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On angels and myths : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 30/6/2014

The re-enchantment of the world by way of the Christian story and the art that attends it exists in parallel with our physical understanding of how the world works.

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Peter tells us that this essay was inspired by his reading/study of the book The Politics of Discipleship by Graham Ward.
But what is the nature of true discipleship?
It necessarily requires the help/guidance and especially the demands of a living Spiritual Master, and the practice of comprehensive psycho-physical disciplines.

Anything else is just the intrinsically God-less ego (or sinner) playing games with itself.
This essay describes what it really takes to be a real disciple under the guidance and demands of a living Spiritual Master.

This set of references also describes the necessary psycho-physical disciplines which are the necessary prerequisite for genuine Spiritual practice or discipleship.
It is interesting to note that one can read/peruse any/all of the usual Christian blogs and websites, including those associated with Keith Ward and his "orthodox" associates, and you will not find anything promoted therein which is even remotely like what is described and thus required in the above two references.

Another essay on the source of our individual and collective disenchantment.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 30 June 2014 9:15:20 PM
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'Jokes aside....Why are religious people so infatuated with children? '

tell me why so many unreligous people murder children before birth Kat
Posted by runner, Monday, 30 June 2014 10:51:45 PM
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That's a very revealing remark, runner.

>>r u talking about porn Pericles. That seems to obsess the arty farties in the secular world. Only they call it 'art'.<<

If you read what I wrote, you would see that I am clearly referring to the propaganda power of Christian art. When I described the "sheer beauty of the artists' product", it was, quite obviously, Mr Sellick's example of Fra Angelico's altar piece that I had in mind.

It is interesting - but not altogether surprising - that your mind turned instantly to the idea that some kind of smut was involved.

Most informative.

Try lifting your sights out of the gutter once in a while. Not everything is about sex, you know, despite what you may imagine.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 10:52:30 AM
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'It is interesting - but not altogether surprising - that your mind turned instantly to the idea that some kind of smut was involved.'

No Pericles just revealing how quickly you are to point out what you call propaganda from 'christian ' artist and ignoring the obvious propganda and perversion of secular artist. Not surpising though.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 11:23:04 AM
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Pericles, by my reading of you in your words, you are representative of a whole mindset that works from a false premise... that religious faith is a crutch for the poor and powerless (a good thing) and for those poor inadequate fools who cannot address the world and its challenges ( a bad thing). I am afraid I must fall into the second category as I am not poor nor powerless as I have lifestyle choices available.
The price you pay for your elevated position is one of cynicism and an inability to rise above the mundane. To declare from on high that the beauty of art of religious character is but a tool to deceive and exploit places you in barren ground.
Peter's writings here are a source of fine appreciation of the good, the true and the beautiful that can only but inspire the human open to the transcendent to which it journeys - onwards and upwards.
Posted by boxgum, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 11:38:06 AM
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Nice try to wriggle out of it, runner. Not very convincing though.

>>No Pericles just revealing how quickly you are to point out what you call propaganda from 'christian ' artist and ignoring the obvious propganda and perversion of secular artist. Not surpising though.<<

As most people can see, Mr Sellick's article is about Christian art, which was why I was making observations about Christian art. Neither of us mentioned secular artists, or their "perversions".

It takes a very special kind of mind to imagine that what we are in fact taking about is porn. But it does appear that you possess such a special kind of mind, runner, and every so often you let your guard down to show it to us.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 1 July 2014 11:39:34 AM
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