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Rethinking 18c : Comments
By Andrew Glover, published 23/7/2014The Racial Discrimination Act has more power to protect the powerful than the powerless, and that is a problem.
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Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 24 July 2014 4:06:54 PM
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"Given that white Anglo-Saxon culture has done it’s darndest to wipe out Aboriginal people and culture for a significant part of the time they’ve cohabited Australia."
That's a highly defamatory, insulting and - dare I say - racist comment. If the early British settlers had really wanted to wipe out the Aborigines, there would be no indigenous people left in Australia today. The real issue is that the Aboriginal Australia was simply unable to cope with the arrival of the modern world. It was an archaic culture that was always going to struggle as the world became smaller. If the British had not settled Australia, another power - European or Asian - would have eventually seized this resource-rich continent. The notion that the Aborigines could have remained hermetically sealed off from the rest of the world in some sort of vast anthropological museum is not realistic. Their primitive, nomadic hunter-and-gatherer lifestyle was doomed the moment foreign powers began exploring the Australian coastline. Posted by drab, Thursday, 24 July 2014 4:16:25 PM
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As I posted before, section 18c has been employed by aggrieved minorities and the multicultural movement to gag their opponents as part of their implicit ethnic warfare campaign against the Anglo-Celtic Australian majority. It is clearly a threat to free speech in this country.
To quote academic Frank Salter: "To its supporters section 18C has emotional significance because it is the mechanism by which future enemies can be given the Bolt treatment. The section is a valued weapon in the armoury used by the multicultural “discourse police”, to use Betts’s phrase. That is why Greens spokeswoman Penny Wright saw Government draft legislation to change 18C as “the Andrew Bolt protection bill”. Multiculturalism has always been hostile towards Australia's core Anglo identity. In practise the movement has been predicated on intolerance and intimidation directed at silencing critics, so it is understandable that minority activists are wedded to section 18C." Posted by drab, Thursday, 24 July 2014 4:20:48 PM
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Andrew Glover is a white hating racist who defends 18C because he does not think it applies to him, or other white hating racists who think like him.
Glover made two racist remarks which are illegal under 18c. He accused white '"Anglo Saxons" of "doing their darndest" to "wipe out aboriginal people and their culture." This is an accusation of genocide against a particular ethnicity, calculated to incite hatred and loathing towards that ethnicity. As an Anglo Saxon, I am "offended, insulted, humiliated and intimidated" by Andrew Glover racist allegation which just happens to be a black lie. Glover compounds his racism by calling white people "rednecks" which is a racist slur aimed directly at the skin colour on the necks of white people who work out in the sun. Such white people Glover thinks are ignorant, racist peasants. Now, making negative assumptions about people based upon the colour of their skin, and calling them a race specific slur, is racism, through and through, Andrew. That would be actionable too. But Glover is so immersed in his own "holier than thou" sanctity that he can't even see the racism in his own bankrupt ideology. Now I don't care if you hate white people, Andrew. What I do care about is the total hypocrisy of people like you who can always man the barricades against white racism, while indulging in white hating racism yourself. If you support 18C, just remember it is a two edged sword and you may get hoisted on your own petard. Not that any of the Anti discrimination Boards will come after you. Just like yourself, the ADB boards acquire acute myopia when it comes to negative and racist assumptions about white people. They can find racism in the language of every child's nursery rhyme, and they can clearly see misogyny in Tony Abbot looking at his watch when Julia Gillard makes a speech. But like yourself, they can not see anti white racism when it is staring them in the face, because the fanatical little lefty wing conservative bastards agree with it Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 24 July 2014 4:29:23 PM
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Sorry Day. Sorry (Day) was the day we rolled over and took it fair up the freckle from every one of the basket weavers, & left handed harp seals ad nauseum, without a whimper from our elected representatives.
Herr Fuhrer Abbott and his cronies saw to that well and truly with the gaoling of Hanson & Ettridge, and God help anyone else who gets in his way now he is PM. Julia gave a gold plated hand job to Obama when the US Forces got the nod here in Darwin. How many of the readers are aware that slavery per se is still not protected against in our Constitution ? The right to life all so ? And all I read is whiney whingey... the refugees, the Muslims, the ETS, the Carbon Tax...the Left handed lesbian lemurs of Limmen National Park....barf barf ! You want what? and you won''t even stop to stand up & fight for the most basic of human rights here in your own country ! I started in 2002 writing to MLAs, MPs and even to good people like Nelson Mandela, Geoffrey Robertson, & Aung San Kyu Chee - for advice, but all of it is being thrown in the gutter by our Fascist Crown governments. There is a bigger agenda afoot for this country, and it''s our politicians who don't act in the best interests for us who are letting it happen at the bidding of others. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 25 July 2014 12:14:36 PM
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The world is a very small place, like your brain:)...Just be careful your not being set up:)...Little sites like this, is the reason with the freedom of speech, which we permit you to your applied logic. EJ....the world is watching all of us....try and show a little respect... Tally Posted by Tally, Friday, 25 July 2014 6:07:12 PM
We live by those values and defend them when they are threatened. They are threatened by Islam with its intolerance of any defiance of Moslem values, such as apostasy (leaving the cult), unbelief (atheism, Christianity, Judaism, wrong brand of Islam), impiety (bucking Islamic rules of personal behavior - like women getting uppity), blasphemy (mocking or even questioning their cult and their paedophile "prophet").
The purpose of multiculturalism and curbs on free speech (as distinct from in-your-face personal libels and insults and hate speech in public space) is to criminalise robust defence of Enlightenment values of personal liberty in the face of its enemies. Laws that do this are themselves assaults on what we have won from the Enlightenment, and merit determined opposition.