The Forum > Article Comments > BDS is a sinister hoax with genocidal objective > Comments
BDS is a sinister hoax with genocidal objective : Comments
By David Singer, published 23/6/2015The BDS manifesto makes clear that its punitive measures are to be pursued until Israel ends its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 1:55:51 PM
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//Questioning these things doesnt make me an anti semite.
It simply makes me a person who questions things and tries to understand the world.// You don't question anything, Armchair Cretin. You won't even question your beliefs when people point you towards a mountain of contradictory evidence. You dig up an anti-Semitic garbage on the internet and accept it uncritically. Then you regurgitate it all over the forum in the form of rhetorical questions - questions asked in order to make a point rather than an elicit an answer. Asking a bunch of rhetorical questions which Blind Freddy can see are thinly-veiled anti-Semitic statements does not make you intellectually curious. It makes you an anti-Semite. If you really were interested in questioning things and trying to understand the world you would seek out different sources of information and different points of view, instead of uncritically accepting and parroting wild anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in the (transparent) guise of innocent questions. //Tell me one thing I spoke of that you are saying I've lied about.// The toxicity of HCN to human beings. You've lied about that. Repeatedly. Your claim that Israel declared war on Germany before the state of Israel even existed. You've lied about that as well. Two will do for now. If I had go back through your posts and catalogue every dishonest statement you've made, or false statements that you've stood by after they have been proven false I'd be here all afternoon and exhaust my post limit. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 4:02:42 PM
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Mazel tov, Joe...
Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 4:06:17 PM
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//What are you going to say that my computer is anti-semitic or that google is anti-semitic for displaying the results and information it did in my searches??//
You're going to try and blame Google for your anti-Semitism? Grow up, you pathetic child. Search engines are machines and they cannot think for themselves. You can. And I'd bet my last dollar that Google didn't come up with results containing only anti-Semitic propaganda and that somebody has been merrily picking cherries. //Quite honestly the way you openly say I should drink acid// I drink acids all the time. I can't have a glass of orange juice without drinking citric and ascorbic acids. Not all acids are dangerous. You've claimed HCN is a not a dangerous acid, so where would be the harm in drinking it? //It makes me wonder if all Jewish and pro-Jewish people have a mindset like you Toni? The question of whether you are a moral people is slowly being answered.// I'm Irish-Australian Catholic. I don't know how most of the people with that cultural identity feel about Jewish people, but the ones I talk to seem to share my view that condemning Jewish people just for being Jewish is not cricket. I would say that that does make us a moral people. But I wouldn't presume to speak for all my fellow Irish-Australian Catholics the way you presume to speak for all Jewish people. //Your moral compass and mental health as a nation (If people like you and a few others are anything to go on) is starting to come into question though, from my perspective.// Attacking Australia now? That's not going to go down well on this forum. If the cultural warriors battling it out on the ABC and refugee related topics catch wind that you're expressing anti-Australian sentiments they will be down on you like a ton of bricks and they're a lot more vicious than me when they've got their dander up. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 4:07:02 PM
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//I don't hate Jewish people, so fat chance finding or creating a real reason to call me anti-semite.//
So what should I call somebody who constantly denigrates all Jewish people and victim-blames Jews for the Shoah because he disagrees with the policies of the contemporary Israeli government? A jolly reasonable fellow? Anti-Semite sounds more accurate to me. //I just disagree with what some of them do, as with plenty of other politicians and people in power.// Then you should take it up with the Israeli Government whose policies you disagree with, instead of randomly spewing hateful anti-Semitic crap against all Jewish people. A lot of them disagree with the Israeli Government as well. //You people call me anti-semitic because I support what is morally right.// I call you an anti-Semite because you constantly make anti-Semitic statements in the (transparent) guise of innocent questions, and then when called on it loudly proclaim that you are not anti-Semitic, as though your protestations could make all your anti-Semitic drivel disappear in a puff of smoke. Do the Jewish kids at your school beat you up and steal your lunch money or something? (Not a rhetorical question. I'm really interested to know what it is you have against Jewish people in general, not just the Israeli Government). Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 4:08:20 PM
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The Elders of Zion international octopus will be defeated.
Who controls the US and rest of the West ?– see here: The Zionist TPP are all about their scorched earth policy takeover against the Amaleks (Gentiles) and rest of the world for Communist World Conquest. Causing another genocide in Palestine and trying for more to come. Death Penalty: Posted by Constance, Friday, 3 July 2015 5:35:04 PM
* the Israelis have suggested a two-state solution on a number of occasions, the Palestinians never, because
* they have never renounced their intention to push the Israelis into the sea, i.e. tov exterminate them.
So that seems to be the state of play: the various Palestinian authorities do not recognise the right of Israel to exist, therefore, from their angle, there will never be a 'two-state solution' - while Israel has been prepared to recognise an entity called Palestine on a number of occasions.
If a state actually exists, but is not recognised by a neighbour and is periodically subjected to a rain of rockets which presumably are intended to do a great deal of damage (but rarely do), then in international law, it is actually entitled not only to engage in hot pursuit and eliminate the threat of ever more crockets, but also to actually seize that territory and incorporate it into its own territory. Hence, for example, the Golan Heights, from which the Syrians prepared to launch an attack on Israel back in 1967.
Yes, by all means, strive for a two-state solution, but a prerequisite for that is the mutual recognition of each other's rights as sovereign states. If Palestine refuses tov recognise Israel' right in that respect, then a two-state solution is off the table.