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Israel’s Arab Spring : Comments
By Gary Gambill, published 16/11/2012As the greatest outbreak of Israel-Palestinian hostilities in years unfolds in Gaza, many Israelis are bracing for reaction from the surrounding Arab world.
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Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 22 November 2012 3:16:25 PM
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A giant step towards middle eastern peave.
Istael has agreed to lift the blockade of Gaza and to stop killing Palestinian Governmet and Hamas Leaders. And the Yanks went along with those conditions negotiated by the Egyptian Morsi. Stunning victory for peave. Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 22 November 2012 7:55:21 PM
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I assume you mean "peace" not "peave" What augurs well is that Morsi, the Islamist who said he would never talk to the "Zionist entity" has ended up as the guarantor of the peace. Not that the poor fellow had much choice given Egypt's terrible economic situation but, still, he decided to be sensible and deserves some credit for that. Now will Hamas be able to deliver? Will they be able to stop Islamic Jihad from firing rockets? That will be interesting. Personally I think Israel's destiny is to be a sort of Singapore of the Mediterranean. With peace that can be achieved. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 22 November 2012 8:09:31 PM
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nothing special re 7 december..its just that is when my web acces expires..[and at this stage i see no reason to renew acces to the i feel people arnt here to share into nor learn..but only blog as their told and/or prevent others from changing things.
for egsample in the past i would have needed to know why you say..""Netanyahu has thoroughly wedged morsi'..but today its an issue i couldnt care less about [any leader wedged..,been bought/sold.. soldout to serve adgendas..of an elite..while at the same time fleecing the people. even israel becomming the signapure..of the fringes of the middle east..only reminds me that our fuel is priced at parity..with signapoor crude price[consistantly much more that usa crude... its a clever trick..where our cheap fuel is priced at signapoooer special blend price..cause that way they can fleece us more... much like unions have betrayd us..and agreements with usa have doubled the price and duration of patent product..we are living in a cooperate hell..[where corperations have human rights..and the people just the cash cow..[witness the increase of meterd minimum acces fees/'service charges/bankfees..etc all stuff we could have been takling about but instead we wasted the years talking of the adgendas/distractions spins[like the recent..lated cast lead..or opperation pillary rage and plunder..the loud cloud gets the grease. the media is bought sold..[as if sport is news] todays media..adgenda is designed to destract.. buisiness designed to loot and plunder..and im sick of playing the dumb games..thats why...i have namecalled some great minds..because they added to the errors..not sought to fix.. yeah the game is rigged so why put off the inevitable.. let evil do as it may..cause it allways has.. i thought i could help people find the good of god..instead i found the worse of men...and im sick of the games of greedy needy weedy men... let god love em.. i cant..the game is rigged..cause ignorants think this game is all there is.. anyhow all the best steven. Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 November 2012 6:33:00 AM
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im noting france is supporting recognising palistein
yet australia adopts the stance of the lap dog alp caw-cuss. no motion or debate in parlement just the spin meisters running the alp..abstaining* thats about all you can expect from the zion mouth piece..that pays lip service side by side..yea right.. its pathetric..but the zionist controled media wont allow its disscussion..nor the lap dogs of the alp lap dog caucus of the faceless..[as in loss of face]..SHAMED/BIASED/LIARS SPINMEISTERS.. that passes for governing class..yer refuses to allow australias 'vote] abstention intention.. to be decided by the elected representatives only the a cawcuss..[lap dogs to the zionist abuse previously record..not in the house..lof the people. we need an aussie clean up the lawyers running a grand scam on the litle guy..where steal two packs of biskets get taserd to death.. ripp off billions..get bailed out..pathetic.. too pathetic for the media has sold us out.. feeding us yanki soap/gibberish and sports and opinion as news. nuthin new..we lorded over by the few read the writting on the wall juliar Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 2:50:22 AM
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Last few flurries of links before 7 December? Oh well, have a nice life :-) Posted by stevenlmeyer, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 6:13:03 AM
>>you will be happy to note that from 7 dec you can do as you like
cause i will be doing what i like..but not on be happy..suck it up boy..>>
Again out of curiosity what happens on Dec 7? Other than the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbour?
For the rest.
So Morsi, the Islamist president of Egypt who never wanted to talk to Israel is now Israel's de facto guarantor of peace. He has had to put his personal prestige on the line and go against the wishes of many of his Islamist supporters.
Netanyahu has thoroughly wedged him as Begin did with Sadat in the 1970s
The opening of border crossings, including the Rafah, crossing means that Gaza will increasingly become Egypt's problem.
If the ceasefire holds this is a big win for Israel and Netanyahu tho' I expect the usual gang of Israel-haters will try and spin it into a Hamas victory.
As Fareed Zakaria writes in today's Washington Post:
Israel dominates the new Middle East
>>These are the realities of the Middle East today. ISRAEL’S ASTONISHING ECONOMIC GROWTH, its technological prowess, its military preparedness and its tight relationship with the United States have set it a league apart from its Arab adversaries. Peace between the Palestinians and Israelis will come only when Israel decides that it wants to make peace. Wise Israeli politicians, from Ariel Sharon to Ehud Olmert to Ehud Barak, have wanted to take risks to make that peace because they have worried about Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state. This is what is in danger, not Israel’s existence.>>
(My capitalisation)
All in all a promising day for Israel.