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Welcome to Australia : Comments

By Isobel Blackthorn, published 20/2/2015

If refugees are viewed an undesirable necessity, asylum seekers are the mud on their shoes.

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Obviously in favour of drownings. It has good company, Nero fiddled, Queen Antoinette suggesting cake as an option, Chamberlain promising "peace in our time" and S Hanson-Young "Tragedies happen, accidents happen."
Posted by McCackie, Saturday, 21 February 2015 8:48:56 AM
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The (bleeding 'eart) commies should never be forgiven for trying to shut down the wharves; the nations arteries, when we were fighting for our very survival against the incredibly cruel and callous Nipponese, during WW11! Even as our very best were dying in their thousands trying to force them back!

Bet your bottom dollar, all the organizers and shop stewards had pommy accents? The fifth column 'as a Irish/Scots/pommy accent?

So, not too much 'as changed 'as it?
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 21 February 2015 10:16:44 AM
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go LEGO, very well stated.
i'm a 5th generation australian, who is now living abroad. It makes me sad to read such leftist dribble about the poor asylum seekers who play the system and head for a nice comfortable white 1st world country rather than the first safe haven. I am not on the side of just let them come, it's wrong. its our country and welcoming migrants of any race, creed, nationality is a something we do (and we are very generous, though selective about it) it is a privilege people should earn. the fact that all these people just turn up uninvited and expect australia to just open the doors is so wrong.
I can't argue the emotive cause like the bleeding hearts on the left of politics can, so I'm just going to come across as racist or nationalistic or cruel or what ever "label" people like Isobelle would like to attach to me. well go for it.
I don't want to live in a country with Labour's policy on asylum seekers - its wrong and we, the people know it.
I don't support the abbott government in most matters, though they have got it right on protecting our boarders.
Posted by aussie abroad, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:12:59 PM
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Gee, Aussie abroad, you're a real inspiration. You love the place so much you bugger off.

Still, it's nice that some other country was prepared to take you in, I suppose... Too bad for their own people that you've probably taken a job that a local could have done, but hey, they're not patriotic aussies like you, so what do they matter anyway, eh?

What a bunch of misery guts mongrels you lot are. Full of p!ss and wind and determined to make everyone else as miserable as you are.
Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:34:17 PM
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Like an earlier poster said, another winging pom.

Reza Berati was an illegal immigrant and, had he not arrived ILLEGALLY, chances are he would be alive in some safe haven because a refugee is one who seeks out a safe haven, not heaven as Australia is with our limp dick approach to hand outs. But at least Scott Morrison may put a stop to that, we can only hope.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 21 February 2015 3:50:56 PM
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the left love to create mess like Rotherham and then are dumb enough to ask why.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 21 February 2015 4:19:24 PM
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