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The spectre of terrorism : Comments

By Bill Calcutt, published 17/10/2014

This paradigm has been shattered in the 21st century with the global ascendance of technology-enabled psychological warfare, with the spectre of terrorism emerging as a universal trigger for a hysterical emotional response.

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Oh, I am sorry Killarney. I thought you might have been growing a brain and realised that your position was so over the top that most people must think that you are a kook. But you are saying that you still believe the evil "west" is behind everything naughty? Hey! Where are you writing this from? Somewhere on the outskirts of Kobane? Because nobody but Arjay and those ISIS nutters could take you seriously.

But please keep it up.

As I have mentioned to Arjay, he is doing the Australian people a real service by frothing at the mouth and making young Australian lefties realise how out of touch with reality the leftist position is. It was just such nonsense like you have written which made me think twice about socialism and the people who advocate it. To accept your worldview was to accept that my people, my culture, my civilisation, and my people's friends are all the scum of the Earth.

That was something that I knew was rubbish. I knew then that people like yourself are either totally stupid or clever liars. You will be happy to know that I don't think that you or Arjay are clever liars. It made me wonder how dumb I was to accept your socialist worldview in the first place. But I suppose when you are young, naïve, idealistic, and feel the need to belong to a group you see as socially progressive, you simply accept without thinking what you are told. You trust that your peers and the people who's group that you aspire to join that they are telling you the truth. Until you hit the yawning socialist credibility gap and are forced to switch on your objective reasoning circuits.

That is why it is important for you and Arjay to keep writing laughable rubbish. We are depending on you now. Why don't you blame the USA and the Euros for burning down the Reichstag too? Perhaps with some creative thinking you could pin the "stolen generations" on them?

Just some suggestions.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 20 October 2014 2:15:38 PM
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Calm down, LEGO. You're the one rabbitting on about 'the evil West', not me, and I suspect that it's YOUR keyboard that's drenched in mouth-frothing spittle, not mine or Arjay's.

Imperialism and its symbiotic relationship to propaganda is not a specifically Western phenomenon. It's just that, currently, the US-led Western nations are the main perpetrators - and even then, it's only a few consistent players, mainly the UK, Australia, Canada, France and to a lesser extent Germany.

And I think you're very out of touch with the so-called 'left'. In fact, a lot of today's left - in their self-righteous obsession with overthrowing tyranny - are pathetic pushovers for any old 'genocide' or 'R2P' propaganda tale. Much of the left have shown themselves to be just as gung-ho about getting embroiled in all these US-NATO proxy wars, as even the most right-wing of warmongers.
Posted by Killarney, Monday, 20 October 2014 6:46:38 PM
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Rabid anti Americanism is usually a reliable indicator of extreme left wing opinions, my dear Killarney. I find it odd that you are trying to distance yourself from your like minded comrades, especially when you are going one better. The Europeans typically get a free pass from the America haters as so many Euros look down on the USA anyway, and think that they are Euros are oh, so ferking sophisticated. But you even want to include the Euros as the new Imperialists. Why don't you just come out and say that you have a problem with the entire white race? Get it off your chest. But I suppose you won't because that would be "racism', and racism is absolute anathema to you moral posers.

Your tactic then becomes, "always imply, but when challenged, deny". The USA, UK, Canada, France, and now Germany are the new Imperialists. In other words, the most significant and important white western governed societies on earth are the bad guys.

Returning to my original theme, this constant criticism of white west European derived governments and their depiction as the scum of the earth by people like yourself was the primary reason I began to question the whole Socialist anti American philosophy and began thinking objectively. It was obvious to me, that people like yourself have a problem with the white race even though you will never admit it. I am proud that my race was the one which defined the modern world and led the way to showing others the way to freedom, scientific achievement, high technology, prosperity and secular democracy.

I am sorry that there are so many dysfunctional races, ethnicities and cultures who just can't get it right, and who want to blame us for their stupidity and poverty. I am amazed that there are people like yourself who choose to live in the West but who never tire of criticising success and excusing stupidity. But when people like you do that, you have a real problem with me.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 3:02:55 AM
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Hi Lego,
I love american culture and its people, but I have a strong distrust of its government. I fully applaud its stated values such as freedom, democracy, rule of law. Unfortunately I see that often the US government acts in direct opposition of these values.

Eg freedom - According to the American Bureau of Justice Statistics over 1% of their population is in its criminal justice system.
2 266 800 were in prison and a further 4 818 200 were on probation in 2011! Many are incarcerated for relatively minor victimless crimes such as drug possession or due to 3 strikes laws. They have the largest private prison industry on the globe. The US has 5% of the world's population, but 25% of the world's prison population - weird huh?

Democracy- the 1st Bush election "win" was highly contentious - remember those hanging chads in Florida? (where his brother Jeb was governor) and all those American citizens who were refused the right to vote because their names were incorrectly listed as felons? There were many many more irregularities, but Bush was eventually "selected" president.

(BTW isn't it interesting that for a country based on "merit" that so many recent presidential and gubernatorial aspirants come from so few families? Some would say that sounds more dynastic than democratic -
Just to show I'm not partisan - isn't it weird that Bill and Hillary Clinton have either been president or run for president? And we have had 2 George Bushes as presidents? Plus Jeb Bush as Governor. You would think the chances of this happening by chance would be over 1 million to one in a truly democratic country.

Rule of law: NDAA that was signed by Obama in 2011 gave the government the right to detain US terror SUSPECTs, (not convicted criminals) indefinitely. For the rule of law to exist, we must all be equal before the law, and be able to defend ourselves from allegations. This is no longer the case in the US it has a new classification of persons who are below the law - terror suspects.
Posted by BJelly, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 10:33:05 AM
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For those interested in history of the CIA and US covert operations, including the use of terror, look up Counter Intelligence on Youtube

On this day of Gough Whitlam's passing (vale),
see 31.51 mins of Counter Intelligence part 1.

Google Christopher Boyce

Google for yourself William Colby, Sir Maurice Oldfield, Nugan Hand Bank to find out what is on the public record - some pretty unbelievable stuff!
Posted by BJelly, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 12:34:01 PM
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Hi BJelly.

The USA is a secular democracy with a political and social system very similar to Australia's. The USA has a lot more criminals than Australia because it has a lot more crime and welfare prone minorities committing serious crimes. Although Australia is doing its best through multiculturalism to catch up. But at least the yanks got the punishment right. They are smart enough to have the death penalty and lock up habitual criminals for life. While in Australia, convicted Griffith mafia hitman James Bazley (strongly suspected of the Donald Mackey murder) got 15 years for murdering Douglas and Isobel Wilson, and knocking off an armoured car payroll. That's five years per murder and the armed robbery for free.

We even had Al Grassby, "the Immigration Minister for the Mafia" who allowed a convicted and deported mafioso to re immigrate into Australia. No wonder the Australian police could not find Robert Trimbole, even though reporters had no problem finding him. Too many senior politicians, police, judiciary and corrective services people got "tips" at the horse races from Trimbole. NSW ended up with it's Chief Stipendary Magistrate (Murrey Farquar) and it's prisons minister ("Buckets" Jackson") doing time in Berrima Jail. A grateful government even put up a statue in Canberra for Grassby so the mafia could put flowers on it.

Democracy. In one election in Australia, Pauline Hanson who got 12% of the primary vote got no seats in parliament while the Greens with 8% got four. If the yanks want to rig their elections they should adopt Australia's preferential system which is wide open to abuse. As a former Labor party member I can tell you that the ALP is controlled by about 60 people who do not give a damn about what ordinary branch members want. That is why the ALP is dying from a lack of branch members. If the ALP had ever listened to their own working class members, we would still have The White Australia Policy, a much lower crime rate, and a welfare system that is not heading for bankruptcy.

Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 21 October 2014 3:58:49 PM
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