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The moral descent of Australia's policy on asylum seekers : Comments

By Isobel Blackthorn, published 27/11/2014

In the place of compassion, empathy and understanding, qualities that make us truly human, the basest of all emotions have anchored themselves in the collective heart.

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James Oneill is not a lawyer he's a pretender and a bad pretender at that I think. Thats the problem with people like him he causes to much trouble for the argument and therefore we lose the dabate altogether. We must allow all the people into the country after they take that very dangerious trip from Indonesia by boat otherwise people in other countries will call Australia a racist country which we are not. James Oneill should stop telling lies about his been a lawyer because he's not a lawyer at all he's just a poser.
Posted by misanthrope, Thursday, 27 November 2014 9:28:21 PM
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O sung wu. I was actually called to the bar in 1984. I practice in that area of law because I happen to believe it is of fundamental importance. The history of legal development in the common law world for the past 800 years has been about a battle to gain and retain basic rights for individuals. Those rights are currently under unprecedented attack, and are all the more dangerous for being advanced in the name of "protecting" us from the enemy du jour.

@ Misanthrope. If you crawl out from under the rock of anonymity I will introduce you to the law of defamation. Trolls like you seem to think that the OLO forum (and undoubtedly others) give you some sort of licence to spill your ignorant and defamatory bile. The resale world is rather different.
Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 27 November 2014 9:49:10 PM
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No, trolling is the practice of making deliberately controversial statements in online fora to draw others into a pointless circular discussion, "trolling for suckers" was the original phrase. People like us genuinely hate people like you, that's not a controversial or "trollish" statement and epithets like "parasite" or "shyster" are both accurate and appropriate when describing members of the legal fraternity who use the courts to subvert the nation and engage in culture busting. Some other adjectives which would suffice are "solipsistic", "vain","imperious", "elitist" and "bigoted".
"Human Rights" is a White supremacist notion, the regal White elite would ladle out privilege from the great big melting pot to every indolent Asian guttersnipe who presented at the mission but the choice cuts and sweetmeats they always hold by for their own kids.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:08:36 PM
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James O'Neill

I didn't get your signed Declaration of Trust. Perhaps you signed it and stuck it on the wall where your visitors could see what a moral hero you are?


Your argument is that Australia breached its international obligations, as proved by
a) calling someone an idiot for challenging you to prove it and pointing out that you have been proved actively dishonest on this twice before, and
b) saying someone is "crawling out from under a rock" when they challenge you.

You're the one saying Australia breached its international obligations. You need to prove it. The idiocy is all your own.

James, I told you, PROVE what international obligations Australia has breached, don't just squark dishonestly about them.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:36:20 PM
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Wow! I'm impressed.

Called to the bar.

Was that god calling, or just the voices in your head James.

Talk about a stuffed shirt.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:50:24 PM
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To James O'Neill

Aristotle claimed that "the highest morality is the protection of ones own people." On that principle, my morality trumps yours.

WW1 was a shock to all of you (at the time) educated elitist super patriots who managed to get yourselves almost shot right out of existence. From that ghastly experience your brahmin caste went in the opposite direction and decided that Nationalism had replaced The Seven Deadly Sins. WW2 added Racism to the creed of those who endlessly blather on about human equality while looking down their noses at anybody who does not possess a degree.

Your claim to be morally superior on the subject of "refugees" is simply vanity, and the deep felt belief that nationalism and racism are the cause of all the world's woes. As a legal person, you are trained to think in absolutes, because that is how laws are defined. So you simply can't imagine how any concept like nationalism or racism can be judged good or bad by degrees. You may believe in thirty shades of grey for homosexuality, but nationalism and racism can only be absolutely wrong in every degree.

Once that philosophy is accepted and internalised, your duty as a human being is clear to you. You have no loyalty to your own people because that is "nationalism" and nationalism is wrong. You support boat people because to oppose it would be "racism" and that is wrong too. Whatever detrimental effects that multiculturism has upon your own society is something you ignore because you can't Save The World unless you adhere strictly to the principle of renouncing nationalism and racism.

Like every ideological zealot of every stripe, you have the amazing ability to ignore any self evident fact which clearly displays that your principles are wrong. It does not matter how many multicultural societies tear themselves apart in civil wars, or how many times the importation of certain ethnicities has always caused serious social strife in every country that imported them. You refuse to look over your ideological blinkers to see what you desperately do not want to see.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 28 November 2014 2:46:56 AM
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