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Palestine - hands up those who hate Jews : Comments
By David Singer, published 7/12/2012These 138 States were effectively signing the eviction notices for 600000 Jews who have been legally living in these areas for up to 40 years pursuant to the rights conferred on the Jewish People.
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Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 3:31:12 PM
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Under the lies of 911 done by the the Muslims,Bush had the Patriot Act at the ready to strip us of our rights.Obama brought in Preventative Detention whereby even those suspected of of terrorism can be indefinetly detained without trial or legal council.Obama also legalised the assassination of suspected terrorists by the CIA.
The latest Obama Presdential signing order was the NDAA.(National Defence Authoristion Act)whereby the US Military can arrest and detain anyone in the West without trial or legal council just like Bradley Manning. Israel via it's association with the Rothschild Banking empire have a huge influence on the US Federal Reserve ( a private cartel of banks) who create all the money for the US Govt to function.They have nearly all Congress in their back pockets and the legal system who make all the laws. In the West we have just a few thousand people who control our Govts under the lie of democracy.China and Russia have their own vision of a "New World Order".Their people are also enslaved. Unless we the people become aware and demand change,the likes of David Singer will have us totally subjugated to modern serfdom that will be our worst nightmare. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 8:09:30 PM
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To #csteele, #Emperor Julian and #mac
I could almost believe you were one and the same person in that the following pattern is evident from our exchanges: 1. You make general and unsubstantiated comments. 2. I reply with facts to rebut your comments. 3. You don't attempt to deny or disprove the facts on which I rely or produce other facts to rebut mine. Instead you launch into a personal attack on myself. As I have said on so many occasions - attacking the messenger and ignoring the message is to be abhorred. Posted by david singer, Thursday, 13 December 2012 8:48:40 AM
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"...attacking the messenger and ignoring the message is to be abhorred." -but this is precisely what you did to me on a previous strand by calling me a "Jew hater" in response to a post which in no way could have been interpreted in that way. Posted by Stan1, Thursday, 13 December 2012 9:11:43 AM
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To Stan1
My reason for calling you a Jew-hater can be gleaned from many of your posts on OLO including the following: 1. "Self defence from a few home-made rockets is the given reason for their genocide." Monday, 5 January 2009 12:01:33 PM 2. Is Israel an apartheid state? Of course it is. It is a home for the Jews, and all non-Jews are inferior. Saturday, 9 April 2011 12:13:48 AM 3. I am currently reading 'The Invention of the Jewish People' by Shlomo Sand, which if you have not read, I thoroughly recommend. It's about nationalism and racism and demonstrates convincingly that the stream of East European Jews taking over Palestinian land and homes have no basis of claim on the country. Thursday, 6 October 2011 8:12:59 PM 4. There is a people who lived in a place called Palestine who call themselves Palestinians. Having lived in their homes and tended their olive trees for about a thousand years or so they experience the injustice of being ethically cleansed from their homes by another people who call themselves Jews, but who lived in places like Eastern Europe but had a grandmother who was a Jew by religion. They do not want to give up their homes under these circumstances and insist that they should stay or return there and that they should be treated with justice and as equals by the newcomers. Wednesday, 14 November 2012 3:50:04 PM 5. How long this would take David and what would happen in the meantime would depend on goodwill from both sides and that includes the Jewish side and what they teach in schools and whether they stop their ethnic cleansing and the brutality of their occupation. Tuesday, 25 September 2012 11:18:26 PM Do these statements sound like the words of a Jew-lover? Who are you trying to fool - if not yourself? I have good reason to call you a Jew-hater based on the above FACTS. Do you have any reply in rebuttal based on FACTS? You have real form mate. Posted by david singer, Thursday, 13 December 2012 10:29:04 AM
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David Singer,
Stop whinging and acknowledge that the old ploy of labelling all critics of Israel as "anti-Semitic" is well past its 'use by' date Posted by mac, Thursday, 13 December 2012 10:39:15 AM
your heritage is based on one book.