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My mother told me : Comments

By John Tomlinson, published 16/7/2015

Tony Abbott doesn't measure up to any of his predecessors.

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--- Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be lengthened upon the land which the Lord thy God gives thee ---

[Exodus 20:12]

Doesn't look as your dilemma lasted long, John, therefore your days will now be short. Your mother never specified what you are to write about: had you been listening to her, you could instead solve your dilemma by describing the sky: "The sky is blue", here goes!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 16 July 2015 9:28:54 AM
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Wow another Abbott hater has rehashed the same old fodder for the lefties on this Forum to line up behind and start preaching to the converted.

I feel a post from someone providing us with a link to quotes from David Marr's Political Animal is moments away.

Short memories conveniently erase the failures, the lies and the incompetency of our first female Prime Minister.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Thursday, 16 July 2015 9:56:23 AM
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"Short memories conveniently erase the failures, the lies and the incompetency of our first female Prime Minister."
Apart from the carbon tax (which Tony Abbott also lied about) what lies are you referring to? And what incompetency?
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 16 July 2015 11:03:01 AM
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'Abbott the cultural warrior, a budgie smuggling exhibitionist, with all the subtlety of a bare fisted pugilist, a flag waving pseudo nationalist nutter who would not look out of place with the pro-Russian Ukraine separatists, a debater not an orator, in order to make a point he often resorts to dumbed down repetition'

shows the bankrupcty of our academic world where Dr Tom can write such spew and hatred. Are you related to Marr Tom? The fact that he doesn 't share your idiotic gw faith should not produce such a bile filled rant. I know Tony has defeated Turnbull, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and is likely to see the back of Shorten all of whom shared your faith for at least periods of time when it seemed convenient. I suggest you grow up.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 16 July 2015 11:34:12 AM
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Besides being an Abbott-hater, John is a climate fraud supporter, a dishonest one:
“The world is rushing headlong towards an increase of 2 degrees, the acidification of the oceans, the intensification of adverse weather event leading to increasingly dangerous storm activity and more frequent droughts in semi-arid areas, significant rises in sea levels which will inundate vast food producing areas displacing millions of the poorest people. The world already has over 50 million displaced people more than at any time since the Second World War. The last thing that is needed is ever more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere”

He even includes the nonsense of “ocean acidification”, which no longer fools even the gullible.The fraud promoter the IPCC concedes that extreme weather events cannot be shown to be caused by global warming. This assertion comes from liars like Gore and Obama, and repeated in dishonest articles like the above.
Nature has a huge cycle of carbon dioxide of which human emissions contribute a paltry three per centThis is no doubt the reason why there is no science to show that human emissions have any measurable effect on climate.

Aiden, rather than enumerate her endless lies, it would be more feasible to report the one time Gillard told the truth, when asked about the possibility of failure to produce a budget surplus. She said, “Failure is not an option”. This was true. Failure is not optional for Labor, it is their standard, invariable outcome on economic matters.
Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:07:29 PM
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There is much truth in what you say John?

But it could also apply to most of our former national leaders? But particularly Rudd, who in my opinion, couldn't lie straight in bed?

And as desirable as some of the policies you outlined, we still need to be able to actually afford them.

Always providing we don't run out of other people's money!

That said, why should we treat our uninvited guests more generously than we're required to by our signed conventions!

Which require us to provide a place of comparative safety and resettlement "somewhere" for genuine asylum seekers. The operative word being genuine!

We're under no obligation to resettle them here, the prize offered by the criminal people smugglers as their business model!

Genuine asylum seekers would treasure their identifying paperwork as their most prized possessions,as that would allow us to treat them as genuine!

And given they to a generic man, need this identification and visas to fly to the transit countries and then can afford the exorbitant fees charged by people smugglers; they can hardly be described as penniless refugees; or indeed, genuine asylum seekers!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 16 July 2015 12:19:41 PM
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