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The Forum > Article Comments > Failure will come from Kerry's acceptance of Jew hatred > Comments

Failure will come from Kerry's acceptance of Jew hatred : Comments

By David Singer, published 13/1/2014

John Kerry is trapped in a Vietnam War paradigm that has no application to the Palestinian question.

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Hatred of many things is so easily placed on those who allegedly do those things.

Blanket terms are used such as the "US", "Israel" and "Jews".

If qualifiers were used, such as neocons, rightwingers, Likud, settlers or Netanyahu, it would look less like bald racism.

New Anti-Semitism is developing simultaneously from the left, right and "libertarians" (aka Tea Party).

New Anti-Semites frequently oppose Zionism and Israel but then most significantly move their statements on to demonise Jews.

For many opposition to Israel, capitalism, bankers and "banksters" transforms itself into an excuse or opportunity to demonise Jews.

Quite a good program screening at the moment is "Generation War", Sunday, 8.30pm, SBS One, about 5 friends in WWII. One who is Jewish, 2 are in the German Army. Its about their experience in Berlin and the Russian Front . Anti-Semitism and warfare are, of course, major themes.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 14 January 2014 1:08:15 PM
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P.S. I could also substitute the word 'deplore' or 'loathe' for the word 'hate' which might help some people to see the point I am making.

For example: I deplore the brutality of the Israelis and I loathe the way America goes about its imperialism pretending to stand for democracy and human rights. This stops the people who accuse me of hate in their tracks.

All I want is a peaceful world where there is equality and justice for all.

Posted by David G, Tuesday, 14 January 2014 1:09:57 PM
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David G

Strange you remain silent about the brutality and atrocities of the Palestinian Arab murderers mentioned in my article.

I guess by your warped standards the Jews and Arabs slaughtered by these low life deserved what they got.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 14 January 2014 9:00:35 PM
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The granting of Israel to the Jews was a legitimate act of the Allies when they defeated Germany and the Ottomans in WW1. It was only done after the League of Nations had established Jewish continued presence in the land of Israel. Israel declared its independence after WW2, and has been fighting a war of survival against its neighbours ever since.
But surely, even if Arab lands were given to the Jews by the Allies, why would blame the Jews? Why abuse, berate, murder the Jews who legitimately hold those lands now? If injustice was done, it was done by the United Nations, not the Jews.
A rational apportionment of blame, however, does nothing to abate the visceral hatred that Moslems have for Jews and for that their religion is to blame for it supports the same blasphemies against Jews that the Nazis espoused. One might reasonably ask what possible use do the Persians have for nuclear weapons - other than to destroy Israel.
The argument that really grates, however, is the one that commence "I am not anti-Jew; but I am anti-Zionist". I heard it first from an educated, mild mannered Englishman who swung that cudgel around his head and delivered it in eloquent tones.
A young European woman delivered her theological justification: the Jews deserved to die at the hands of Nazis because "they killed Jesus." The French, we know, conspired with the Nazis to send French Jews to the death camps.
People say they are only anti-Zionist; but the only practical result of that policy must be either to abolish Israel and send the Jew back to those countries where inhuman sentiments are cultivated; or, which would have the same effect, to abolish Israel as a homeland for the Jew and to create a create a multicultural mecca.
It is because of reasonable people like that, that the Hebrews need Israel, need a shelter from the anti-Zionist and the anti-Jew. Either solution would mean the death of the Jews and Israel, thank God will not permit that to happen.
Posted by David Long, Tuesday, 14 January 2014 9:49:23 PM
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David G,
I intended going through your comments one by one showing where you are wrong but I get the impression that you are so indoctrinated by the Far Left there is no point. Your thoughts and ideas are so far away from the truth it isn’t funny.

Your antisemitism shows by every comment you make and your protestations only serve to heighten that.

• Latest figures BTW give a 15% obesity rate amongst the children of Gaza.

A couple of questions for you.

Why is it that the Arabs in Israel who will be under the control of the PA, if (that’s a big ask)there’s a peace deal made, don’t want that.? They want to be under Israeli control.

Abbas has said he won’t make peace and will never accept Israel

Under Palestinian law, if Abbas signs a peace agreement with Israel he would be subject to the death penalty
Posted by SF, Tuesday, 14 January 2014 10:10:15 PM
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Oh dear. Religion has so much to answer for. If the world were full of Agnostics, the word 'extremist' would barely exist. Hatred, loathing, discrimination,ignorance... wow the list goes on.
Posted by jodelie, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 6:50:05 AM
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