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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine: Rudd And Carr tightlipped on anti-Jewish policy > Comments

Palestine: Rudd And Carr tightlipped on anti-Jewish policy : Comments

By David Singer, published 27/8/2013

Labor is divided on the legality of Israeli West Bank settlements.

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From the Lakemba Mosque statement, "And that means respect for the right of Israel to exist. But we want that Palestinian state to exist, in the context of a peace in the Middle East, and that's why we say, unequivocally, all settlements on Palestinian land are illegal under international law and should cease."
And from that statement, which speaks against Israel expansion into occupied Palestinian land, Mr Singer manages to declare a wholly imaginary anti-Jewish policy. He does his argument no good by conflating a criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish, or anti-Semitic, intent. Sloppy reasoning, really. But then that's David, isn't it?
Posted by halduell, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 8:29:39 AM
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david singer..<<..Rudd well as the Labor Party had adopted as policy..that Jews had no right to legally live in the West Bank...>>

what rot..
live where you chose
just dont claim ..more than..the right to live IN PEACE..there

you dont got no rite to build walls/terrorize/trick..nor drive
any people..from their homes

nor to bomb the natives into ever smaller gulags

what dont you get yet?
its not yours..its gods..

grow up david

you want Armageddon
think again..pal..your insane..

go home in peace..
war is over./.cause we want..*peace..not pieces

get it?

let celibate..
gods people ..welcome home the peacemaker/comforter.

perace at last
peace at last

this time it lasts
the first ..were the last..

to get it
see the joke..

now learn to love..[other..
ie..not just thy own]..peace..shalom
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 8:45:46 AM
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To #halduell

How would you describe a policy that denies Jews have the right to live in their ancient biblical and historical homeland in an area designated by the League of Nations and the United Nations as giving them the legal entitlement to do so?

Pro-Jewish or anti-Jewish?

To #one under god

You state:

"live where you chose
just dont claim ..more than..the right to live IN PEACE..there"

The problem is that Mahmoud Abbas does not agree with you - as the following statement makes clear:

“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,” Abbas said following a meeting with interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour in Cairo as reported in the Times of Israel on 30 July 2013.

1.2 million Arabs live as equal citizens with 6.3 million Jews in Israel.

Abbas is not prepared to have one Jew live in the state of Palestine he is seeking to create.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 9:47:07 AM
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'Labor is divided on the legality of Israeli West Bank settlements.'

I'm surprised they even care one way or the other, seeing as though they are attempting to govern a different country ie Australia.

I am shocked that you care seeing as how Australia has absolutely no international influence in this area.

'motivated to vote against Labor policies that deny Jews the right to settle in the West Bank '

Just how do these policies deny the rights of Jews in another country? I am surprised the 'policies' exist in the first place, given the Australian government has no jurisdiction in other countries affairs.

Perhaps they have to placate the loonies that are more interested in impotent symbolic gestures than the good of the country they are actually living in.

'Hastily conceived policies drawn up in the heat of an election campaign appear set to hit the Labor Party with devastating effect.'


Are there really that many Jews and Muslims in Aus with a persecution complex?
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 12:21:22 PM
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Singer equates the statements that settlements in the West bank are illegal with "Jews have no right to legally live in the West Bank."
Pretty absurd statement really.
We would not tolerate Israeli settlements in Australia either, particularly not if they came accompanied by the Israeli Army, massive walls, land theft and violence against Australian citizens. This does not mean that "Jews have no right to live in Australia" though. Of course Jews have the right to live in Australia. But only as Australian citizens. Not some separate, heavily armed nation within a nation.
I am sure that the Palestinians would not object to Jews wishing to live in the West Bank if they wished to live there as Palestinian citizens though. Particularly if it resulted in an end to the military occupation of their country. This is not what the settlers want though. They wish to extend the the Israeli jurisdiction into the lands it conquered in 1967 and in fact have done so.
Of course, Mr Singer will deny that Palestine is a country or that Palestinians even exist, so such arguments will have little impact on him I'm sure.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 1:45:43 PM
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Houellebecq. I don't think it is the 'total' Moslem/Jewish population (%), but the % in key marginal seats that are targeted, hence, Lakemba being the western Sydney venue for this 'policy on the run' pronouncement.
I agree that " Australia has absolutely no international influence in this area" other than our soon to be filled seat on the security council.
Many of the best legal minds in the international forum are trying to 'nut out' the legal position of the West Bank, given the clearly stated intention of the UN and the League of Nations declarations of recent history. To unquestioningly accept the legal view of a narrow clique of Labour infused foreign affairs lawyers would be unwise I think
Posted by Prompete, Tuesday, 27 August 2013 1:53:04 PM
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