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Why we broke the law : Comments
By Laura Vertigan, published 17/4/2014I was one of those weirdo Christians who got arrested in Julie Bishop's office yesterday.
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Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 18 April 2014 9:09:20 PM
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david f, please, you can't be serious, Robertson is a kook and widely accepted as a kook. He does not command the ubiquitous support that sharia does by Muslims.
I'm afraid Jay is correct, any Muslim who does not support sharia is an apostate and in dire trouble [see Ayaan Hirsi Ali]. Support for sharia amongst Muslims is almost total. There have been at least 3 large surveys done amongst Muslims living in both Muslim nations and in the West. The surveys found that Muslims do not like the Western democratic model and want sharia to prevail. See: Most people don't understand Islam; it is not just a religion; it is a total social, political, economic, legal package which seeks to replace the secular Western model. Robertson has no such plan in his dimwitted mind. He is just a kook making ghastly capital out of one of the worst atrocities in mankind's history. I get sick of this continual distraction of comparing Islam to other religions. Islam is not like other religions NOW. Right now Islam is making a concerted attack on Western values. Muslims do not come here to assimilate but to spread their form of sharia. If you don't understand that you are part of the problem. Posted by cohenite, Saturday, 19 April 2014 8:51:58 AM
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understand? THE system IS GOING FULL ON TO discredit an enemy/any enemy.. it needs distractions[re-actions activations/did-motivations.. it can get on screen/to instill fear TODAYS special ops/NOTES Earlier this week, Jews exiting a synagogue were handed leaflets by men wearing balaclavas and Russian flags informing them that they were required to register themselves and a list of their property as well as pay a registration fee or they would face deportation, have their citizenship revoked, or have their belongings confiscated... ITS TYPICAL..[LIKE GAYS BASHING GAYS TO SAY WE GAYS ARE BEING BASHED [the ruski flags was the give dis-info intel go away] oh dear dangle a plan..any plane/plan.. how lame/[redirection]..high level defection? or how about gettinG PEOPLE AFRAID..POLICE KIDS...NOT BANKERS? ANOTHER seed fruit the ape/HORSMAN..a pox-o/lips 18 DAY INCUBATION BEFORE SYMPTOMS? 77% of the Mumps patients got Mumps,by injection they got it FROM the vaccine! Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 April 2014 9:07:46 AM
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You're pretty spot on and off topic with your critique of Islam, as one of the most revised religions in the world, with the exception of peace loving, coexisting Sophism, remaining the most non-revised of all? Jihad i.e., used to mean, a personal internal struggle against one's own internal demons! Nowadays, it is quite grossly misrepresented, to allow various factions, to make war on themselves, and do exactly what the Koran expressly forbids, namely, spill entirely innocent blood! And by the shipload! The problem with these fakers are many, and if they had no religion or "righteous cause", they'd invent both, given, in truth, they are nothing more than just common thugs, rapists, thieves, murderers and the brainwashed, who have found themselves a very convenient vehicle and endless scapegoats, that allows them to vent their inherent murderous blood-lust and other excesses, via endless, supposedly sanctioned, outlets! Incidentally, many of my Polish and German friends are also Jews, although you wouldn't think so to look at them or their passports, with some, now deceased, admitting to being part of blond, blue eyed, Hitler youth! Apparently, that latter feature was a bit of an alleged plus in gaining entrance into white Australia. After all, it seemed to represent, a strong back and a weak mind, very much in demand, during the heady days of white Australia? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:16:15 AM
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Dear Dan,
Luther was a mixed bag. From “Divided by Faith” P.18 Restricting the authority of magistrates to the latter, Luther had denied them any jurisdiction whatsoever over matters of belief. “Luther was the most widely read author of his generation, and within Germany he acquired the status of a prophet. According to the prevailing view among historians, his anti-Jewish rhetoric contributed significantly to the development of antisemitism in Germany, and in the 1930s and 1940s provided an "ideal underpinning" for the Nazis' attacks on Jews. Reinhold Lewin writes that anybody who "wrote against the Jews for whatever reason believed he had the right to justify himself by triumphantly referring to Luther." According to Michael, just about every anti-Jewish book printed in the Third Reich contained references to and quotations from Luther.” Although he did make a statement about magistrates having no jurisdiction over belief his vicious attacks on Jews disqualifies him as a supporter of separation of church and state. Separation of church and state means freedom for all religions not just those approved by Luther. Dear Lego, A priesthood being unchristian? What Christian priests do is Christian by definition. Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. “The treaty was a routine diplomatic agreement but has attracted later attention because the English version included a clause about religion in the United States. "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” Dear Yuyutsu, Nonsense repeated remains nonsense. Posted by david f, Saturday, 19 April 2014 11:05:00 AM
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<<What Christian priests do is Christian by definition. Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits>> Wow! So can we extend that to: what Muslim imans/ayatollahs/mullahs do is Islamic by definition? Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 19 April 2014 11:40:39 AM
Global Islamic Jihad has been in remission since the 1920's because it's been lacking the support of a state or an empire, now the Saudis, Turkey and the Qataris are pouring money into Islamist groups you're again seeing the glow of burning villages on the horizon. The Jihad only took 20 years to completely destroy the classical world in north Africa and the Middle East, in our own lifetimes we may again see the Islamic armies at the gates of Vienna..or Warsaw..or Paris.