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On angels and myths : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/6/2014The re-enchantment of the world by way of the Christian story and the art that attends it exists in parallel with our physical understanding of how the world works.
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Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 11:44:42 AM
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Dear runner,
Then, there are people - like the Christian murderers of abortion doctors, who are motivated by what they perceive to be righteousness, faithfully pursuing what their religion tells them. They are not psychotic, they are religious idealists, who, by their own lights, are rational. They perceive their acts to be good, not because they have been possesed by Satan, but because they have been brought up, from the cradle, to have total and unquestioning faith. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 11:58:22 AM
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lets/stop\ELIVATING/the DAFFY/myths
<<>.The Path of Love/is like..a bridge of hair..across a chasm/of fire.>> <<..Not long after Irina Tweedie..met her Sufi Guru,;] ..he explained/to her that.." created..>> STOP/IT..RUNNNG PERRIDICULES.. <<>.or produced>> not so/loing=energising proper loving heals/anything placed between/it [OK/ITS PRODUCT/but not for sale[pro-duce] proseduced..ok its greated/but its a flow of nurturing energy.. found/<<in the heart of the disciple..>> one/who accords\complete jinder/union/strongerlonger/that any earthy marriage.[of soul-union/unity\of/purpose/reason/serving their lover <<>.by the yogic power of the guru.">> <<..This love-relationship is the essence..of the spiritual process>> to true but who needs guru/ <<..what the Teacher..mainly did/was force face>> the LIGHT-ness..LIFE/\'self' [read/micro/flora/fauna\90%..of our bodily dna the absurdity/of 'alone;/when we support/sustain.'serve;..trillions.of micro/life.<<..within myself, and it almost killed me."?? because/her lover/made her see death not that co-creator/goddesss/of universe..tweedie'=me TLM: Before you met your Guru, did you have any understanding of the Guru-disciple relationship? TWEEDIE: Not really. I had studied Hindu scriptures, so theoretically I knew something about it but as we all know, things work out completely differently in life. TLM: For you, then, the relationship was quite new and unexpected—maybe even a shock. TWEEDLDEE..<<deep down, I didn't want him to have a name or a face at all. My friend looked at me and said, "Oh, that's a sign." "A sign of what?" I asked, and she only replied, "One day you will know." I thought I was completely crazy. Those are all signs. He didn't like to be called Guru. We referred to him as Bhai Sahib, a Hindi expression that means "elder brother." When I spoke to him I called him "sheikh," which means "ruler." He was a Master. TWEEDIE: Absolutely. When he told me to write the book, he emphasized, "Write down every doubt!" And I did Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 12:10:01 PM
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Not really, boxgum.
>>Pericles, by my reading of you in your words, you are representative of a whole mindset that works from a false premise... that religious faith is a crutch for the poor and powerless (a good thing) and for those poor inadequate fools who cannot address the world and its challenges ( a bad thing).<< Religion is only partially a good thing when it acts as an emotional crutch for the "poor and powerless". Sure, it might make them less uncomfortable with the real mysteries of their world. But it comes at the price of a loss of control over their own lives, which is how they are then exploited by those who represent religion to them. The history of this exploitation, both material and mental, is both consistent and deplorable. >>To declare from on high that the beauty of art of religious character is but a tool to deceive and exploit places you in barren ground.<< It was more an observation than a declaration, and made as an observer rather than a judge. But we can safely let that pass, I feel, and concentrate on the outcome. What do you personally think was the impact on the general public of the display of (to them) unimaginable opulence, complete with a) gold ornaments on the altar, b) the sounds of a choir singing Taverner's Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas, c) evening sunlight filtering through stained glass, d) the waft of incense as the robed figures processed down the nave etc. etc.? In my imagination, it would have created a distinct atmosphere of "us and them", with the priesthood using the imagery to underline their authority over the peasants, on the basis that they were conveying divine will through their stewardship. What does your imagination tell you? >>Peter's writings here are a source of fine appreciation of the good, the true and the beautiful that can only but inspire the human open to the transcendent to which it journeys - onwards and upwards.<< Only if you have already succumbed to the underlying mythology. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 2:24:18 PM
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STATES..[time/station\standing].. AND STAGES..[settings/symptoms\situation] full and free Spirituality is../a long journey from maximum unconsciousness to self to other higher/or lower into cosmic consciousness. We can distinguish 10 stages of Consciousness HIGHLIGHTING infinite states/on this journey. These stages are characterized by what consumes the..aTE (attentions of Time and Energy) ..of the personal occupations//and\space/face/place\of spiritual progress by process /resession\REGRESSING/OR\\PROGRESSING... [our preferences/obsessions/ foibles/hobbies relations/negations \duty/service/interrelations obligations and occupations/Advance/us spiritually/or retard/us\nothing is of null-affectation.] attentive-Time-Energy OCCUPATION/includes attenuation of our emotions/and all we THINK→DO→HAVE/feel say feel hear speak//write/utter/wish/hope/sense/or embody/ENTRUST HOUSE.OR HOST emotives of trust promotives of lust' correct.righteous/just. BE-IT/of the personalization/or generalization:..the time,timing and interests, goals, desires, thoughts, planning, resources, money and resources, and efforts. These stages are, therefore, a progression of values and motivations in the beginning/simple SURVIVAL/consumes/our energies and time.. then..comfort/security/nurture/pleasure/amusement/bemusement..simultude.language sense SELF AWARENESS/feelings/Wariness/of other/sensual-awareness curiosity/faith/trust/BETRAYAL then/[THE DARK/NIGHT\OF/THE SOUL[REALITY/HITS]..FEELINGS OF GRIEF/LOSS/REJECTION/ACCEPTANCE NEED/TO\KNOW/ SEARCH\TEST\Analise/reflect/practice/formulate recognize perform/ense possibility/realize probability[see an awakened reality/loose it/find it again] try to explain/try to retain/try to amalgamate/TRY to demonstration/seek to negate/hesitate/relate/negotiate. delineate delegate/hesitate/masticate/debate de'bait/stimulate recognize resonate envision/yearning interrelation/negotiation /marry\betroth/wed =*BE BIRTHED/re incarnate. *bare/bones/plagiarized/from Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 8:43:57 PM
More to the point Pericles it takes a special kind of mind to be so blinded by your own dogma and to deny the obvious.