its doors in June 2001 now fourteen
years after the centre opened, the number of those
it has helped is now over 10,000.

Zable says that - "The centre, which began as a
shopfront, is now a massive undertaking. To see the
daily presence of hundreds of asylum seekers,
volunteers and supporters, and to observe the empowering
programs and expanding facilities, is to see an
alternative future at work."

"The Centre is a haven, a bridge between the past and the
present, and a model of what is possible when Australian
citizens reach out to the latest arrivals."

This helps us imagine a more compassionate future for this
country. A future and country we can all be proud of.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 29 July 2015 11:25:10 AM
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Foxy, you comments re the "moderate" moslems would I think cause much
outcry by the French citizens of Paris & Marseilles at your naiveté.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 29 July 2015 11:34:47 AM
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Thanks Foxy

I agree that most Muslims, and all the ones I know, are nothing like the negative stereotypes. I support multiculturalism.

I do think we need to address the boundary issues of multiculturalism honestly, though. How much do we expect immigrants to conform to established Australian social and cultural norms, and how much should they have freedom to continue with their previous practices? There can surely be civilised debate and disagreement on these issues without resort to racism and bigotry or negative stereotyping.

That is why I have some concerns about this article. It assumes that all concerns about Islam are based on prejudice and ignorance, and all criticisms of it are attacks on multiculturalism. Many are, as this forum attests, but not all.
Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 29 July 2015 11:47:48 AM
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"For many people Islamic fundamentalism conjures up images of..."

And why those images?

They are not "conjured" (i.e. illusions) they are based on real people, real events, real deaths.

"Of course fanatics and extremists do bad things - and all religions have them"

But we don't see Methodists stoning adulterers, Buddhists chopping off heads or Witches bombing embassies, do we?
Such "newsworthy" events rarely or never occur.

"Newsworthy" atrocities by Muslims are exceedingly plentiful. That's why we hear about them all the time.

"I am a Catholic, but I would hate to be blamed for the behaviour of priests who sexually abuse children."

But they aren't molesting children *because* they're Catholic.
Muslims do terrible things *because* they're Muslim and we're not.

Actions speak louder than words.

Or as your own "saviour" put it "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
You will know them by their fruits.
Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit."

Wake up and smell the fruit, Foxy.
Posted by Shockadelic, Wednesday, 29 July 2015 12:47:36 PM
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