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Winning not lecturing : Comments

By Graham Young, published 22/10/2012

Loved overseas, but relatively unloved at home, Julia Gillard's lecture probably still improved her position.

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Graham why don't they a special word that describes the hating of men.There are lots of women these days who hate men.Is that not one group using their sexuality as leverage to gain advantage?

Misogyny for women and perhaps Misterogyny for men.This special word misogyny,by inference suggests that women are in some way inferior and need a leg up to be equal.

Julia Gillard is not going to deflect attention away from her party's ineptiude by clinging to desperately to women's perceived oppression like some of the Zionist's use the Holocaust as a cover to oppress the Palistinians.

This is all just like World Championship Political Wrestling and is intended to distract our attention away from what really matters.Both parties are guilty of this.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 October 2012 8:37:23 AM
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The word is misandry.
Posted by halduell, Monday, 22 October 2012 8:59:28 AM
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Watching Abbott V Gillard is like watching Alien V Predator.

Whoever has the upper hand - the taxpayers of this nation should be afraid, Very afraid.

Taxation, immigration, low living standards and all the media in the world to disprove it and worst of all PRIVATISATION of every government duty except tax, counting immigrant votes, armed forces, police and government salaries and privileges will no longer be an electoral concern of our leaders. We will in fact be ruled by callous ARBITRAGE merchants from California, while our leaders will become benign dictators.

The article in today's SMH about the Arbitrage surrounding electricity price hikes is PROOF. Despite falling power demand, the Arbitragers are gold plating poles and wires based on rising demand that does not exist.

Whilst Gillard is excoriating Abbott, watch as she hold an inquiry into elctricity prices and ends up kissing lying power company butts.

Kindred spirits mate!
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 22 October 2012 9:44:40 AM
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It's a very interesting phenomena this gender card.

Not unlike the Jew card it must be said.

This misogyny line is genius, it's impossible for Abbott to defend against. Abbott must fight Gillard's aggression with one hand tied behind his back. If he returns fire, he is a misogynist, the new reds under the bed. If he brings his wife out he's hiding behind her skirt, so he's either a wimp or a bully.

You'll see a lot of feminist analysis that poor Gillard because she is female is forced to choose between being seen as hysterical/shrill or be passive, and the trouble women encounter when they dare to be aggressive rather than 'nice'. Never will you hear a mention that Abbott must be constrained in any counter-attack because Gillard is a woman.

I still wager authenticity trumps all though, and I see Abbott as more authentic, a sexist lame, gay churchy loser as his daughter so incisively labelled him, but an authentic lame, gay churchy loser.

I am enthused by the unmasking of Gillard's fight, and I am pleased with her when she behaves this way, as I see her as more authentic. It rings more true than the slow talking headmistress act. But as authentic as she appears in that episode highlights how unauthentic she has been overall.

She would do well to chose one persona and stick to it until the election.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:10:41 AM
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Misogyny is the mystery Prat,she's called the hidden law.

She's the bafflement of Abbott's facade,the source of Labor's disrepair.

Her powers of deception would make Richo stare;

And when you reach the scene of the crime,the AWU is not there.

You may seek her in the basement,you may look up in the air,

But I'll tell you once and once again,Misogyny's not there.

Misogyny is Ginger Cat, she's very tall and ....

Perhaps others could finish the poem.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:19:08 AM
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< Our polling doesn't show sexism as a significant voting issue >

Well thank goodness for that Graham. Crikey, it really should be a complete non-issue. Wherever we have male and female leaders, there is going to be accusations of sexism, to the extent that those leaders would either have to be extremely careful with what they said and how they said it – much more careful than the average person – or just ignore the stupid criticisms.

Meanwhile, we have these two peas in a pod, with very much the same political agendas, rushing us towards the cliff, with scant little countenance from anyone!

Now, if only we were to have an ongoing debate between one political party and leader – Abbott, who pushes for endless rapid growth, and the other party and its leader who said in 2010:

“Australia should not hurtle down the track towards a big population" “We need to stop, take a breath and develop policies for a sustainable Australia. I support a population that our environment, our water, our soil, our roads and freeways, our busses, our trains and our services can sustain"...

...then we might have a meaningful debate on our hands!

I see this sexism stuff, as well as the Thomson and Slipper sagas, as nothing more than the terrible misallocation of energies and the hijacking of meaningful political discussion, at a time in our history when we so desperately need to embrace the path towards a sustainable future.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:33:03 AM
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Perhaps your responses says more about those attracted to the left, than anything else.

I once had a post deleted when I referred to the "hairy armpit brigade". I thought this was unfair in the extreme, as it was a common usage when I was at uni in NSW in the early 60s.

I was paying my own way so did not have time for politicking, but there was a definite bunch of lefty women, Labor or Communists I didn't bother to know, who were thus referred to.

In a group they looked like they were bound for a fancy dress party dressed as Lenin. It was a studied presentation, in dress & grooming, to look as unattractive in the general sense as possible. It appeared they hated men, hated being women, & were damn sure they were going to show it.

The little I saw of Gillard presenting that speech, brought a picture of those students flooding back. I don't think I ever heard any of them speak, but I'm sure they would have sounded just like that.

Hate springs eternal, in the lefty breast.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 22 October 2012 11:04:05 AM
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The Rudd/Gillard leadership of what was once a great Australian political entity, the ALP, has dropped us into ad hominem politics. Twitter politics.
How Gillard must loath us, to so debase the national dialogue. What a hollow, hollow leader she is.
Australia deserves better. Before this latest misogyny outrage, I was quite content thinking I would once again cast an informal vote. Because let's face it - neither side inspires.
But not now. Now she has to go. Even if it means replacing her with Abbott, she has to go
Posted by halduell, Monday, 22 October 2012 11:40:59 AM
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It is surprising how many have been mesmerised by Julia Gillard's spin on misogyny.

Julia vehemently attacks misogyny, but practises misandry by showing her hate for Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd. This is arch hypocrisy on Julia's part.
Posted by Raycom, Monday, 22 October 2012 11:47:06 AM
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Replacing her with Abbott, i don't think so, labor would never allow that.
There's plenty of sour grape juice around, and probably more so today.
Just because you are not comfortable with a woman as number 1, you should be judging how the nation is doing as a whole.
You know what will happen if Abbott gets a chance, belchin joe will be put in last place.
Mr Abbott is a political illiterate, and a dangerous man.
Posted by 579, Monday, 22 October 2012 11:55:25 AM
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The effect of Ms Gillard’s speech on voting intentions is less important than the cultural effect. She has struck a significant blow, personalised on Tony Abbott, against the long standing often subliminal put down of women, especially by the likes of the Les Pattersons to whom Alan Jones makes his pitch. As a communicator, Ms Gillard has always been a lot better in combat than in boring lecture mode.

What she barely touched on was the sustained attack on the reproductive rights of women, the right to make their own decisions. Mr Abbott has long been in the thick of this largely religion-based attack. His hold on the leadership is not guaranteed, and if Ms Gillard has damaged this and should the Liberals get smart and revert to the credible and respectable leadership of Malcolm Turnbull she could have contributed to the electoral victory of the Coalition.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 22 October 2012 12:10:11 PM
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Attacking or hating a couple of men is not misandry.
Posted by McReal, Monday, 22 October 2012 12:29:00 PM
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Agree with EmperorJulian, Saw and heard the whole speech, and thought, not before time.
This piece of memorable oratory will go down in history; and has already had more than three million online hits!
Comparatively, Rudd's memorable Apology, only created around two hundred thousand?
Again, and there is a very shrewd operator, somewhere in Labour's ranks, the early mid year budget update, will put the economy front and centre once more.
And why wouldn't you, if indeed, we are blessed with the best performing economy in the western world?
It's said you invariably get the parliament you deserve, and that means we deserve Tony and the, negative central coalition; and the return of a relabelled work choices; and, vote buying welfare for the better off?
With diminishing revenue, it is going to be interesting to see how he pays for it?
An austerity program perhaps, that all but shuts down discretionary spending, and with it, the domestic economy?
If Tony is authentic, I believe he will see to it that we once again use our extremely abundant energy resources; all of them, to encourage the relocation and or rapid rebuild of a manufacturing based economy. Don't see Labour dilettantes doing it!?
As for carbon?
What's is wrong with simply creating a gradually lowering cap, and only taxing that part which remains above the cap, with progressively punitive imposts?
Besides, a roll back is not going to progress through the Senate, even after a double dissolution?
A double dissolution, might well work to disadvantage the coalition; but particularly, if they have kicked in an austerity program, to try and get all the bad medicine down our collective throats, before their parliamentary mid term.
I might be fulsome, in my admiration of our very first female PM; but, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to vote for her, or any other party hack?
But will reflect on all the issues, and then vote, wait for it, for direct action going forward!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 22 October 2012 1:17:45 PM
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'reproductive rights'

What, you mean abortion rights? Lets call a spade a spade, and steer clear of the Orwellian doublespeak.

'Attacking or hating a couple of men is not misandry.'

But funnily enough not agreeing with any woman in a position of authority or even just maintaining and promoting a lifestyle with traditional gender roles seems to be labelled misogyny.

I cant wait to see how long this ban on sexism and misogyn, applied universally, will last.

The score is currently 2-0 in favour of the Coalition.

1. Goal one in the 20th minute...

2. Goal 2 in the 34th minute...
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 22 October 2012 2:34:11 PM
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For a woman who has stabbed four male leaders of the party in the back to get the top job to whine about sexism is really a bit rich.

She wouldn't know real sexism if she fell over it because we old broads fought a war to stop things like women being sacked because they got married, or being forced to give up their babies because they were not married.

Gillard is happy to jail men, women and children who have really escaped woman hating thugs but can't bear any criticism.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Monday, 22 October 2012 2:48:07 PM
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McReal: "Attacking or hating a couple of men is not misandry. "

Granted, that is insufficient reason to call Julia Gillard a misandrist, just as it is erroneous to call Tony Abbott a misogynist.

On the basis of her many romantic affairs, perhaps a more appropriate label would be the antonym of misandry, namely, "philandry, the fondness, love, or admiration of men", according to Wikipedia.
Posted by Raycom, Monday, 22 October 2012 3:06:41 PM
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The philandry aspect did cross my mind.

However, I think Tony Abbott is on shakier ground given several of his past general comments about women:

"While I think men and women are equal, they are also different and I think it's inevitable and I don't think it's a bad thing at all that we always have, say, more women doing things like physiotherapy and an enormous number of women simply doing housework."

"It would be folly to expect that women would ever approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, their abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons."

"I think I would say to my daughters if they were to ask me this question... it [their virginity] is the greatest gift that you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving and don't give it to someone lightly, that's what I would say."

"I won't be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated [for cervical cancer], maybe that's because I'm a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won't be."

"Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations."

Marilyn Shepherd, Mon, 22 October 2:48pm,
there were only male leaders before Gillard. She didn't seek the leadership on the basis of gender; she got it handed to her b/c the incumbent was dysfunction as a leader.
Posted by McReal, Monday, 22 October 2012 3:51:50 PM
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Australia has been extraordinarily tolerant of our first female PM .. unmarried but living in the Lodge; taking Tim across the world with her; making / unmaking promises and numerous policy stumbles a more experienced politician would not have made.

Her confected outrage and charges of misogyny are both hypocritical (given her support of Slipper) and a smokescreen to mask the bad news about corrections to Swan's poorly thought-out budget
Posted by traveloz, Monday, 22 October 2012 4:10:59 PM
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Been drinking vinegar again. Toxic Tony is having his own rhetoric come back at him. After months of bad mouthing, he got what he deserved.
You had best get to like the labor way, because there won't be any alternative.
Toxic Toni has had his day.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 23 October 2012 7:09:39 AM
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She was involved in the deposing of Beazley, then Crean, then Beazley, then Latham and then Rudd.

Looks like 4 men to me.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Tuesday, 23 October 2012 1:59:00 PM
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Graham wrote “Abbott was genuinely surprised by the attack, and allowed himself and his frontbench to be drawn into the controversy, distracting him from issues which long term might do him more good”.

I think the speech in some ways has let Abbott off the hook. I haven't found anyone who thinks his 'Dying of Shame' comment was unintentional. If one watches the recording he addresses the whole parliament while working up to the punch line, looks down briefly to make sure he was getting the wording right then stares directly at Gillard to deliver the line.

Any of us who have played contact sports, or for that matter any competitive sport, know how prevalent sledging can be. Australian cricketers have been amongst some of the most prolific employers of what can be pretty unsavoury tactics. The aim is simply to put someone off their game. Often there is no real hatred or malice just a desire to win and the practitioners are usually surprised when it isn't left on the field.

In Abbott's admittedly 'blokey' world the victim should have just sucked it up and got on with the game, perhaps to land a sly blow of their own later.

But in reality to have referenced, through the efforts of Alan Jones, Gillard's recently deceased father showed a side of him that is unpleasant, unthinking, and disturbingly self-centered.

Julia Gillard's speech and the focus on the issue of misogyny has taken much of the attention away from his comment. But when people start thinking about whether they want to see him as our prime minister this will be in the mix.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 23 October 2012 7:23:05 PM
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