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Why we broke the law : Comments
By Laura Vertigan, published 17/4/2014I was one of those weirdo Christians who got arrested in Julie Bishop's office yesterday.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 17 April 2014 6:18:53 PM
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What will you do when you let them out, then other parents send there unaccompanied children?
Approx 50 million refugees world wide, how many will try to come? Where do you get the thousands of homes to house the 50,000 plus Gillard and Rudd let in? Now will go go to jail in support of the tens of thousands of homeless Australians? Guess one reason why the pension age is proposed to be raised to 70, refugees that have been in Australia more than 5 years and 85% are still on welfare we support too many bludgers and Economic Invaders. Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 17 April 2014 6:29:42 PM
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From the site: “While Walden can be applied to almost anyone's life, "Civil Disobedience" is like a venerated architectural landmark: it is preserved and admired, and sometimes visited, but for most of us there are not many occasions when it can actually be used. Still, although seldom mentioned without references to Gandhi or King, "Civil Disobedience" has more history than many suspect. In the 1940's it was read by the Danish resistance, in the 1950's it was cherished by those who opposed McCarthyism, in the 1960's it was influential in the struggle against South African apartheid, and in the 1970's it was discovered by a new generation of anti-war activists. The lesson learned from all this experience is that Thoreau's ideas really do work, just as he imagined they would.” Those who use civil disobedience must accept whatever is done to them without violent retaliation. It doesn’t always work, but violence doesn’t always work either. It should not be used where there is a democratic alternative. In the case of the asylum seekers with both major parties taking the low road apparently Laura Vertigan didn’t think there was a democratic alternative. I don’t either. It has worked in the US to get rid of the laws mandating racial segregation. It has done much to realise the promise in the US Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’. Gandhi used it in India to get free of the British occupation. tells of an incident during WW2 in Berlin where it even worked against the Nazis. By protesting and publicising her protest Laura Vertigan is appealing to the conscience of the Australian people. I wish her success. Please read Thoreau’s essay. Even if you don’t agree with it you will learn what Laura Vertigan is about. Posted by david f, Thursday, 17 April 2014 7:22:24 PM
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We should never lose sight of the bigger picture as to why there are so many refugees on this planet.
Firstly is the phoney US war on terror that is really about stealing Iraqi, Lybian, Afghanistan energy/resources and containing Russia and China.Read 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by Johns Perkins and learn how the West gets countries into debt and steals their resources. Bankers who create money from nothing are able to own our Govts ,media, huge corporations and thus us. Oxfam recently quoted a stat that 87 people on earth have more wealth than the planet's 3500 million poorest. This pre-occupation with illegals is a just a distraction from the real game of looting our economies and keeping us peasants subjugated. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 17 April 2014 8:25:40 PM
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Dear Laura.
The entire western world is getting utterly fed up of the importation of people into their countries, who have cultural values diametrically opposed to those of the European countries they wish to inhabit, and who's ethnic, religious and tribal loyalties transcend any sense of national identity. The primary reason why third world immigrants want to invade your country, is because their own multicultural countries are so hideously overpopulated, that the different cultures are polarising and are turning on each other. The reason why you live in a prosperous and free society (which is getting less free because of multiculturalism) is because Australia is still largely populated and ruled by white, and usually Christian people. If you want Australia to turn into a third world state, just keep importing third world people from other cultures. This is already happening in Europe, where the stupid Euros are now doing their population sums and figuring out that the native whites will become a minority in their own countries within 50 years. And the people who they are now importing, and who are breeding like flies, have no interest in maintaining the freedoms that you take for granted and which drives our prosperous economy. If you are a Christian, then go and talk to some Christians from Egypt of Syria, who will tell you in no uncertain terms what living in Islamic societies is like for Christians. Everyone in the third world would just love to get on a boat and live in the first world. They will do anything to get here. Anchor babies, sending their kids, destroying their identities, demanding refugee status, and rioting if they do not get it. Your Christian charity should be directed at the your own people and maintaining our free and prosperous community. Not misdirected at people who simply barge uninvited into our country, who are only concerned with themselves and their own groups welfare, and who may even want to destroy the values you cherish, while destroying the prosperity you take for granted. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 18 April 2014 6:00:12 AM
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arjayquote..<<>.This pre-occupation with illegals is a just a distraction from the real game of looting our economies and keeping us peasants subjugated>>
see how they sell sitcoms we bought into the dream..instead of family we are 'the team' or the state..or the nationality..or the sex..or the point is we are all being made over into clones.. how to explain whats going dpown globally is they give us foodstamps or subsistence dole/where most half goes back direct to some capitalist ladloord..landlord..[we ARE SEEING REAL ESTATE UP AGAIN IN IRELAND..yet still 5000 ghost estates they bought up pennies in the pound to rent assisat imagrants to fill to fill the capitalist bill..dole rent assistance..[yet more drain/from the public purse..filled only by selling more public services or sin taxes or other increases in govt theft[read tax burden] WE ARE SEEING HOUSES GO UP/SEEING EVICTIONS AND REPOSSESSIONS THEN HUGE GOVT TAX ADVANTAGED FIRMS CREATING THE NEXT INVESTMENT BOND[RENTED HOUSING]...damm the next bubble/rental houses paid for immigrants via dole payments its a hidden bailout but further burden on us..GLOBALLY.. i wish people would..get the facts Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 April 2014 8:18:54 AM
I mean, there were certain advantages, up to the end of the war, in not being Jewish? And their paperwork, may have reflected that.
I mean, plenty of various so-called allied nationals turned on the Jews for reward or just a loaf of bread!
As did some Jews, who may have kept their real origins to themselves, fearing retribution?
Boat people seeking sanctuary, are hardly a new phenomena, with the ship of shame sailing halfway around the world, and the Jews only allowed to disembark, with the exchange of very large sums of money? That said, I'll take your research on board, with the respect such investigative fact checking deserves!
Cheers, Rhrosty.