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Antisemitism still alive in Australia : Comments

By Julie Nathan, published 2/12/2013

Jews in Australia, as elsewhere around the world, worship, study, and work, under the protection of high fences, armed guards, and other security apparatus.

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i have..not noted the author presenting the raw numbers
but she..did send in two/of her masters..from..on high..[two/new to olo/posters]

anyhow..its good to see/the word getting out

poor grayham..must be copping some flack..
quimtus..especially..could have tried refuting the post..not the poster..[but this standard..]..its sad..if they had proof..they would have

but the numbers are pure spin[to/get near the one quarter/assault/spin
they [julie]necessarily needed to minimize..even/the number/of posts such as mine..easily surpass..the 675..[if they are regarded wrongly as anti-zion/seminite/shite]

anyhow..the worry..isnt..based in reality
thus part of a psy-op/red or blackflag event..likely on the 8th candle-day

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke bread for the first time with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

The two leaders exchanged gifts and discussed plans for a papal visit to the Holy Land in May, as well as peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

the pope got a book..[from..neta's daddy

as a historian, Mr. Netanyahu reinterpreted the Inquisition in “The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain” (1995)...offered evidence that most Jews in Spain had willingly become Catholics and were enthusiastic about their new religion.

Jews were persecuted, he concluded — many of them burned at the stake — for being perceived as an evil race rather than for anything they believed or had done. Jealousy over Jews’ success in the economy and at the royal court only fueled the oppression, he wrote. The book traced what he called “Jew hatred” to ancient Egypt, long before Christianity.

In other words, Ben Zion Netanyahu’s argument shifted the root blame for the Inquisition from religion to ingrained racial animus–from the spiritual to the secular.

If one was going to give the Pope a book about the Inquisition, then, this would be the one. Moreover, not only does the book’s revisionist reckoning partially absolve Christianity for Spanish persecution of the Jews,

The elder Netanyahu’s account of the Inquisition then, whatever its merits as a reconstruction of the past, serves as a powerful warning
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 8:53:07 PM
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I think it is a silly question, David G. Whereas I would not have put it past the Arabs to engage in such behaviour had they won the 1967 war, the Jews can find more socially acceptable ways to get rid of their unwanted minorities.

They could just copy Islam, and spend centuries making it plain to all non Jews that they had better convert to Judaism or get out. They could copy Islam by putting special taxes on non Jews. Kill the odd non Jewish religious leader. Look the other way when some small massacre of non Jews happens somewhere. Refuse to allow the building of non jewish religious buildings and refuse to allow the repair of others in dire need or repair. Have a legal system which considers any evidence by non Jews to be unreliable. Make certain that all non Jews live in fear. Rape their women at every opportunity. Force the non Jews to form special army units that will be in the front lines and will get killed off first in any war. Build a synagogue on top of every significant non Jewish site to prevent non Jews from accessing their holy places. Such tactics have been a very effective means of social control and ethnic cleansing practiced by Muslims for centuries.

Finally, have your western supporters always scream about non Jewish attempts to defend themselves against Jewish religious imperialism while never mentioning the fact that by copying Islam, the Jews have been effective and imaginative ethnic cleansers for centuries.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 3:57:38 AM
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what have the servants of satan/done while we sleep?

more muslims..into'camps/then gulags



one/dead..palistinian/child..EVERY 3 days



UN declares 2014 the ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’

the frenchie'/connection


Palestinians to protest JNF event: Trees are soldiers in occupation


security..for corporations

the maps/story

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 6:01:45 AM
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You missed out a word:

" .... have your western supporters always scream about non Jewish attempts to defend themselves against Jewish religious imperialism while never mentioning the fact that by copying Islam, the Jews COULD have been effective and imaginative ethnic cleansers for centuries.'

Just trying to help :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 8:11:27 AM
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nice try joe

LETgo..wrote..<<..the Jews have been effective
and imaginative*..ethnic cleansers for centuries.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 3:57:38 AM..>>

joe came here..from there

but he is trying to build his lego blocks..differently
but kitchen..too

we are talking..of the settlers..
who/ dark/ under?

UNDER*..talmudc law?
read the rule those zionists[sorry jew/
sons of jewish-..mother' in the deserts]
quotations;..from the Soncino Edition
of the Talmud,(Book]

SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?...

Rab said:..Pederasty with a child
below nine years of not deemed
as pederasty..with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..
the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy


do you get that joe?
now lets go younger

[is/this..what the settlers are doing in the deserts

YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it

the daughter of a..'proselyte'..
who was under..the age of three years[and one day]...,

and Rabbi declared her/eligible*
to live with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years
and one day married by a priest...

*And was a priest.

(i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."]


Child sacrifice was practised in ancient times as offering to the Ammonite god Molech a worship of natural fertility which was forbidden by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18: 21; 20: 1 - 5; 1Kings 11: 7; 2 Kings 17 17; 21: 6; 27: 10; Jeremiah 32: 35; Ezekiel 16: 21.
Tradition ascribed to Sanchuniathon stated that the Pheonicians sacrificed children.

the practice of Mlk occurs in Ugarit texts and has been ascribed by Gordon as a kind of child sacrifice (C H Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook 1947 edit page 246)

what happens to..a nest of vipers?
when..its only..the innocents..that are..
the offering blood-'sacrifice' satanic vices..of athiest-secular/man..putting mens urges..before god.

ye shall..put..none..before god
love loving his children..dont include rape...
murder/maiming/mutating/pill-aging..nor looting..or poluting

by their works..will we know them
trouble is..the nest a..nursery
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 8:34:22 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

I don't know why Palestinians don't vote in
Israel. I can only hazard a guess due to the
treatment that they receive and how even in Israel
the media often fail to inform readers of the
reality of Israel's strangehold.

What I do know is that criticism of Israel should
not simply be to label critics as antisemites
but to begin focusing on justice for both Israelis
and Palestinians and not just on military might.
The Jewish state can only ignore majority world opinion
for so long.

Despite these uncomfortable realities, as Loewenstein
points out in his book, " the Israeli
perspective is far better "understood" in the West largely
because of the Zionist lobby's activities, but also because
Israel's struggle against "terrorism" is now framed even
more so since September 11 - as "our" struggle against
Islamic fundamentalism. The Palestinians are not particularly
effective at translating their message for a Western audience,
and most Western journalists based in Israel spend relatively
little time in East Jerusalem and the occupied territories."

"Zionist lobby groups in the USA, United Kingdom, Europe and
Australia are highly vocal and efficient at persuading
journalists, editors, and politicians that Israel must be
supported and defended. Ferocious media monitoring groups
such as HonestReporting contribute to the atmosphere of
intimidation. They also refuse to tolerate dissenting opinions
on the conflict, and actively campaign against Jewish and
non-Jewish critics."

Foe example, Dr Ilan Pappe, Senior Lecturer at the University of
Haifa in Israel and author of, "A History of Modern Palestine,"
today lives in London with his family. Pressure against him
in Israel forced him to move.

So, how can Palestinians be expected to behave normally under
these sorts of conditions and use their right to vote.
Intimidation usually wins out.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 9:20:09 AM
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