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On angels and myths : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/6/2014The re-enchantment of the world by way of the Christian story and the art that attends it exists in parallel with our physical understanding of how the world works.
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But what is the nature of true discipleship?
It necessarily requires the help/guidance and especially the demands of a living Spiritual Master, and the practice of comprehensive psycho-physical disciplines.
Anything else is just the intrinsically God-less ego (or sinner) playing games with itself.
This essay describes what it really takes to be a real disciple under the guidance and demands of a living Spiritual Master.
This set of references also describes the necessary psycho-physical disciplines which are the necessary prerequisite for genuine Spiritual practice or discipleship.
It is interesting to note that one can read/peruse any/all of the usual Christian blogs and websites, including those associated with Keith Ward and his "orthodox" associates, and you will not find anything promoted therein which is even remotely like what is described and thus required in the above two references.
Another essay on the source of our individual and collective disenchantment.