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Alice in the Wonderland of the UN : Comments
By Babette Francis, published 7/4/2014CSW debated a resolution recognising seven genders. This was unlikely to be adopted by the Australian Parliament, but it gave the impetus for the Australian Human Rights Commission to acknowledge 23 genders and Facebook is up to 50.
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Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 9:55:14 AM
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UN NGO's are required to arrange and pay for their own accommodation and travel. I'm sure that many people connected with the UN would love to stop Babette and her colleagues going but that would greatly reduce their credibility as an organisation speaking for women. It would then be like "Your ABC" or the "Spencer Street Soviet" that are recognised as citadels of left-wing power. Mind you the UN is a citadel of left-wing power anyway and has been since the Korean War.
Posted by Gadfly42, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10:01:38 AM
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"I hadn't realised there were socially irresponsible condoms "
Promoters of condom use are socially irresponsible when they mislead by implying that they have a zero failure rate. According to a Wikipedia comparison table of birth control methods that lists the chance of pregnancy during the first year of use, male latex condoms have a 'typical-use' failure rate of 15%, which is not insignificant. Even the 'perfect-use' failure rate is 2%. A 'perfect-use' rate is where any rules of the method are rigorously followed, and the method is used at every act of intercourse. (( As an aside, by advertising its bevy of beauties, OLO appears to be catering for Alex in Wonderland. Some may regard it as commodifying women -- hardly an appropriate accompaniment for Babette's article. Posted by Raycom, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 12:56:51 AM
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Aristocrat says: <<this stuff ...only exists in the middle classes of the West... I doubt non-Westerners would find this stuff appealing>>
Actually, I doubt that too many Westerns find it of great import either. Yet it is apparently front & centre at the UN! Inclines one to look more kindly on some of the conspiracy theories. Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 6:19:05 AM
I think the article was pointing out that the Western feminists weren't too interested in food shortages, lack of sanitation, and diseases in the 3rd world. They were more interested in exporting ideas like inventing, celebrating and/or tolerating various types of "genders". It may be hard to understand what the feminists mean here, but in post-structuralist philosophy (from which feminism springs) they are obsessed with breaking down fixed character traits and trying to make people 'free' where they can 'invent' their own identity and gender. From a conservative, 3rd world perspective, this stuff is ludicrous. This post-modern identity fetish where you can 'make your own identity' only exists in the middle classes of the West (which itself is born out of numerous errors in reasoning). I doubt non-Westerners would find this stuff appealing considering their cultures are usually strongly embedded in tradition, rather than projections of fantasy.