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The Forum > Article Comments > Are Australia's actions in Iraq boosting revenge terrorism? > Comments

Are Australia's actions in Iraq boosting revenge terrorism? : Comments

By Peter Coates, published 19/9/2014

The Abbott Government's contention that Australia's return to Iraq will not increase the terrorism risk at home is dangerously contrived.

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This "confusion" about who's White and who isn't is a false contradiction which only exists on the internet, these conversations don't happen in the real world.
You've constructed this silly counter argument to an observation about multiculturalism merely because talking about race makes you uncomfortable.
White is an ethnic identity, White Nationalism is an identitarian movement, the only test is in if you sincerely claim that identity, clearly you don't so no, you're not White. What proportion of Australians are White by that definition I wonder? Not many and that's our challenge, identity first, politics comes much later, if at all.
In the real world there's no confusion around race, bi racial or mixed race people identify as such and nobody pretends to be something they're not.
We White Nationalists don't question anyone else's ethnic identity, why do you feel the need to do so?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 21 September 2014 9:17:11 PM
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Time to get a sense of humour like people in the SAS.


On Thursday it appears police tipped off the media immediately beforehand, allowing the media to be on the scene for the "perp[etrator] walk", where an arrested suspect is paraded to the waiting media to allow photographs and video to be taken.

In its coverage of the event, one Sydney tabloid newspaper seemed little concerned about the notions of the presumption of innocence and natural justice, describing the suspects as "bloodthirsty fanatics … planning multiple beheadings of innocent Australians". Fair trial possible?

Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 21 September 2014 11:13:24 PM
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Sick'em, Jay. Pacifying pacifists is my favourite sport, too.

To Plantagenet.

The USA is friendly with all the "moderate" Gulf States, especially Kuwait, who see the USA as their protectors. The Kurds also seem to be very friendly with the yanks. The Shiites in Iraq are in an odd position. However much they despise all westerners, they have to admit that the USA toppled Saddam who had been oppressing them and using them as cannon fodder for decades. That did not stop the Shiite militias from shooting at the USA when they had the chance. But then they are Muslims and not real smart. They believed their stupid Mullah's who told them the yanks were conquerors who wanted to steal their oil. If they had held their fire and supported the yanks, they would have become the new leaders of Iraq through the general election a lot faster.

Now the Shiites have got a problem. They refused to listen to American advice and instead decided to oppress the Sunnis. ISIS is a Sunni religious nutcase organisation which is taking over Sunni areas in Iraq and claiming to be the protectors of all Sunnis. To what extent the local Sunnis support them, I just don't know. But I suspect that a few months of real Sharia is making the somewhat westernised Sunni populations feeling like Christian scientists with appendicitis.

Western bombers flying in support of the Kurds, the Shiite militias and the Iraqi Army could well send the lot of them fleeing back to Syria. The Kurds fight well, the Shiite militias fight very well, (ask the yanks from Fallujah) and the Iraqi Army can be trained to fight well. At the moment, the Iraqi Army is little more than a job centre for unemployed and unemployable Iraqi males.

Hopefully, the stupid Shiite government of Iraq will see the light and now rule Iraq for the benefit of all Iraqis instead of encouraging rebellion by sticking it to the Sunnis.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 22 September 2014 5:14:54 AM
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It is such a cop-out for you to say dismissively that the SAS should have a sense of humour.

The issue however is your contempt and disrespect for serving SAS servicemen and servicewomen, now overseas and in harms way. They volunteer, but they risk their lives serving where they are ordered by government. They are real, flesh and blood, and their loved ones to whom they may never return are real and have feelings too.

It was your choice to include that video which was irrelevant and quite unnecessary. Why? What was your point?
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 22 September 2014 5:31:38 AM
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Jay of Melb - there is no confusion what colour my skin is and what race that makes me. I don't need you and your White Supremist buddies defining whether or not I'm white because I might have an occasion to express compassion for people of another colour or culture.

Your problem is you obviously don't know or don't agree with the accepted definition of ethnic: "relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition."

Ethnicity has nothing to do with skin colour.

By your narrow minded view, if a white 3rd generation Australian marries another 3rd generation Australian who happens to be Chinese, Italian, or Indian has children, the children will not be true Australians as their skin will be tinted, or tainted in your world.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Monday, 22 September 2014 6:59:37 AM
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The white chooks are running around the hen house crying out, 'The terrible black chooks are coming to take our perches and our food and mount our females! They must be killed!'

In another place the black chooks are shrieking, 'The white chooks are taking over. They want to enslave us, steal and plunder what we have, do obscene things to our hens! They must be killed!'

If there was a god, he would look down from on high and say, 'Such profound stupidity. I'll send a flood and drown all those silly, foolish chooks, then I'll create something with brains who will create a paradise on Earth!'
Posted by David G, Monday, 22 September 2014 7:12:58 AM
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