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Welcome to Australia : Comments
By Isobel Blackthorn, published 20/2/2015If refugees are viewed an undesirable necessity, asylum seekers are the mud on their shoes.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 20 February 2015 10:59:15 AM
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oh dear, these are the type of thoughts best kept to yourself let alone projected onto other people. You need to take a much firmer grip on reality stop logging onto Facebook and get out into the world.
Let's give you a project ,why don't you chase down the distant ancestors of the first people to move into Europe and try to make them feel guilty about killing off the Neanderthals. I mean why only go back 200 years to find a fight about displaced people, go large Isobel. Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 20 February 2015 11:01:17 AM
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Just what I was thinking Rhrosty, but you put it so succinctly.
First we paid for her to come here, fed & housed her & family for free, gave her an education in a subject so useless that she doesn't practice it, & then the woman wants to tell us how to live. Now if we had made her a housemaid, she may have been of some use. I think a little grateful groveling would be more appropriate, Than pontificating from on high to her saviors. It is a perfectly good example of why all immigration should be shut down forthwith, if not sooner. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 20 February 2015 2:35:43 PM
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Typical Leftie! Wants to display her compassion, her regard for others, her outrage at British settlement of Australia, and for the issue de jour - asylum seekers.
Ah, to be pure in thought! It must be such a good feeling. But here's the catch. Lefties never do anything constructive about it. They just preen themselves in public about how wonderful and pure their thoughts are, but when they implement their policies, shock! horror! the opposite happens. Labor tried the compassionate way with asylum seekers demanded by Isobel, and it was a monstrous stuff up. Rioting asylum seekers should never be let into Australia. There are plenty of far more deserving and grateful refugees. Lefties never learn. Given half a chance they'll stuff it up bigger and better next time ... and Isobel will cheer ... because it will be done with the right attitude ... compassionately. Posted by Captain Col, Friday, 20 February 2015 8:03:33 PM
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A comrade sent me this link earlier this evening, it's very interesting reading, the Left are rapidly wearing out their welcome due to the fact that they can no longer separate their endless internet drama and posturing from reality and the real life consequences of taking that attitude to the streets: The Left are now actively (knowingly or not) running interference and disruption activities in support of the state and against grass roots activism and in other areas in support of capitalism, such as pro immigration initiatives. Is it a coincidence that as soon as the Coalition come back into government out come the political wreckers, the "Anarchists" on the far left and the "Neo Nazis" on the right? Both tendencies were dormant during the Labor/Green years then all of a sudden they're back to white anting opposition groups, Indigenous activists, Civic Patriots and so forth. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 20 February 2015 8:47:15 PM
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First off, Isobel Blackthorne, to say that white people stole Australia from black people, is Racism. I feel "offended, embarrassed, and humiliated" that you could make such a racist statement, and I may have to dob you in to the Human Rights mob for inciting racial hatred and encouraging racial hostility towards white people. Although it probably would not do any good. They despise white people just as much as you do.
However charitable Australians may be towards others, nobody is going to follow Jesus and give away everything to help others. Australians live on an Island of peace in a crazy and violent world, and we wish to remain living that way. If every "refugee" group who came to Australia was noted for their commitment to maintaining Australian values, obeying the law, fending for themselves, not endlessly displaying the ethnic and cultural uniqueness, and also not displaying a preference to their own race and culture, Australians would be more welcoming of them. But of course, they are not. It is perfectly understandable that people from other races and cultures will prefer their own, and will try to maintain their cultural values. The only people who are not allowed to maintain and defend their own culture and lifestyle are white people, who just so happen to create the very societies that you, your family, family and your "refugee" mates wish to flood into. If you have been around since the sixties, you would be aware of the old Flick commercial of, "When you are on a good thing, stick to it." Well you and your family chose to immigrate to a good thing. You did not choose to immigrate into the countries of the "refugees" who are now barging into Australia, whether we want them or not. You chose a white western society because you wanted to live in a white western society. So do I. If you are on a good thing, don't stuff it up with an inappropriate humanitarian ideology which has already failed miserably everywhere else. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 21 February 2015 8:45:28 AM
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Obviously in favour of drownings. It has good company, Nero fiddled, Queen Antoinette suggesting cake as an option, Chamberlain promising "peace in our time" and S Hanson-Young "Tragedies happen, accidents happen."
Posted by McCackie, Saturday, 21 February 2015 8:48:56 AM
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The (bleeding 'eart) commies should never be forgiven for trying to shut down the wharves; the nations arteries, when we were fighting for our very survival against the incredibly cruel and callous Nipponese, during WW11! Even as our very best were dying in their thousands trying to force them back!
Bet your bottom dollar, all the organizers and shop stewards had pommy accents? The fifth column 'as a Irish/Scots/pommy accent? So, not too much 'as changed 'as it? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 21 February 2015 10:16:44 AM
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go LEGO, very well stated.
i'm a 5th generation australian, who is now living abroad. It makes me sad to read such leftist dribble about the poor asylum seekers who play the system and head for a nice comfortable white 1st world country rather than the first safe haven. I am not on the side of just let them come, it's wrong. its our country and welcoming migrants of any race, creed, nationality is a something we do (and we are very generous, though selective about it) it is a privilege people should earn. the fact that all these people just turn up uninvited and expect australia to just open the doors is so wrong. I can't argue the emotive cause like the bleeding hearts on the left of politics can, so I'm just going to come across as racist or nationalistic or cruel or what ever "label" people like Isobelle would like to attach to me. well go for it. I don't want to live in a country with Labour's policy on asylum seekers - its wrong and we, the people know it. I don't support the abbott government in most matters, though they have got it right on protecting our boarders. Posted by aussie abroad, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:12:59 PM
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Gee, Aussie abroad, you're a real inspiration. You love the place so much you bugger off.
Still, it's nice that some other country was prepared to take you in, I suppose... Too bad for their own people that you've probably taken a job that a local could have done, but hey, they're not patriotic aussies like you, so what do they matter anyway, eh? What a bunch of misery guts mongrels you lot are. Full of p!ss and wind and determined to make everyone else as miserable as you are. Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:34:17 PM
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Like an earlier poster said, another winging pom.
Reza Berati was an illegal immigrant and, had he not arrived ILLEGALLY, chances are he would be alive in some safe haven because a refugee is one who seeks out a safe haven, not heaven as Australia is with our limp dick approach to hand outs. But at least Scott Morrison may put a stop to that, we can only hope. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 21 February 2015 3:50:56 PM
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the left love to create mess like Rotherham and then are dumb enough to ask why.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 21 February 2015 4:19:24 PM
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Has anyone else noted how Craig Minns posts have simply become personnel abuse? He used to stride into the arena and put forward arguments to support his position, and he would routinely post 350 word posts. But his arguments were child's play to counter and he has now given up. All he can manage now is to sneer from the sidelines. He knows if he sticks his neck out and tries to say something, one of us will chop his head off again.
Better to just hurl abuse than to try to mix it with people who are all over him like a rash. Good work boys. We are obviously winning. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 21 February 2015 4:47:27 PM
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LOL, you really are a funny old fellow, LEGO.
Humphrey for the senile set... Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 21 February 2015 5:04:57 PM
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great article isobel
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Not all of us are part of fukyeah team usa Posted by YEBIGA, Saturday, 21 February 2015 5:56:59 PM
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There's a scientific explanation for that, Lefties have low self esteem and are riddled with neuroses: I grew up in a Left wing home, my father is still a radical activist and his friends all have that same smug, scoffing, snarky attitude toward "rednecks", patriots and conservatives, the people they see as beneath them. "Progressive" attitudes stem from a personal inferiority complex and as anyone who's lived on a public housing estate will attest the people with the lowest self esteem always seem to see themselves as superior to everyone else. In terms of defending their worldview the "Progressives" don't have a leg to stand on so all they can do is rage at the world, the idea of "equality" is a throwback to the 18th century, "social justice" is an antiquated concept from the Catholic church of that era. Isobel,Craig and Yebiga are about 200 years out of step with the rest of the world, their views (to the extent that they even hold a firm viewpoint) are anachronistic and irrelevant. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:40:55 PM
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Jay of melbourne
Ever heard of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland Leading nations in ever category that counts: standard of living, education, crime, health... And the most progressive governments in the world, huge safety net, free education, free health yadi yadda We once were like them before we decided to hook our wagon to the USA ideology of crony capitalism where glorified clerks are called CEOs and earn millions whilst school teachers barely make enough to live. Where there large armies of homeless, long lines for crucial medical treatment... USA a system of government so corrupt it can not survive without huge deficits and looting poor countries. When the economic system they preach implodes, they save private enterprise with public debt and still call it free enterprise. A system so bankrupt that it's government and its big business is at war with not only its own citizens but virtually the entire world. Freedom fukyeah Posted by YEBIGA, Saturday, 21 February 2015 11:08:54 PM
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Scandinavians are also beginning to worry about out of control Third world immigration, look at this chart from the Norwegian financial newspaper Finansavisen: The fourth and fifth columns are important, (Tyskland=Germany, Sverige=Sweden, Storbritannia=Great Britain). See the black figures and the red? That's the cost to the Norwegian state of hosting immigrants, Muslims in particular are a net burden to society. Now we in Australia aren't allowed to know anything about immigration, what it costs to bring in refugees, what immigrants from different countries take as compared to what they give, everything about immigration is a big secret here. We're not allowed to know anything about immigrant crime, welfare dependancy, the rates of immigration fraud, nothing, so Isobel Blackthorne, like all supporters of illegal immigration is offering her support purely based on quasi religious "progressive" beliefs about the world, not facts, there are no facts available to anyone. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 22 February 2015 5:46:13 AM
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JoM, I find it hard to take character assessments seriously when they come from people who have so little courage of their convictions that they cannot stand behind them even to the extent of using their own name.
If you think your views are so well regarded, perhaps you might like to consider why you feel it necessary to hide behind an alias so that others, such as the clients you claim to work for, do not associate them with you. In the meantime, I will continue to hold contempt for the sorts of views put by you, LEGO, runner and the few other social misfits with interpersonal communication problems who choose to post the ill-considered, poisonous crap that has been a feature of recent posts. Your own comments are meaningless recitations based on your selective sources of "news", designed to confirm your hateful prejudices. No wonder you have no friends. Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 22 February 2015 9:12:36 AM
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Jay of melbourne
Yes of course the Scandanavians are struggling with the sheer numbers of refugees and immigration applications. So maybe if we stopped bombing people on the other side of the world, people from the other side of the world will not arrive in such great number to our countriy and Scandanavia. I know it's crazy to posit a cause and effect other than the refugees racial religious IQ But just maybe bombing a country has something to do with creating refugees I know it's a crazy conspiracy theory but... now I m not saying that it's a cure all but what if we did nt bomb these poor countires and we didn't loot them and we let them have decide their own government and maybe genuinely help them with their economy just a little. I know you think I'm mad but I reckon it just might slow this whole immigration refugee thing down a bit. Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 22 February 2015 9:51:06 AM
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Maybe we'd take you seriously if you could provide answers to questions such as these: Which ethnic groups contribute the most, which contribute the least and which ethnic groups are a drain on the public purse? What is the rate of migration fraud and which ethnic groups are involved? What is the rate of immigrant crime, which ethnic groups are most criminally inclined, which the least? What is the rate of domestic violence and child abuse among immigrant and mixed families and what is the cost to society from this type of behaviour? What is the cost to society of providing health care to sick immigrants, which ethnic groups use public health care the most, which the least? What is the cost of policing migrant enclaves and surveillance by security services? Which ethnic groups need the most surveillance and the heaviest policing, which the least? Craig can you answer those questions? I can't because either the information is kept secret or it's not collected in the first place. The Norwegian figures suggest that only immigrants from the UK, Sweden and Germany make a positive contribution and that third world migrants cost about a million Euros each just to settle, and that figure doesn't include ongoing costs such as health, policing etc. Can you say with certainty that the situation is any different in Australia? If so could you produce data backing your conclusions? Support for third world immigration is based on blind faith, it's an uninformed position which is constantly and comprehensively de-bunked by data released by the very countries, such as Norway which are held to be the model systems for social justice and a "fair go". If the liberal countries of Europe are failing to integrate Third World immigrants and bankrupting themselves in the process and are openly admitting as much why the secrecy on the part of Australian authorities? How bad is the picture really? Surely if third world immigration was of benefit to society they'd have ad campaigns on TV and in newspapers showing the true figures, if only to shut up the "racists". Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 22 February 2015 11:02:59 AM
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Yeah, maybe if we stop trying to bomb the Shiite out of ISIS, fewer of them will try to migrate to Scandinavia, where they remain free to spread their particularly pernicious poison.
Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 22 February 2015 11:10:19 AM
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It's out of "our" control, we didn't create ISIS, they have unilaterally declared war on Europe and the U.S.A and are threatening to push hundreds of thousands of refugees out of North Africa to overwhelm southern Europe. Displacing people and flooding your enemy's territory with refugees is a timeless Jihadi strategy, it's psychological warfare on one level and economic warfare on another. European governments are not capable of managing immigration and would be unable to deal with a mass exodus from North Africa and the Middle East The next phase of the war on Europe by Islamist forces looks to be the tried and true tactic of piracy and interdiction of trade: Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 22 February 2015 11:17:18 AM
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I've already made it clear that I don't care whether anonymous dropkicks who use the internet to spread nasty, hatefilled misinfomation that they don't even have the guts to put their name to "take [me] seriously". Your list of questions is not interesting. It does not seek to find causal mechanisms, but to taint by insinuation of association. There may be all sorts of reasons for all sorts of people to find themselves at the bottom rung of the socio-economic ladder and ethnicity may be associated with some of them, perhaps causally by virtue of the nature of the common experience of some groups of people, both here, which should concern us especially, and in other parts of the world. Those groups need help and understanding, leadership, education, not the nasty, whining insinuations of those who lack the guts to stand in the light. What a great example of how to behave you and Rhrosty are providing. In case there are any reading this thread who are actually capable of thinking when sitting down, a couple of interesting pieces: Posted by Craig Minns, Sunday, 22 February 2015 11:57:48 AM
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Whatever happened to al queida? Now it's ISIS - isn't that some Egyptian goddess. If i remember correctly in Shakespeare's Anthony & cleopatra, cleopatra commits suicide in the temple of ISIS. But I thought these muslims had long ago given up on pagan goddesses. I don't think it's very credible that a group of blood thirsty west sydney alienated youth are forming a new nation called ISIS all the while avoiding USA fukyeah drone strikes. Unless of course these ISIS dudes are receiving their weapons, drugs and instructions from the USA to terrorise and fragment the whole region into chaos so that our Israeli allies feel safer living in their biblical nirvana of unrestrained bigotry Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 22 February 2015 12:27:28 PM
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Exactly how did this happen?
The USA together with the coalition of the willing went into Iraq over 10 years ago I thought we won that war? I am sure we declared victory and pulled out. But hang on now ISIS control half the country So we lost the war in Iraq? Come on, the USA has become a total farce. Maybe the USA should recruit some ISIS thugs to run their wars, God knows they need help. We have had 14 years of unmitigated incompetance from the USA 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, London bombing, Bali bombing, abi graib, Guantanamo,manning and the war diaries, Snowden and now ISIS - there is no end to their incompetance. Maybe we should start talking to the Chinese about a military alliance. Surely, we can see by now that the clowns in Washington are useless. enough is enough. Posted by YEBIGA, Sunday, 22 February 2015 10:46:33 PM
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I reject the idea that I'm spreading misinformation or hatred.I draw my information from the mainstream Western media, from the Third World media and from sites like Alternative Right and Radix which is the equivalent of you linking to the The Atlantic or The Guardian. What's more by way of rebuttal you then post that excellent article by Graeme Wood which not only supports my information but greatly expands upon it (it's just a pity that most people won't sit still for half an hour to read and understand it like we did). Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 23 February 2015 5:58:11 PM
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The point in my putting up those links was to demonstrate that it is necessary to examine many different sources, from which it may be possible to synthesise an opinion of our own. The hard problem is to arrive at that synthesis without allowing our preexisting conclusions to influence us. If we can't do that, then we end up in an endless loop defined by our confirmation bias and so we don't really have any chance of deriving something useful from our efforts. As Paul Simon put it in that amazing song The Boxer, "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest". Unfortunately, you're probably right that few have bothered to read those excellent pieces, but looking on the bright side, it's likely that few who might have done so would have been significantly influenced anyway... Posted by Craig Minns, Monday, 23 February 2015 6:50:46 PM
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True enough but as Wood's article points out it's not important what we think of ISIS,there's no dialectic.
It's also worth examining ISIS in the context of my earlier remarks on IQ in the Middle East because it's obvious that they are a cut above your average Arab or Kurd or Turk, they're the best of the best and they're drawing in the cream of the Islamic diaspora, the educated, middle class sons and daughters of the doctors and engineers. As I said, immigration normally favours the intelligent over the non intelligent and as ISIS absorbs the most intelligent people of the Islamic world plus the best of the diaspora then they stand a real chance of achieving their goals. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 23 February 2015 9:44:23 PM
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Hi Isobel
Don't take any notice of the pooftas who dominate the comments on this site. They are a very unhappy lot who have nothing to do but complain about everything. We used to talk about whinging POMs , but this lot take the cake. All I can say is, thank you for your post. I agree with every word! Posted by Colin Pain, Tuesday, 24 February 2015 5:05:00 AM
And over 'ere because they've allowed their own country to be overrun by completely incompatible new settlers!
Let's not beat around the 'ouses, they're over 'ere because they've stuffed the joint!
The British disease killed off their manufacturing industries, and they've opened the door to completely incompatible undesirables.
Compounded by entering the common market; and giving preference to the service industries! First to feel the pain and destruction of the GFC!
And our former wartime enemies now are recorded more rights than those who fought and laid down their lives for the Brits!
You can tell us 'ow to be'ave chum, when you've fixed things over there!
And if that can't be done, don't come over 'ere, trying to get us to repeat your most obvious mistakes!