The Forum > Article Comments > Would an 'unconditional basic wage' work? > Comments
Would an 'unconditional basic wage' work? : Comments
By Mikayla Novak, published 3/12/2013Milton Friedman liked the idea, as did Friedrich Hayek, but could guaranteeing everyone a basic wage, whether employed or not, work?
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And why should someone have grievances against me, just because I work (hypothetically speaking)?
People who work enjoy the benefits of society ? Yes, maybe, precisely because they have earnt them. Drones and blow-flies don't really earn very much at all in comparison. Those who work, CREATE precisely those benefits - what do the drones do for society ?
Sorry, Yuyutsu, you lay down so many red herrings that one doesn't know where to begin. But I suppose they could feed your drones :)
Ideology or reality: which prevails ? Reality is 'there', ideology is 'somewhere else'. Build your ideology on reality, not fantasies. And the reality is, I suspect, that there have always been 'free riders', loafers, ever-ready to bott off other people, in all societies, even hunter-gatherer societies, although there, they would have had to use their wits (perhaps become 'elders' as quickly as possible) to avoid effort and share in what the women gathered and the men occasionally hunted for. And the reality has been also, that they have everywhere and always been a drain on society.
So why shouldn't all able-bodied people work, preferably at what they liked doing, but really at whatever was necessary for their society to continue ? Contribution and benefits should roughly match.