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The Forum > Article Comments > How to stop the boats > Comments

How to stop the boats : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 6/5/2013

The Government cannot stop the boats and the Opposition's plan won't do it either. But charging a fee will.

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"Years ago they used guns to invade other countries, nowadays it's done by stealth under the guise of seeking asylum..."

If you're refering to Muslims, then I think you'll find that they tended to be the invaded rather than the invader.

Like to have a peek at the map with the pretty colours?

It's called colonialism.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 6 May 2013 11:59:04 PM
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"I will hunt down and gut the next moron who calls asylum seekers "illegals"".

You're a sick puppy.

Suse says;

"We need to stop them ever getting on the boats in the first place."

I bet you oppose interfering with the rotten regimes, all of them muslim, from which the faux asylum seekers come from, don't you.

And I bet you don't mind those faux asylum seekers commiting illegal actions here against the Western system which attracts them.

There is no rhyme or reason or logic to you people.

Let me spell it out; I have no problem with immigration, as long as it does not destroy the social and political and economic framework of this country.

I do have a problem with groups who declare they are against this framework, most of them queue-jumpers.

And I do have a problem with the disgusting comments and fanaticism of people like Marilyn.
Posted by cohenite, Tuesday, 7 May 2013 12:00:25 AM
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Cohenite, I don't know if anyone can argue with such a bitter, frightened person as yourself on this forum.

Asylum seekers are not 'faux' if they end up being allowed to stay in Australia.
Not all 'rotten regimes' are Muslim. That is a hysterical, racist comment.

Only a few Muslim immigrants have committed 'illegal actions' in this country, and far less of them than from other religious backgrounds or atheists.

" I have no problem with immigration, as long as it does not destroy the social and political and economic framework of this country."
Big of you Cohenite, but what Muslim immigrants have done this so far? Aren't you being just a little over the top?

Marilyn's comment was obviously tongue in cheek, whereas Hasbeen's comment was sincere. It's scary there are people like you out there who are so skittish for no good reason...
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 7 May 2013 12:50:46 AM
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The very first change I'd love to see is complete withdrawal of all aid to corrupt regimes like Indonesia until / unless they honor their obligations re people smugglers. Next, there needs to be a NON-political review of what are genuine refugees & what are opportunists. The debate cannot include politicians or lawyers as they are all without exception self-serving parasites. People from Sri Lanka for example are most probably NOT genuine refugees since the country is not at war, is encouraging tourism, so called 'refugees' travel through a number of other countries to get to Indonesia, and many asked to be returned to Sri Lanka rather than housed on Nauru. Australias relationship with the UN should be the subject of a referendum. There are far too many instances where the rights of Australian nationals are secondary to the rights of aliens, surely that must be grounds for treason charges against those who entered into the agreements. For the benefit of the peanut gallery, note that the Human Rights & Equal Opportunities Act states that 'Australians are not a race'. Whilst unwritten, the implication is that this refers specifically to whites of anglo-saxon ancestry. Interestingly, virtually identical law exists in the UK, the US, Canada & the Irish Republic, all signatories to the UN convention.
Posted by praxidice, Tuesday, 7 May 2013 6:31:31 AM
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It's pretty disturbing how this divides people but there's one sure way to stop that. Get those in favour to put up their hand to support the asylum seekers or whatever they claim to be. All not in favour will not have any of the asylum seekers imposed upon them within a 1000km.
Those in favour can either move to the asylum seekers' new settlements or simply just send money to them.
Poirot, Marilyn Shepherd, Paul1405, Lexi, Suseonline et al I'm sure your taxpayer provided 30 pieces of silver would go a long way towards helping these soldiers of religion to achieve their goal quicker.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 7 May 2013 6:40:02 AM
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The best way to assess public opinion re 'refugees or whatever' would be a referendum. Mind you I'm convinced the bloodsucking parasites in Canberra have the interests of other than constituents at heart. Whether that be their legal eagle mates or the UN is another story. Despite the frequent cries 'a referendum would cost megadollars', they could actually be done quite economically IF there was a will to do so.
Posted by praxidice, Tuesday, 7 May 2013 7:48:48 AM
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