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Netanyahu puts behaviour change by Iran on negotiating agenda : Comments
By David Singer, published 11/3/2015Iran's goons in Gaza, its lackeys in Lebanon, its revolutionary guards on the Golan Heights are clutching Israel with three tentacles of terror.
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Posted by YEBIGA, Monday, 16 March 2015 7:42:38 AM
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Psychiatry (and medications), think the juggernaut of Sigmund Freud (FRAUD), and Peter Singer who thinks its okay to have sex with animals. Why or how the hell did these two people for example dominate us so much?
Israeli soldiers televise pornography in Ramalla. Porn the new weapon of choice Compare Lord of the Rings (Catholic theology) to the Matrix (Jewish theology). The Dark Middle Ages (pre industrial) is a myth. Recommended book “How to be Free” by Tom Hodgkinson. The people in the European Middle Ages were free and the peasant serfs had it good. Our history has been controlled and we have been duped. Enigma - Age Of Loneliness (ourcurrent real Dark Age) Enigma - Return To Innocence Anthony Migchels - Hour 1 - Usury: The Problem with the Economic System & Alternative Currencies The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Documentary) - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 | Mike Maloney Why Gold & Silver? - Mike Maloney - Silver & Gold Investing President Kennedy wanted to introduce the Silver Dollar to break the power of the Jewish controlled Federal Reserve. Cont... Posted by Constance, Monday, 16 March 2015 4:47:27 PM
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MATRIX SEMINAR (Jewish site) Overview: The film is a powerful metaphor expressing universal concepts of Judaism. A Bob Dylan film, "Masked and Anonymous", "The Fight Club" and "Magnolia" are all three very thought-provoking. Nothing like the Matrix and the way it can be explained in the way used so well by AISH; but they are sure in my 'Top 10'! Definition: Olam, the Hebrew word for "world", is from the root meaning "hidden". The world is God's mask. Peel back the layer of this world and look beyond the Matrix to get a glimpse of The Programmer. There is a Master Programmer, beyond the Matrix, and the universe is His program. Beyond the Matrix, who says fire must burn? A select few throughout history have transcended the Matrix of this world, breaking the rules and rewriting the program. When the Jews stood at the Red Sea, they didn't have to dodge the water. They went right through it. Ignorance is Bliss (blue pill) Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. We all have a death wish. The body's underlying drive is suicide – the ultimate state of feeling no pain. In the meantime it'll settle for suicide in installments – just one more drink, one more hit. And anybody that tries to stop it... watch out! The body wants escape. The soul yearns for reality, for Zion. This is my ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft... The Nebuchadnezzar is indeed a Biblical reference, from the book of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar's rule marked the transition from the biblical period of open miracles and prophecy to a new world where miracles are hidden and decisions are made based on intellect. Nebuchadnezzar's life traced the path of awareness and awakening, and change. A very appropriate name for a craft whose crew is dedicated to just that, bringing an awakening to mankind." Cont...... Posted by Constance, Monday, 16 March 2015 4:52:28 PM
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...Cont "I like your modern interpretations of biblical Judaism. But it seems that you pick and choose what commandments are still relevant, and just ignore the primitive ones. For example, the Torahcommands the Israelites to wage an eternal war against the nation of Amalek (Non Jews or Gentiles anyway), and to wipe them out totally. If the word of G d is eternal, why aren't you armed and dangerous, seeking out Amalekites to kill? Answer: I've got news for you -- I do seek out Amalekites. Between you and me, I've even killed a few. You should try it, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds. No one gets hurt, and it feels great. But first you have to learn to identify who Amalek really is. Amalek was an ancient Middle Eastern nation that had an inborn hatred towards Israel. The Amalekites took any opportunity to attack Jews for absolutely no reason. There was no land dispute or provocation that caused this hatred - it was an intrinsic pathological need to destroy G d's people. Such hatred cannot be combatted through diplomacy. There was no option to re-educate the Amalekites or review their school curricula. Their hatred was not taught - it was ingrained. As long as an Amalekite walked the earth, no Jew was safe. It was a clear case of kill or be killed. A Jew had to take the command to kill Amalek quite literally - his life depended on it. In time, the Amalekite nation assimilated into the people around them. Their inborn hatred became diluted as their national identity dissolved, and the command to kill them became impossible to fulfill. This was no accident of fate. The G d who authored the Torah is also the Author of history. He decided that the time had come that this command should no longer apply in its literal sense. It was time for the Jewish people to move on. Cont.... Posted by Constance, Monday, 16 March 2015 10:42:42 PM
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But this doesn't mean that Amalek has disappeared. Amalek is alive and well today, albeit in a different form. No longer a foreign nation, today's Amalek is an internal enemy. We each have an Amalekite lurking within our very self. The inner Amalek is unholy cynicism. That little voice inside each of us that derides, belittles and attacks truth and goodness; our irrational tendency to mock people who act morally, to be cynical when we see altruism, to doubt our own or other's sincerity - these are the modern day Amalekites. They wage a lethal war with our soul. If we let it, cynicism can kill our every attempt to improve ourselves and smother any move towards refining our character and expressing our soul.
There is only one effective response to Amalek's attacks: Annihilation. Don't argue back, it won't work. The power of cynicism is that it is irrational. The most inspiring, uplifting and profound moment of spiritual awakening can be dismissed in an instant by Amalek's sarcastic taunts. The most logical and sound arguments can be deflected with his quick one-liners -- "Get real!", "Who ya kidding?" or "Hey, you think you're so holy-moly?" There is no answer to such cheap pot-shots. You can't fight cynicism with reason. Just wipe it out. No dialogue. No compromise. Erase it from the face of your soul. Next time your cynical Amalekite raises his ugly head, stomp on it. Beat him at his own game: Do good things for no good reason. Be kind without an explanation. Love your fellow irrationally. Become the hero of your own inner battle, and free your captured soul--kill an Amalekite today." Cont.... Posted by Constance, Monday, 16 March 2015 10:45:22 PM
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Constance, you seem a little uptight?
What on earth do you have against the Jews? All Jews? I ask again, wasn't Jesus Christ a Jew? And you still haven't answered my question above : Constance "It is statistically proven that 40% of CEOs are psychopaths." Really? What statistics? Take it easy Constance. Suse Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 16 March 2015 11:07:55 PM
Gave it away, much happier being a magpie