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The Forum > Article Comments > The right to sexual fulfilment: a privileged gunman, misogyny and social comparisons > Comments

The right to sexual fulfilment: a privileged gunman, misogyny and social comparisons : Comments

By Rob Cover, published 26/5/2014

By any measure the Santa Barbara shooter was privileged, but apparently privilege isn't enough.

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Doubtless, many millions of men and women feel resentment and frustration daily as a result of sexual rejection and frustration. That's what we like to call 'the human condition'. And it is surely just a matter of statistics that, in the accumulated billions of such events globally, there will be a few participants who take violent action and, now, apparently, in the extreme, multiple murderous retribution. Very, very sad, and truly horrible for the quite innocent victims, who include this young man's family and friends. I might be a mere statistical aberration myself, but what I find really alarming is that one can become an Associate Professor of 'social and cultural studies' through the professional contemplation of such stuff.
Posted by Tombee, Monday, 26 May 2014 9:28:44 AM
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IF…women’s rights were subjugated to male rights (As once was), then the poor deluded fool would simply have raped a women of choice, and all would be alive today! Some stark choices!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 26 May 2014 9:46:19 AM
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Carver's analysis is important as it revives key feminist commentaries about gender and power and the intrinsic expectations men have about their right to sex. I also agree with the point about the predominance of mass media that places sexual gratification as a right of passage to being a man - especially in the teen movie genre that not only depicts the kind of desperation articulated by the gunman but presents women as disposable and as commodities for that gratification. The trend toward 'clinical' psychologized explanations for acts like this are part and parcel of the failure to recognize the deeply ingrained resistance to women as equal beings both in a representational sense and an actual sense. By all accounts this was not the act of an 'abnormal' or deranged person but the act of a highly privileged young man who was seeking revenge on women because he failed to exert his power to fulfill his idea of a 'normal' transition to manhood. On this basis, this event should reignite discussions about men's views of women as secondary citizens - still after 40 years of struggle for equality by women, the failure of many men to embrace this primary goal often leads to self-righteous violence towards women.
Posted by Ruthlesley, Monday, 26 May 2014 10:27:15 AM
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Clearly nobody here including Rob Cover has read Elliot Rodger's autobiography, I have, all 140 pages of it,so does anyone have any questions?
There is no broader context in which his actions sit, this was a kid living in a parallel world, isolated from society by his own neuroses, who far from feeling entitled describes a life shaped by nothing but paranoia,insecurity and madness .
Elliot Rodger lived entirely in his own head, his words and actions don't reflect anything in the real world because nothing in the real world could pierce the bubble in which he existed, it's the ranting of a lunatic.
Rob Cover and all the other Feminists are just ambulance chasers, it's appalling but most everything in Liberal democracy is on the nose. In truth these are people who still think Valerie Solanas was onto something so the fact that they take seriously the ramblings of someone as obviously crazy as Elliot Rodgers isn't a surprise, their side is full to the brim with mental patients.
For the record, as of this writing four out of six of the victims identified were male.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 26 May 2014 10:50:35 AM
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<For the record, as of this writing four out of six of the victims identified were male.
<Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 26 May 2014 10:50:35 AM

Interesting how facts can be conveniently left out, if they do not support an ideology.

This sad and tragic case represents more the failure of the mental health system., the failure of people around this person to detect the signs of mental illness.
Posted by Wolly B, Monday, 26 May 2014 11:21:31 AM
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What I find passing strange Rob, is the fact that the man's father, sought help from the police days before this multiple tragedy? But for unfathomable reasons was ignored!
If anyone knows how someone is faring,or coping, then surely family members closer than anybody else, must at the very least have some insight?
And his quite patent preoccupation with women and sex with them, probably suggests a heterosexual male, albeit one seriously unwell!
Clearly his parents should not have been ignored, nor his ready access to firearms!
Just these two factors, attended to with urgent alacrity they truly deserved, may well have prevented the killing spree!
And perhaps finally, a register of prohibited person, may keep some of these patent nut jobs, from some sources of lethal weapons?
This register needs to not only circulate around all the gun shops but firearms markets as well, with a severe (accessory before the fact) penalty, for selling a firearm of any description, to any prohibited person!
I mean, they're never going to rewrite the Constitution and or the right to bear arms!?
So the least they can do, is legislate to cut off all the legal channels for those with a conviction, or a reportable health condition!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 26 May 2014 11:25:20 AM
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